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Facial recognition cameras in a police state

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There has been much talk of CCTV cameras but things have now moved on a bit. The police are now routinely using mobile facial recognition cameras, recently in Croydon, Battersea and Tooting. I am not sure that they are equal and is it a vital tool andare we becoming a police state?

There has been much talk of CCTV cameras but things have now moved on a bit. The police are now routinely using mobile facial recognition cameras, recently in Croydon, Battersea and Tooting. I am not sure that they are equal and is it a vital tool andare we becoming a police state?

We've been a police state for some time now
Of course....ID cards will be coming soon to finish Blair;s work too

"Silkie Carlo, the director of Big Brother Watch, said it was ironic the new prime minister was suggesting a greater use of facial matching on the same day that an EU-wide law largely banning real-time surveillance technology came into force."
Of course....ID cards will be coming soon to finish Blair;s work too

"Silkie Carlo, the director of Big Brother Watch, said it was ironic the new prime minister was suggesting a greater use of facial matching on the same day that an EU-wide law largely banning real-time surveillance technology came into force."

Silkie Carlo who booked David Icke and Alex Jones to speak at the 2013 'anti-Bilderberg' protests in Watford. If she said the sky is blue, I'd step outside to check.
You made the claim, why don't you explain why you think the definition of 'police state' does apply to the UK?

And after you've done that and not been immediately arrested for it, then you'll maybe realise why you're wrong. Probably not though.
That's a fucking shoddy post and assumes on the basis of er no fucking evidence whatsoever that in a police state people pointing out it's a police state are nicked. I've asked you twice now - three times including this post - to explain why you disagree with me. It's really weak to post as you do and makes me think you've nothing to offer to this exchange which you started.
That's a fucking shoddy post and assumes on the basis of er no fucking evidence whatsoever that in a police state people pointing out it's a police state are nicked. I've asked you twice now - three times including this post - to explain why you disagree with me. It's really weak to post as you do and makes me think you've nothing to offer to this exchange which you started.

Why would I bother explaining why you're wrong when you still haven't bothered to explain why you're right. You made the claim, you back it up.

The reason you're whinging at me about not providing evidence instead of providing any evidence yourself is that you don't have any evidence to support your claim. Because it was, and still is, bullshit.
thanks for flagging up that name - an easy one to remember for the future - noted
point stands though

I've mentioned her before but she keeps popping up with her 'big brother watch' vanity project. I'll copy-paste an exchange I had with her in may 2013 on FB which I kept, for the record. I was posting under an old FB alias that got changed from Commie Faggots (because FB didn't like 'faggots' in a profile name) to Coffee Maggots, then to Kofi Magots when FB started clamping down on fake names.

Anyway that's just to explain why I'm called Kofi in the exchange! And the blog post mentioned early on was by frogwoman (I'm copying from an ancient PM thread with her)

Silkie Carlo might want disavow her beliefs and actions from that time, I'd support that and stop flagging this up entirely if she did. But it's up to her to do so, and to do so as widely and publicly as her current profile demands; a statement on the front page of the Big Brother Watch website would do. Till that happens, I'll keep reminding anyone who quotes her, of where she comes from, politically....

[Separate post follows because of 10k character limit]
Placed in spoilers because it's long.

Conversation started today
Silkie Carlo
Hi Kofi. The events page has an interest in research and evidence. You appear to have an interest in arguing and blog posts.
I have read that blog post before and it doesn't actually provide any evidence of Icke or Jones being anti-semitic. And it's full of shit. I'd know - I have been to Icke's 8 hour talk, and read his books for over ten years.
Before you embarrass yourself brandishing us all anti-semites, consider that Jones has a Jewish wife, and some of the organisers of this event may also have Jewish family... I am staunchly against racism, and from the bottom of my heart, nothing sickens me more than anti-semitism. I also booked Icke and Jones.
They are not messiah figures to me, nor are they perfect. No researcher, journalist, or political figure is. But they are not anti-semitic. If they were, I would not host them. I have already denied requests from significant individuals on the basis of their links to anti-semitic views. I am very sensitive to this, on a political, but moreover, a personal level...
The founder of Bilderberg was a Nazi. Do the research. You have my word that anyone espousing anti-semitic views at the festival would have their platform immediately removed - or I would discontinue involvement myself. Your posts have been so upsetting to me, and are so misguided.
Please stop baiting for arguments on the events page. It is not the time or place. Please let's be rational and peaceful.

