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Extinction Rebellion


Well-Known Member
This initiative from Rising Up appears to be gathering support nationally and internationally and could snowball into something as big or bigger than the Occupy Movement........Hopefully with better outcomes. Seems to have captured some of the feeling of the moment after the latest IPCC statement.

All kicking off with a declaration of rebellion in Parliament Square on Wednesday 31st October.

Rising Up!
Regardless of the support of well meaning liberal civil disobedience types I think that if this takes off, this has the potential to become much bigger and more threatening to the powers that be. Anyhow, opening up of more fronts of struggle is usually a positive sign. And it is a very striking symbol they are using, showing a good understanding of the power of symbols - note the number of psychologists in that list:

Extinction Symbol
tbh the climate catastrophe coupled with the increasing political uncertainty on the world stage is going to lead to a great increase in conflict
I have been seeing this on t'internet a bit the last few weeks, was going to post something here for starting a discussion.

It looks a bit unlikely to take off to me tbh, when you see that one of their big events is non-violence training in Glastonbury and one of their promoted videos is some nonsense about tax disobedience it looks like a poor attempt at predictable liberal activism rather than anything that could catalyze a larger struggle.
I have been seeing this on t'internet a bit the last few weeks, was going to post something here for starting a discussion.

It looks a bit unlikely to take off to me tbh, when you see that one of their big events is non-violence training in Glastonbury and one of their promoted videos is some nonsense about tax disobedience it looks like a poor attempt at predictable liberal activism rather than anything that could catalyze a larger struggle.
at first i thought it was intended to be a cross between the sack parliament attempt of 2006 and guerrilla gardening, which would likely be far better than what it actually sounds like
I went along to a local event, and it actually seemed pretty good. There's a strong NVDA/civil disobedience playbook they are working from, they have a sensible model for getting engagement, and their basic points are pretty solid.

And they followed up with emails a couple of days later - no Facebook needed. Bonus points in my book.
This appears to be an 'alternative' socio-cultural event presumably lead by the current incarnation of Artists/Squatters/Activists that made up the Reclaim the Streets/Newbury Bypass of a generation ago. It sounds like fun, I can remember dangling from a Tripod near Holloway Rd in 1999 BUT let's not pretend it's actually going to lead to any change in the structure of society,
It looks a bit unlikely to take off to me tbh, when you see that one of their big events is non-violence training in Glastonbury and one of their promoted videos is some nonsense about tax disobedience it looks like a poor attempt at predictable liberal activism rather than anything that could catalyze a larger struggle.

I'm delighted to see Non Violent education, what makes you think 'Violent' action would catalyze a larger struggle? What do you think it would achieve other than spending 4 hours being Kettled?
I'm delighted to see Non Violent education, what makes you think 'Violent' action would catalyze a larger struggle? What do you think it would achieve other than spending 4 hours being Kettled?

It's a long discussion I can't be bothered to have, but for a start to assume any 'violent' action is inevitably tied to being kettled is incorrect. And it's less about the form of the action (violent or non-violent, even if we do agree on what each of those things mean) but there's a whole host of assumptions and politics that usually go with calling something non-violent.

Not perfect, but these are a start:

Full text of "Pathology of Pacifism"

How Nonviolence Protects the State
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'Non violence is racist'...oh give me strength. American armchair posturing. Violence will achieve nothing but propaganda for the Tory Government and a few 2 year stretches handed out.
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