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Facebook are evil

Working Class History facebook page gets restricted for sharing a post about when the English football team gave nazi salutes at a match in Germany 1938.
The text accompanying the offending image was:
On this day, 14 May 1938, the players of the England football team raised their arms to give the Nazi "Heil Hitler" salute before a match in Berlin. They had been instructed to do so directly by the British Foreign Office. Reportedly the players at first refused, until the British ambassador and Football Association secretary intervened and ordered them to do so. At the time the British government had signed an agreement with Hitler permitting his annexation of parts of Czechoslovakia, and much of the British ruling class supported the dictatorships of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco as bulwarks against communism. According to his biographer one of the players, Stan Cullis, would not perform the salute and was dropped from the team for that match as a result.
Interesting read:
Facebook is dangerous because of the collective impact of 3 billion people being surveilled constantly, then having their social connections, cultural stimuli, and political awareness managed by predictive algorithms that are biased toward constant, increasing, immersive engagement. The problem is not that some crank or president is popular on Facebook in one corner of the world. The problem with Facebook is Facebook.
Interesting article. Facebook is terrible. I don't really know why it is so bad. I can't quite understand it, but I think the Internet would be better without Facebook (and Google).
If AI ever really gets going, imagine what Facebook and Google could do then. It would be terrifying.
At Facebook I have treasured connections with global writers and political activists. At Twitter I find more establishment types who don't listen to my tweets or respond to me. LinkedIn is quite enjoyable as an alternative. But Facebook isn't edited the way Urban75 is so misogynists, racists and the homophobic and other troublesome types have free expression there.
Yes, Facebook is less elitist than Twitter, which is good, maybe Facebook's saving grace, I agree with you.
3 billion users can't be wrong!
Yes, Facebook is less elitist than Twitter, which is good, maybe Facebook's saving grace, I agree with you.
3 billion users can't be wrong!
I did just get followed by the Green Party's Natalie Bennett at Twitter so out of my meagre 592 I now have a contact in the House of Lords.


A figure like Matthew Hancock, who hasn't tweeted once since his resignation letter, has 436,000 confused people following him at Twitter.

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Quite a few activitsts and writers I knew are being shut up for a while at Facebook for no reason which is a pain
Interesting read:
Thanks for sharing this, really good article.

Ultimately the problem is that, as online people, we are becoming lab rats in the largest social experiment of all time. And unfortunately, the studies being done arent' for the furthering of science, but for the ability to more and more effectively turn attention into money.

I hate what the GDPR has resulted in with regard to the experience of the end user, though I do appreciate it's a start. Ultimately the focus should be on forcing companies to play ball, rather than making the user jump through more hoops.
Facebook aren't that bad. He's my last communication on them. Get on with the job and arrest Blair fast for his Hague pilgrimage. You junior officers are dogshit. I am itching to read Tony Blair's prison diaries "Mein Kampf" penned in a cell bunking up with Anders Breivik penned in complete darkness because the lights are off on a parchment made of velvet using a stylus made of horse hair. It's going to be a fabulous read. Billions will chuck it in a bonfire and laugh at Blair the abject cunt.

I am delighted to announce that I, private detective Hercule Poirot, have been elevated to be Chief Constable of The Police Force of the Moon and I am in the control room in the Sea of Tranquility leading the operation to arrest Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and take him to his war crimes trial in the Hague. If we finally manage to do the job I will retire and nobody will be burdened by my very boring writing ever again though the good people who have been kind to me and listened to my Columbo-style maverick pontifications will be welcome to mine for a cup of jasmine tea and a nice old chat.
Anthony has 10 houses and 27 flats worth an estimated £27 million so might be hard to locate but I am sure my efficient riot squad officers will have no problem breaking doors down at 3 in the morning and finding him. I suspect he may be located in his main Connaught Square address in London which cost £3.5 million but who knows? He may be on the run in the air in a chinook in Saigon trying to flee like Ceaucescu in Romania when everyone had finally had enough with being oppressed and governed absolutely abysmally. If you see this curious little chap disguised as a mountain goat shepherd dressed in a Joseph technicolour dream coat made of Roger Federer swiss cheese anywhere phone Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
If he is in Number 29 Connaught Square, Westminster, London, W2 2HL he may have a few utterly deluded and mentally frazzled men with baseball caps and machine guns outside his house who think they are members of the police force but are actually defending a man who may well be found guilty of war crimes in an open trial so it might be not sensible to approach directly so proceed with caution if you are in your squad car with your sirens blazing and moving at rapid pace towards him. With a bit of luck the men with machine guns will be drifting away fast like a poorly commanded army with collapsing morale because they are commanded by a leader with no skill whatsoever.
Absolutely nobody with ethics and intelligence should sit all day long defending a man like Anthony Charles Lynton Blair. Innocence before guilt is proved is the principle of law but in my books he blundered British soldiers into Afghanistan and Iraq without even knowing the capitals were Kabul and Baghdad and the soldiers died for absolutely nothing at all.
As in pretty much all wars in history, particularly the ones commanded by complete idiots, nobody really cares about the wounded soldiers and the memory of those who died like Sergeant Sean Bennie aged 22, one of the poor 457 killed. There has been a fundraiser to build a memorial bench to Bennie at his primary school but hardly anyone has contrbuted including Anthony Charles Lynton Blair from his massive fortune. Euan Blair wasn't the man in command but it might not be a King Lear tragedy if his £73 million fortune was taken off him and given to the families of those men who are dead and those without limbs and in wheelchairs with PTSD. As for Blair's 37 houses, they should be nationalised and given to homeless veterans after an intense fumigation and a William Friedkin exorcism of the malevolent spirits which can be filmed on Blair Witch camcorder by Mark Kermode.
Blair looked after his troops the way Fred West looked after his hitch-hikers. Innocent before proven guilty but in my books the total injustice of it all is absolutely and entirely disgraceful.
Blair, who had barely heard of the genius Harold Wilson who was a real British Prime Minister, did not manage to learn from Harold MacMillan's observation that invading Afghanistan is a bit like putting your head into a meat grinder.
If you are the first man or woman to put him in handcuffs then you should get a Nobel Peace Prize.
Over and out. The Commander.
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