Kofi Magots
When known anti-semites are being invited to address crowds of idealists, I worry.

Kofi Magots
I know who the founder of Bilderberg was and he wasn't a Nazi - he was in the University Nazi club when he was a student, but on returning to the Netherlands he fought against the germans and was decorated for it.
Do the research.
Bilderberg was set up by rich businessmen and right-wing politicians after WWII to hob nob together, plan business and how to stop the left (specifically communism)
it's been known about on the left for years. It's one of many ruling-class hangouts which in the last ten years conspiracists have started noticing. They have all been noticed before.
The current vogue for anti-Bilderberg-ness started with Phyllis Schlafly and her neocon allies, starting a rumour that Bilderberg was part of the communist plot to overthrow America.
Do the research.

Kofi Magots
Icke mentions jews all over his work. the fact that he says "I'm not antisemitic" .. oh well really, as if anyone would admit to it!
using euphemisms like 'zionists' doesn't wash (Jones) - what is the difference between zionism and nationalism / imperialism in general? why is it the subject of more rants than nationalism / imperialism in general? how can Jones get away with condemning 'zionism' but fly US flags all over his site? He's either a hypocrite, or very very cynical.
what is the difference between 'zionism' and 'normal' nationalism or 'normal' imperialism? what makes zionism especially bad?
what could it be?
as for Icke, well .. read his work. He actually says 'jews' on many occasions, I mean he comes out and say it. He promotes on his site known holocaust revisionism and literature distributed by neo-nazis such as "Did Six Million Really Die?"
If Icke used the word 'blacks' in the same context as he uses 'jews', I don't think he'd be speaking at your party .. would he?

Kofi Magots
Incidentally, I don't appreciate being silenced by having my posts deleted.
Either we encourage debate, or we run from it.

Silkie Carlo
I find your assimilation of Judaism and Zionism very offensive. Does that mean that anti-zionist Jews don't exist to you? How ignorant you seem. If you need me to explain the difference between zionism and nationalism, I suggest you embark on a course in Politics or History.
I don't have the energy for an argument that is futile. I don't need you damaging an event with libel claims. I'm not arsed whether you're at the event or not; nor is anyone else; so I don't see why you are on the page other than to try to start an argument. And it isn't the place for an argument, or false claims. Thanks for ruining my evening though, it was really nice of you.

Silkie Carlo
If you have issues with Icke or Jones, take it up with them yourself.

Continues in the next post......
Silkie Carlo 2013 cont'd/...

Kofi Magots
These are two of the most cynical and manipulative cult leaders in the world.
They are NO better than the guys in the Bilderberg meeting.
I'm not the one inviting known, proven antisemites to speak at a party. They can sue for libel - they'd never win.
By the wa, I agree with protesting Bilderberg. I just think more appropriate keynote speakers could have been found.

Silkie Carlo
Well evidently we disagree on this. But I'm not into keyboard fighting. Please. I am so glad we agree on anti-semitism - I am the first to admit that not everyone who is in this movement shares our view. And I respect your impassioned defence. I just think, wholeheartedly, it is misplaced here. If you can suggest other speakers, please do, I am still booking.

Silkie Carlo
Please could you consider taking down your post on the events page? It just looks antagonistic. Perhaps you want to post something about anti-Bilderbergers needing to be vigilant to anti-semitism - I agree with that whole heartedly, I fight that battle very hard. But really, let's not antagonise each other or nurture paranoia where it's not due. Peace.

