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Fallout 4

That sounds like fun :D
I find the BoS utterly odious tbh, I must do at least 1 playthrough where I side with them just to experience it, but it's going to be difficult.
Odd thing is, some of the US gaming sites I frequent, a lot of people seem to think that the militaristic little shits are the 'good guys'.

I was starting to think that the game had no more tough fights in it. Im not sure I liked the railroad ending that much, but I suspect my surplus of free time is drawing to a close.

I did quite like them for a bit, but that was more that after running lots of errands for for farmers it felt like they meant buisness and they had cool toys and you got to fly over the commonwealth and onto an airship.

I will go back and load it up and complete it with them, but not for a bit. I've sunk a stupid amount of time into it since I got the PS4. More time then I've spent for years and it's the only game I've played on it.

Quite like the look of the witcher 3 mind :hmm:
I was starting to think that the game had no more tough fights in it. Im not sure I liked the railroad ending that much, but I suspect my surplus of free time is drawing to a close.

I did quite like them for a bit, but that was more that after running lots of errands for for farmers it felt like they meant buisness and they had cool toys and you got to fly over the commonwealth and onto an airship.

I will go back and load it up and complete it with them, but not for a bit. I've sunk a stupid amount of time into it since I got the PS4. More time then I've spent for years and it's the only game I've played on it.

Quite like the look of the witcher 3 mind :hmm:

BoS do have the best toys, that's for sure - did you take the opportunity to hail a vertibird taxi and man the on-board mini-gun? Gave me a great deal of satisfaction that did :D

Witcher 3 is superb, Fallout 4 would in any other year have got my personal GOTY award, but Witcher 3 just pipped it to the post. It has a lot of dialogue and cut-scenes, people who aren't into lengthy exposition and plot development and would prefer to just get on with hacking monsters up poste-haste may not appreciate that aspect of it. I like that, but that would be the main reason I can think of as to why it may not be everyone's cup of tea.

Well that and people who have a problem with sexual content in games, but none of that is compulsory. It's actually tamer than #2 on that score as everyone seems to keep their underwear (or at least the lower garments!) on.
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Oh yes. Slaying huge super mutants from the air was kinda fun.

I got a little bored of some of the fallout cut scenes toward the end but am still game. It's between that and Shadow of Mordor that looks to be more pick up and play (and cheaper) :hmm:
Oh yes. Slaying huge super mutants from the air was kinda fun.

I got a little bored of some of the fallout cut scenes toward the end but am still game. It's between that and Shadow of Mordor that looks to be more pick up and play (and cheaper) :hmm:

Well I think the Witcher 3 dialogues and cut-scenes are mostly meaningful and expand the plot or introduce you to characters and their motivations. I've always been one to say that I'd rather play a game than have a 'cinematic' experience, but IMO Witcher 3 does it really well as most of the time you are directly involved in the action and there is a large world to explore, just that there are some very lengthy (like 20 minutes) dialogue scenes at various plot points, which I know for some people is too much dialogue and then some.

Honestly though, if anyone had kept me talking in Fallout 4 for 20 minutes I'd have probably just exited the game, but The Witcher 3 is very well written and the dialogue is interesting, graphics and atmosphere are fantastic, and introduces various aspects of the plot.
I'm the same, usually not a fan of long cut scenes and cinematics but they seem just about right in W3

At one point I recall a quite long conversation/argument you can have with Dijkstra about his political motivations for getting involved, and it's a really interesting conversation. Everyone you can have extended dialogue with doesn't just exchange pleasantries, there's something there in terms of either understanding them as a character, or moving the plot along in some way. It's really well done.
Ok I'm convinced Epona & Chilli.s . Now watching a few copies on ebay, but most of the buy it now are £35+. Annoyingly I saw it new before xmas for £25 from a proper site.

The downside to console gaming I guess, but if I buy 3 games this year, compared to the PC upgrade I specced, I'll still be massively quids in.
£25 for a good second hand copy seems about right. That's my top end price for games, but knowing how good it is Id say its fair to go £30. I wanted to re-play GTAV on my new xbox1 and was shocked that s/h its still £35, Rockstar must be rolling in it.
£25 for a good second hand copy seems about right. That's my top end price for games, but knowing how good it is Id say its fair to go £30. I wanted to re-play GTAV on my new xbox1 and was shocked that s/h its still £35, Rockstar must be rolling in it.

