Well it appears to have just stopped working.
What, with a couple of pre-emptive arrests?
Or has something else happened?
Well it appears to have just stopped working.
What, with a couple of pre-emptive arrests?
Fucking numpties. The master criminal always makes a fatal error and hallam's was to tell the police he was conspiring to fly drones round heathrowRoger Hallam just been nicked pre emptively in London, presumably to do with plans to fly drones near Heathrow.
Two Heathrow Pause activists 'preemptively' arrested
All activists now have a practical example to point to.Well yes, if you inform the police in advance you are planning to commit a crime then the police have a mechanism to stop you. Most activists traditionally have not needed a practical demonstration of this.
Poor old Roger, it's a bit of a shame XR catastrophically alienated all the relevant activist groups and firms while refusing to build up its own court support networks really, he might've been a bit better off now if they hadn't done that.
Poor old Roger, it's a bit of a shame XR catastrophically alienated all the relevant activist groups and firms while refusing to build up its own court support networks really, he might've been a bit better off now if they hadn't done that.
Fucking numpties. The master criminal always makes a fatal error and hallam's was to tell the police he was conspiring to fly drones round heathrow
He'll be fine. You overestimate your own importance.
XR does have it's own court support networks.
Does anyone know how long the arrestees can be kept in the cells?
Conspiracy seems an open ended type reason for arrest.
I'm not important at all. Bindmans and ITN on the other hand are. And I'm well aware of what XR laughably calls its "support networks", such as that How To they put out which suggested prison can be quite fun actually and the guards are mostly black.
He'll be fine. You overestimate your own importance.
XR does have it's own court support networks.
Thank you SpookyFrank.Unless held on suspicion of terrorist offences (an increasingly broad category that has been stretched to include certain forms of peaceful protest) or conspiracy to commit same a person can only be held without charge for 24 hours. Once charged you will either be released with or without bail conditions or remanded in custody.
As a wide eyed unsophisticate myself i know not of what you refer to? How would a gullible hippy alienate anyone?
The Green and Black Cross statement on why they're no longer supporting XR, which includes an excoriation of XR's in house legal advice, is worth reading. The crux of it is that XR are either deliberately getting their activists in more trouble than necessary (for example by publicising police conditions on protests so that nobody can say in their defence that they were unaware of them) or they're just shit-eatingly stupid.
That was a wider XR thing, essentially they alienated the lawyers by giving shit legal advice, pissed off ACAB by doing one training session on legal observing then bringing out their own version with massive errors, and temporarily collapsed GBC by assuming it was some sort of service that could deal with the fallout of hundreds of people getting arrested out of the blue. I had a chat with one of their self-described "unarrestables" a wee while back (people who regard themselves as core organisers - he seriously referred to himself as a "sort of general"), and the man was talking about leading legal support workshops after one intro day with ACAB while not knowing the names of the relevant legal firms, let along the intricacies of protest policing and rights more generally. Bonkers.
Edit: Oh yeah a friend of mine who was involved in a regional setup told me about the regional networks, which essentially has consisted of the core XR team telling local groups "you're on your own, good luck". She was less than impressed, though yes, I'm sure some of them will be working pretty hard.
They're not stupid
That was a wider XR thing, essentially they alienated the lawyers by giving shit legal advice, pissed off ACAB by doing one training session on legal observing then bringing out their own version with massive errors, and temporarily collapsed GBC by assuming it was some sort of service that could deal with the fallout of hundreds of people getting arrested out of the blue. I had a chat with one of their self-described "unarrestables" a wee while back (people who regard themselves as core organisers - he seriously referred to himself as a "sort of general"), and the man was talking about leading legal support workshops after one intro day with ACAB while not knowing the names of the relevant legal firms, let along the intricacies of protest policing and rights more generally. Bonkers.
Edit: Oh yeah a friend of mine who was involved in a local group setup process told me about the regional networks, which essentially has consisted of the core XR team telling local groups "you're on your own, good luck". She was less than impressed, though yes, I'm sure some of them will be working pretty hard.
I'm constantly surprised at how the anarchist movement here expects to be able to lecture XR on do's and don'ts.
Alienated the lawyers? Which firms aren't working with them?
They will learn quickly from mistakes?
I get that you might think criticism = jealousy or activistoid gatekeeping whatever, that's not uncommon on the left, but this isn't about high horses or willy-waving. What it's about is thousands of people potentially getting into trouble because they've been given bad legal advice and very little support. Believe it or not the anarchist movement does actually have some people involved who have a bit of experience on that front - and I'm not one of the folks with years of LO/protest savvy but even I know enough, for example, to make damn sure to tell mates not to sign a document saying "yes of course I'll commit a crime in the cause of XR" because that's a conspiracy charge in the making.
You can work that one out by knowing who the recommended firms are and noting which of them are not talking about XR - though from what I hear even Bindmans, which is representing the thousand-odd people going the courts, isn't exactly thrilled by the whole thing.
Which is poor of course. But presumably XR's main mission is not to get their support base in loads of bother just for the hell of it, or just because they can? Maybe their decision making structures need some modification.They've been offered plenty of sound advice in good faith and seemingly ignored all of it.
There has been quite an extraordinary amount of willy waving from high horses. It's a mark of the sad decline of the ecological anarchist movement really.
Tbh I think that line says more about the lens you're seeing things through than it does about the people criticising XR.
It's been relentless criticism, often in bad faith, and little or no constructive engagement.
The anarchist movement used to be able to mobilise thousands not dozens. What happened?