Kofi Magots
OK, I respect your respect yadda yadda. Still.
You have to understand, I've been seeing this thing grow for years and it's been scaring me since the first one of my hippy friends started telling me the holocaust probably didn't happen the way it happened.
Alarm bells rang, and they've never stopped.
You can't just dismiss my question about zionism and 'regular' nationalism / imperialism with a cheeky 'learn some history'
I know about history - I know about the history of Israel, probably better than you. I've been there, and to the Occupied territories too. I've had a gun pointed my way by an israeli settler. don't come on all 'you need to learn about zionism' - i know about zionism, OK?
I also know about nazis, and the stuff they talk about has never changed. when I first became involved in politics, holocaust daning was a popular pastime among fash I had the misfortune to know; holocaust denial followed by 'but even if it did happen that way, good!'
have you ever heard this? I have. it sickens me.
And of course there are jewish anti-zionists - all good people should be anti-zionists! but not more than anti-any-other-nationalism-and-imperialism-ists.
There is no 'extra' thing on zionism, that is not already nationalism or imperialism, except that it's jewish nationalism, and jewish imperialism.
at least have the honesty to admit it. it's not too late to turn it around. cancel those guys, book Tariq Ali, Tony Benn, or someone from Respect
some actual politics would be a good thing.
the RESPECT party

Kofi Magots
You can delete my post if you like - nobody's stopping you - but I won't. It's posted now, and if you value free expression and debate, and seeking truth, then let it stay and have people make up their own minds.
I'l leave it up to you.

Silkie Carlo
I'm also anti-nationalist! I disagree with Jones on a lot! That is inevitable in politics. But zionism is a different form of nationalism. By different, I am not saying worse or better.
I will look up Tariq and Tony Benn - both excellent suggestions. I actually already vetoed Galloway, btw... Guess why?
I would much rather you delete you post than me - I feel like a dick deleting stuff and I hate doing it - but I also hate it when big artists and speakers drop out because of the 'anti-semitic' smear which they believe isn't true, but fear will damage their PR. I understand that fear, because I hate any inference that I'm racist too (and it is so ridiculous based on my personal background..). That happened, shortly after your post, and I have been trying to clear up the clusterfuck all evening. I feel this discussion has been productive, and I'm glad we had it. Moreover, I'm glad we agree on a firm vigilance against anti-semitism. I cherish that. And I think it would be peaceful and in some small degree reparative if you were to post something about antisemitism/your views more broadly, rather than claims against individuals or smears on a peaceful family friendly festival on the whole. Peace.

Kofi Magots
I'm not saying you are racist, and anyone else who does needs to shut up. I'm on your side there.
It doesn't have to be Galloway (I agree, not him) but there are other people in Respect. Even someone from the SWP if you can find one engaging enough (they're there)
I'm a lefty, and I regret I won't be at the party because when there rich bastards meet it seems like anyone should be there to spoil the atmos. Good on you, I wish I could attend.
But these speakers. I was actually shocked when I saw their names.
Please tell me you booked them to draw a crowd, and not for their sociopolitical analysis. That, I can understand. Jones, I'd even go with - he's got that firebrand vibe to him that even though I disagree with 3/4 of what he says, he's good at motivating people.
Shame he's such a christian fundy knucklehead.
Icke, though. I really think you ought to reconsider. Leaving aside the blatant antisemitism in his books (deny it if you like, it's there whether you like it or not) and the fact that his site promotes some seriously dubious work by some seriously dubious 'academics', he is verging on being - if not actually already - a cult leader.
I think ou're making a mistake allowing him a platform with so many families, which means kids.
Your call, of course. But I have to speak. Someone has to.
Please also understand, I have nothing to gain from Icke or no Icke. I just hate to see good people taken in by con men, and he is one. Large as life.
But, it's just one person's view. Do the research. Join the dots (as Icke says).
I'm not a dick, I'm a nice, serious, intelligent, concerned person who (beieve it or not) is saying this stuff with the best of intentions, not just to put a message across. These guys are dangerous. That's all I'm saying.
Please get some real political speakers.

