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Facebook are evil

Can't remember where I saw it, maybe it was posted somewhere on here, but there was this from a month or so ago:

Imagine, for instance, that you buy a Rick and Morty–themed skin for your digital avatar in the video game Fortnite. That’s currently possible, but only by purchasing 1,500 of Fortnite’s in-game currency V-Bucks. Suiting up as Rick Sanchez only works in the popular battle royale shooter. A Metaverse infrastructure would theoretically enable you to transfer the digital outfit to wear it at an online Lady Gaga concert (planned for Fortnite next year) or during a group Peloton workout with friends.
Let’s say you took the prank too far, and the boss is annoyed that you show up to a real-life meeting as the cartoon scientist, which everyone sees through their Ray-Ban smart glasses. You then sheepishly decide to trade the costume for currency in the form of a “Cool Cats” non-fungible token (NFT) and a handful of Dogecoin. Or perhaps the opposite happens, and you come to love it so much that you want to not only keep the Rick skin forever, but put it in your will and pass it on to your kids when you die. All of this and more would be possible in the Metaverse.

If this vision sounds like something ripped from the pages of a science-fiction novel, that’s because it was.

The Gargoylification of Society​

The term Metaverse first appears in Neal Stephenson’s 1992 novel Snow Crash, which follows the futuristic adventures of Hiro, a pizza delivery driver for the Mafia who moonlights as a hacker, immersed in what’s described as “a computer-generated universe that his computer is drawing onto his goggles and pumping into his earphones.”

The book has long been a Bible for the priests of high tech. Stephenson is revered as a prophet, credited for inventing the concepts of avatars and cryptocurrency in addition to the Metaverse. Snow Crash was once required reading for Facebook’s management team. Stephenson was befriended by Bezos and hired by the augmented reality company Magic Leap in 2014 to help actually build the Metaverse.

Apparently, no one in Silicon Valley has a sense of irony. Snow Crash is a dystopian novel, not a utopian one.

The digital realms of Snow Crash’s Metaverse are even more insidious than the playground-like purgatories it helped inspire in pop culture offerings like the Matrix movies or the novel Ready Player One...

Some users log in and out of terminals in Snow Crash, but “gargoyles,” a class of characters who wear reality-enhancing devices at all times, never truly do. For gargoyles, who inhabit the Metaverse at all times, there is no “logging on” and “logging off.” Stephenson writes:

Gargoyles are no fun to talk to. They never finish a sentence. They are adrift in a laser-drawn world, scanning retinas in all directions, doing background checks on everyone within a thousand yards, seeing everything in visual light, infrared, millimeter-wave radar, and ultrasound all at once.

By making real designs to usher in the Metaverse, Silicon Valley is trying to turn us all into gargoyles.
Oooooh, they have a file on me. I wonder how many pennies it nets them. I live in the south-east, I don't think I'll ever be rich enough to worry about buying a house. My shithouse credit rating has never been an obstacle for getting tenancies before. It's not like I'm ever going to be renting from Snobcunt and Sons.
The focus of this discussion is Facebook, a company with a 2.91 billion monthly user base. You and your experian file is 1 person. Your post is approximately 3 billion times less relevant than those before. Kind of impressive
"Meta" or possibly "MetaCorp" sounds like the name a writer of dystopian science fiction would have given a company like Facebook from the beginning.

I'm assuming most people are aware... but in case you're not, the concept of the metaverse (and thus likely facebook's name change) was gleaned from Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, a 1992 dystopian science fiction novel.

The big bad guy of Snow Crash is L. Bob Rife, a man with a monopoly on almost all media in what remains of america after the government and large parts of society have collapsed. He uses extensive research in to historical human language patterns to design a virus that allows him to take control of anyone exposed to one of his targeted digital signals, as well as being creating physical versions marketed as both a drug and used as an indoctrinating substance within a corrupt religion. As well as mounting an attack on america from within, L. Bob Rife also indoctrinates thousands of illegal immigrants on their way to america in to the same style of servitude.

Hmm. There's a metal here somewhere, like steely or zincy or tungsteny. But I can't quite put my finger on it.
P.S. I've just come across it on my bookshelf again, but I'm also reminded of Simon Stalenhag's great little sci-fi picturebook The Electric State, a girl and her robot travelling through the ruins of a society addicted to a collective virtual reality. There's examples of this all over sci-fi I'm sure but Stalenhag's pictures are especially evocative.

Not sure if you are joking?
Meta Platforms does trade at a bit of a discount compared with other large tech companies.
not joking, actually bought some stock after mentioning it.

Of all the FAANG companies, they've probably got the best record of creating product in the shortest time. If the metaverse turns out to be another internet landgrab i'll wager they get there first.

