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Entirely unashamed anti car propaganda, and the more the better.

Unbelievable. Do none of them knows how to use a chainsaw?
You can't get them out with a chainsaw when we had the tree stump on our front lawn removed they needed a large chain attached to a digger to pull it out there was an absolute shitload of roots that came with it. Pulling this thing out will trash the pavement, possibly the road and maybe even taken out the nearest front garden wall. We were having our front lawn paved over so we didn't care about the mess but it created a lot.
You can't get them out with a chainsaw when we had the tree stump on our front lawn removed they needed a large chain attached to a digger to pull it out there was an absolute shitload of roots that came with it. Pulling this thing out will trash the pavement, possibly the road and maybe even taken out the nearest front garden wall. We were having our front lawn paved over so we didn't care about the mess but it created a lot.
See above... You don't have to get rid of it completely, just enough that it won't be a problem.

If only there was a way for drivers to avoid parking their cars on the tree stump poking out of the pavement :hmm:
What a depressing street that looks (& sadly typical for most of the country). If people gave a shit about their area rather than just their convience to drive everywhere (including on the pavement!) they’d be asking the council to replace the tree not just clear the stump.
Climate change (mostly via flooding) has been starting to have a visible effect on the UK's rail network over the past few years. Severe weather now gets parts of the network shut down preemptively, and there are arguments about whether this is appropriate (for example, if it's for safety concerns, is displacing people onto the roads during bad weather actually in the interests of their safety?)

Unfortunately in our car centric society, in many cases the railway getting shut down doesn't really affect enough people for it to become a major news item.

I have been wondering if there will be a point where weather starts to have a severe enough effect on the road network that large numbers of people will get stuck/stranded. And whether this will mark a point at which a significant number of people start to take the reality of climate change a bit more seriously.

Anyway, saw this this morning:

Caught a bit of this on the radio about tyres and all the contributors said noise wasn’t a consideration for them. Feels like it there should be legislation around it then.

The ratings only vary by 3 dB from best to worst, so there's not a lot in it based on the ratings. Whether the ratings reflect reality is a valid question though.
The ratings only vary by 3 dB from best to worst, so there's not a lot in it based on the ratings. Whether the ratings reflect reality is a valid question though.
Seems to be about 10dB which is pretty significant - just thought it was interesting that they didn’t care about the impact their actions have on others. Very typical of drivers.

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