Silkie Carlo
I've read Icke's books for years; and bought the books he references; and so on. I see that he is a firm anti-zionist, and I actually don't fully agree with him on the extent of those views, but I don't think he hates the Jewish race. If I did, I wouldn't so much as talk to him. I think he is not vigilant enough though, against anti-semitism. I would berate him for that. That leads to claims and interpretations like yours. I also think our MSM and current government is not vigilant to racism - for example, stirring up Islamophobia with every chance.
I have also reached out to friends in the SWP, by the way. And I booked one of my old Cambridge lecturers (a Marxist) to talk on the tensions between democracy and capitalism.
I invited Icke and Jones because their research and exposure of Bilderburg has been some of the best. There is no denying that. The focus of the event is pro-transparency - but there is no tolerance or platform for racists.
Vigilance against anti-semitism is important in this political community. Delivery and certainty is also important. I wish you could direct your passion in the right place and with less of a confrontational approach, and not on my event page. I have to take the day off work tomorrow because your post convinced one of my headliners that they will suffer PR smears, and now I have to try my damndest to win them back. It's so devastating. I don't know what else to say at this point of personal despair, but yeh, I would just ask that we could publicly make peace on the events page and remove inflammatory accusations. I see that you are nice and concerned and I appreciate that a lot. Peace.

Kofi Magots
...because there is a war, for your mind. it's all about what people see, not what is true .. really?
so we can live in a dreamworld and avoid reality?
interesting take on things, given the speakers booked.
I think you'd just be happy for me to take down the post i made (having already had it deleted twice, once in my own thread and once in someone else's)
and then, we could pretend this never happened. but it did. it is happening. it's real. here is someone drawing a line in the dand and saying No. I won't accept that these charlatans are anything more than charlatans. dangerous ones. And I will stick by everything I've written here if it comes to it. I haven't said anything anyone would dare sue for.
Not that the guys inside the meeting are better - they aren't. But they aren't worse. Don't guilt trip me into lying, just so you can feel OK about booking well dodgy people to speak at your event.
I won't delete anything, or add anything. it's up to people to draw their own conclusions.
feel free to delete it yourself. i've got screenshots of everything anyway.
Peace, indeed. I often wonder how many people who say that a lot really mean it.
There is no War of Words; words are what we use to avoid war. No need to invoke peace, it exists just fine by itself till someone breaks it.

So there. Why I feel as I do about her input into our collective discourse.
I've mentioned her before but she keeps popping up with her 'big brother watch' vanity project. I'll copy-paste an exchange I had with her in may 2013 on FB which I kept, for the record. I was posting under an old FB alias that got changed from Commie Faggots (because FB didn't like 'faggots' in a profile name) to Coffee Maggots, then to Kofi Magots when FB started clamping down on fake names.

Anyway that's just to explain why I'm called Kofi in the exchange! And the blog post mentioned early on was by frogwoman (I'm copying from an ancient PM thread with her)

Silkie Carlo might want disavow her beliefs and actions from that time, I'd support that and stop flagging this up entirely if she did. But it's up to her to do so, and to do so as widely and publicly as her current profile demands; a statement on the front page of Big Brother Watch' website would do. Till that happens, I'll keep reminding anyone who quotes her, of where she comes from, politically....

[Separate post follows because of 10k character limit]

BBW isn’t a Silkie Carlo vanity project, it’s part of the murky group of right-libertarians that also includes the Taxpayers Alliance, were both housed together in Tufton Street, and shared a strong PR capability for getting crap research and crap reports into the press. They headhunted Carlo from Liberty, where she did basically the same stuff of whining about databases and anything that could possibly be construed as surveillance technology.
BBW isn’t a Silkie Carlo vanity project, it’s part of the murky group of right-libertarians that also includes the Taxpayers Alliance, were both housed together in Tufton Street, and shared a strong PR capability for getting crap research and crap reports into the press. They headhunted Carlo from Liberty, where she did basically the same stuff of whining about databases and anything that could possibly be construed as surveillance technology.
I should add as a PS that Icke and Jones did both address the protest, and I have emails somewhere from Noam Chomsky and Glenda Jackson (at the time she had only recently stopped being MP for the constituency neighbouring where the meeting and protest were taking place) both saying broadly, thanks for the invite (i invited them both) but if people like Icke and Jones are invited I'll give it a miss.

