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Extraordinary & unusual gig/festival stage sets/designs.


Member of The Underground.
There are some pretty amazing set designs and efforts being put out at parties and gigs across the world.

here are a couple that have caught my eye.

this is part of a stage at modem festival, croatia.


and this is one from master of puppets festival in Czechia

When I last saw Porridge Radio, they had a big fancy set that woz like a 3D version of their last album cover, which I didn't really like as an album cover, but worked a bit better as a 3D floaty thing. Think the Beths had the big fish head off their album cover as well.
Also, when I were a kid I saw Iron Maiden playing at Leeds and they had like a big Eddie skull head thing coming out of the bottom of the stage and then a big brain came out of the top of the stage and went in the head and then its eyes went red. I've seen plenty of bands that I'd rate above Iron Maiden musically, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone else top that in terms of "having a big brain that goes into a big skull and then its eyes go red".

I quite like them stars they've got painted on the wall at the Brudenell, those are quite endearing.
If were including light shows as part of it then check this out.

Nine Inch Nails 2013. The Tension tour. The stage starts small and then grows and grows and goes 3D and has led screens etc. It was literally cutting edge at the time.

You don't have to watch all of it, just watch the start for an idea of how small the stage is (the lights are about a Metre over the band members heads) and then just select bits through the set up til the end to see how it finishes.

I know they're as (publicly) popular as smallpox round here but fuck me was U2's "Claw" 360 degree stage impressive

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