They took a big hit with Apple's privacy stuff also but they'll find a workaround and turn that firehose back on
Copied over from the cleaners thread:
New press release:
• Facebook cleaners plan ‘Cancel Facebook’ protest against excessive workloads
• Speakers to include John McDonnell
• Cleaners to vote on strike action
• Tribunal declines to reinstate dismissed cleaning supervisor
Facebook's London cleaners are to step up their campaign against excessive workloads and to be brought in house with a major protest on Friday November 26th.
The protest, labelled ‘Cancel Facebook’, is scheduled for 4pm at 10 Brock Street, NW1 3FG. The event will feature samba music, street performers, and a variety of speakers including former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer John McDonnell, ADCU General Secretary James Farrar, and Glenroy Watson of the RMTs Black Solidarity Committee's Secretary.
The cleaners have been campaigning since June about increased workloads which are making them exhausted and ill. Their employer, Churchill Cleaning, which took over the Facebook contract in January, has added eight extra floors to the six that used to make up the cleaners' schedule. Churchill has failed to provide any extra resources to meet the increased workload.
Facebook itself has consistently refused to intervene on behalf of its cleaners. The Cleaners and Allied Independent Workers Union, has approached the company on multiple occasions, but it has consistently refused to get involved beyond vague expressions of concern about the wellbeing of its service providers and its intent to foster a respectful and safe working environment. Beyond that, it simply repeats the mantra that these are matters for Churchill and for its facilities management contractor JLL. Despite repeated enquiries from CAIWU, Facebook has declined to comment on the cleaners’ request to be brought in house.
In the absence of any positive progress, the prospect of industrial action grows increasingly likely. CAIWU has already served Churchill with notice of its members' intention to vote about the possibility of strike action, and Christmas Eve has been identified as a probable date for the first of what is likely to be a series of one-day strikes. CAIWU organiser Bruce Coker says that striking is very much a last resort, but that the cleaners feel they've been left with no other choice. ‘The campaign has been going on for months now,' said Coker. 'Our members are getting ill from overwork, but Churchill refuses to acknowledge that there's a problem. The cleaners have reached the point where going on strike seems like the only way to make Churchill, JLL and Facebook listen.’ Asked the reason behind the ‘Cancel Facebook’ label for the protest, Coker explained, ‘As a society we are becoming very quick to judge and cancel individuals for minor misdemeanours, and platforms like Facebook actively encourage this behaviour by rewarding outrage and engagement. We want to make some noise about the actual harm these companies are causing, not just to members of the public but often to their own workers.’
One former cleaner who won't be taking part in any strike is Guillermo Camacho, the supervisor dismissed last month for allegedly poor performance of his duties. Both CAIWU and Camacho, whose reinstatement case was rejected by the employment tribunal last week, continue to insist that the real reason behind his dismissal was his trade union activities, of which he made no secret. Camacho's unfair dismissal case is scheduled to be heard by the tribunal in the new year, by when his former colleagues are hoping their campaign will have resulted in a return to tolerable workloads at Brock Street.
Protest: Friday November 26th, 4pm | 10 Brock Street, London NW1 3FG

The UK’s competition regulator has officially ruled that Facebook parent company Meta’s acquisition of Giphy should be unwound, a year and a half after the social media giant first said it was acquiring the popular GIF-making and sharing website. In a press release, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) said that it had come to the decision after its investigation found an acquisition could harm competition between social media platforms, and that its concerns “can only be addressed by Facebook selling Giphy in its entirety to an approved buyer.”
Will be interesting to see if Instagram and/or WhatsApp follow - probably need to look to the US for that happening though.
Facebook’s negligence facilitated the genocide of Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar after the social media network’s algorithms amplified hate speech and the platform failed to take down inflammatory posts, according to legal action launched in the US and the UK.
“In the end, there was so little for Facebook to gain from its continued presence in Burma, and the consequences for the Rohingya people could not have been more dire. Yet, in the face of this knowledge, and possessing the tools to stop it, it simply kept marching forward.”

Facilitating genocide. Fucked up.
They showed a version of what the Metaverse might look like last night and it appeared to be really shit. The graphics were awful for a start. I didn't really see the point and it didn't seem that original either.

Who are they hoping takes this up because they were trying to promote it as an alternative working space. Can't see our safeguarding meetings taking place in this environment to be honest.

That being said I suspect I am not the target audience and they are hoping forward thinking creative types take it on as well as current social media users?
They showed a version of what the Metaverse might look like last night and it appeared to be really shit. The graphics were awful for a start. I didn't really see the point and it didn't seem that original either.

Who are they hoping takes this up because they were trying to promote it as an alternative working space. Can't see our safeguarding meetings taking place in this environment to be honest.

That being said I suspect I am not the target audience and they are hoping forward thinking creative types take it on as well as current social media users?
I haven't seen it in action but I'm sure it's as crap as you say .. The only saving grace is that it might be early days and they are getting in there early.

Thing is though in tech races early runners like friends reunited or even Skype usually get superceded and associated with being old-fashioned when the tech moves on
They showed a version of what the Metaverse might look like last night and it appeared to be really shit. The graphics were awful for a start. I didn't really see the point and it didn't seem that original either.

Who are they hoping takes this up because they were trying to promote it as an alternative working space. Can't see our safeguarding meetings taking place in this environment to be honest.

That being said I suspect I am not the target audience and they are hoping forward thinking creative types take it on as well as current social media users?

Anything like this?
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