A sad story, which has had zero impact on Carlo's career trajectory.
If concerns about private liberty include people concerned on the right then good, all the more chance we have of not becoming the tech-surveillance living nightmare that is China. Luckily there's still a lot of resistance to this kind of thing on the continent which gives some sliver of hope
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Of course....ID cards will be coming soon to finish Blair;s work too

"Silkie Carlo, the director of Big Brother Watch, said it was ironic the new prime minister was suggesting a greater use of facial matching on the same day that an EU-wide law largely banning real-time surveillance technology came into force."
I looked up Daragh Murray.

And found this article by him

He is academic who deals with human rights.

This is not to long and makes interesting points.

He says FR technology has come up as issue through its use by China and Israel.

He is interested in its introduction to democratic societies like ours.

For him the present human rights thinking is not up to dealing with digital surveillance.

This is because existing human rights deals primarily with individual rights in isolation.

This new digital surveillance he argues goes beyond this. It will have long term effects on democratic societies as a whole.

The example he uses is the "chilling effect". This is not so easy to quantify.

In a democratic society individuals need , in relation to the state, privacy. To develop as active members of a society.

What he says is that these new technologies , which are only limited by processing power, give state much more intrusion into peoples lives. And give it more capability over long term to effect social processes.

The chilling effects are subtle. People may take greater care what websites the look at etc.

And so over longer term this will effect how democracy works. If I read him right its not that countries like this will become more obviously totalitarian. But that individuals will police themselves. So its not about police state in traditional manner.

Another thing he says is that more research and discussion needs to be done before these technologies of surveillance are brought in.

( As aside thinking on it I say more on U75 than I do elsewhere as I am anonymous. I have gradually used Twitter and FB less and less. I think this is because without meaning to Im not happy with to much online)

His article raising important issues of what it means to live in a democracy.
I looked up Daragh Murray.

And found this article by him

He is academic who deals with human rights.

This is not to long and makes interesting points.

He says FR technology has come up as issue through its use by China and Israel.

He is interested in its introduction to democratic societies like ours.

For him the present human rights thinking is not up to dealing with digital surveillance.

This is because existing human rights deals primarily with individual rights in isolation.

This new digital surveillance he argues goes beyond this. It will have long term effects on democratic societies as a whole.

The example he uses is the "chilling effect". This is not so easy to quantify.

In a democratic society individuals need , in relation to the state, privacy. To develop as active members of a society.

What he says is that these new technologies , which are only limited by processing power, give state much more intrusion into peoples lives. And give it more capability over long term to effect social processes.

The chilling effects are subtle. People may take greater care what websites the look at etc.

And so over longer term this will effect how democracy works. If I read him right its not that countries like this will become more obviously totalitarian. But that individuals will police themselves. So its not about police state in traditional manner.

Another thing he says is that more research and discussion needs to be done before these technologies of surveillance are brought in.

( As aside thinking on it I say more on U75 than I do elsewhere as I am anonymous. I have gradually used Twitter and FB less and less. I think this is because without meaning to Im not happy with to much online)

His article raising important issues of what it means to live in a democracy.
its also important to note that the right are using this as part of their campaigns - 15 minute cities conspiracy for example is all about the state controlling what you can do and when through tech Its really important that the left goes back to its libertarian ideals and rejects this kind of big statism, both so as not to give that ground to the far right, but also because it is clearly a tool of repression.

We Have Been Harmonised about Chinese authoritarian tech surveillance state is such an important book IMO
its also important to note that the right are using this as part of their campaigns - 15 minute cities conspiracy for example is all about the state controlling what you can do and when through tech Its really important that the left goes back to its libertarian ideals and rejects this kind of big statism, both so as not to give that ground to the far right, but also because it is clearly a tool of repression.

We Have Been Harmonised about Chinese authoritarian tech surveillance state is such an important book IMO

I haven't followed all the 15minute cities stuff.

I do know people who are in the conspiracy end of things.

Would not say they are all far right. Came more obvious during pandemic. On some of it I think they have a point.

A more sceptical view of the state does not necessarily mean one is a conspiracy loon.
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