Yeah, that seems about right. I've got a few on watch. I'm just being impatient. :D
I'm going through my 2nd ish playthrough (I restarted after too long a christmas break). Currently level 25ish and a little bored to be honest. It's worth sticking with the railroad for the ballistic fibre perk. I currently am wearing a natty tux and hat which has a better damage resistance than some power armour.

Even after ignoring most of the settlement quests I find certain things a chore. Nic's quest alone is a massive faff. (sticking my companions to Piper/Nick/Merci/Deacon)
I'm going through my 2nd ish playthrough (I restarted after too long a christmas break). Currently level 25ish and a little bored to be honest. It's worth sticking with the railroad for the ballistic fibre perk. I currently am wearing a natty tux and hat which has a better damage resistance than some power armour.

Even after ignoring most of the settlement quests I find certain things a chore. Nic's quest alone is a massive faff. (sticking my companions to Piper/Nick/Merci/Deacon)

I don't think I'd have another play through in me, the last one took so long. When I do fire it up again, I'll probably load my save data just as I've got to the Institute.

That said an expansion pack at some point would be welcome.
I don't think I'd have another play through in me, the last one took so long. When I do fire it up again, I'll probably load my save data just as I've got to the Institute.

That said an expansion pack at some point would be welcome.

I am finding it a bit of chore, paticularly because I'm reaching a level that I was nearly at when I stopped. I'm finding skipping most of the minute men stuff a help.

And the expansions for NV & F3 were great
I'm finding it very easy now.
Level 40, got my pistol perk up to 4/5 stars, high luck and the perk that allows you to save a critical combined with my pimped .44 that refills AP when you use a critical, along with MacCready's perk (modded to do exactly what it should do) means I barely leave VATS in combat, gunshot to the head.

This is in Very Hard, I don't really want to go to Survival...
I'm hoping we get an announcement about dlc/expansion soon. I love the game, but want some new stuff to do.
I'm finding it very easy now.
Level 40, got my pistol perk up to 4/5 stars, high luck and the perk that allows you to save a critical combined with my pimped .44 that refills AP when you use a critical, along with MacCready's perk (modded to do exactly what it should do) means I barely leave VATS in combat, gunshot to the head.

This is in Very Hard, I don't really want to go to Survival...

That was my beef. I get the point that as you level up you should feel tougher, but with the rifleman perk and a decent shotgun, everything just died to easily and it lost the creeping round feel as I could go into most fights all guns blazing and normally survive. Brotherhood knights should definitely be harder to kill, although the penultimate mission last night storming airship was so much fun. I could hardly see because of the laser fire directed at me.

I only used power armour 3 times. Once for the glowing sea for the radiation protection and the last two missions.
I did the glowing sea in a hazmat suit too, in a misguided attempt to save power armor batteries! As the BOS were the last faction I joined I was surprised when after maybe 3 missions they took me up to their ship and gave me a suit (to add to the 6 or 7 I found already).
Saw a couple of interesting builds for it the other day. A one-punch man build, and an infiltrator build. Both can be ridiculously game-breakingly powerful, but you have to be very careful and play them in the right way or you'd get out of your depth very fast. Both require tactics of some sort. They both sound great.
Had fun on Friday. Accidentallyc ended up storming liberataria with some brotherhoods whose veribird came down on my head
Was listening to this, and whilst I know it's from the wrong musical era, but it's a shame that it's not on the Fallout radio playlist, as it namechecks Boston.
So I finally got a lil bored and went up to the Prydwin for a looksee, I felt the brotherhood were dickish in this Game, and whats the first quest I get? Take food from Impoverished Dirt famers. Such a bag of dicks.
So I finally got a lil bored and went up to the Prydwin for a looksee, I felt the brotherhood were dickish in this Game, and whats the first quest I get? Take food from Impoverished Dirt famers. Such a bag of dicks.

You can skip that mission and has no effect on the plotline. It's worth doing some of their missions just for the settings alone. Seeing Boston from the air is well worthwhile.
You can skip that mission and has no effect on the plotline. It's worth doing some of their missions just for the settings alone. Seeing Boston from the air is well worthwhile.

Yeah The Brotherhood Knight (Danze or whatever) in his pitch about "not doing any other mercenary work" made it sound like if I went with them I was fully committing to the brotherhood, and I didn't want to close off the other plot lines.

But yeah it does really capture the scale of the game. Also flying into fort strong a couple of mirelurker hunters gatecrashed the party and I had a hell of fight coming off the vertibird
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