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Elite: Dangerous

I've made some cash recently and I'm thinking I'll start a new ship kitted out for these long jaunts; passenger accommodation, a vehicle hangar and some top rate scanners. I must see Thargoids. And find a planet I can say I've discovered.
Think I'll keep the Bucket O Lard in store for those risky courier jobs.

I've just signed up for the Frontier meet up in October. I'm Mad, Me.
Buy your tickets - FX17
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Notice everything bar the FSD, PP and scoop is D rated. That's cos D rated modules are lighter = more range. Also you can turn off your cargo hatch and field maintenance unit (which isn't necessary but merely nice to have in the event of a mistake). You can go for whatever scoop you like, its just it takes longer.
Do you bother with repair drones? I've been mashed a couple of times in scraps and wished I had em so I could get home.
hendo You can store modules, so as long as the engineered module is the right size, you can put it in another ship.

Obviously you can put a size 3 frame shift drive in a size 4 slot in a different ship, but basically the rule is with FSDs is "always have the best you biggest you can fit", unlike, say, a power plant, where many ships fitted for exploring simply don't need the size you CAN fit.

Handy tool:
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That is a brilliant website. Elite requires you to do off line homework, which is another of the reasons I like it
Do you bother with repair drones? I've been mashed a couple of times in scraps and wished I had em so I could get home.
You mean an AFMU? Well, on a long trip I'll take one...you can't repair your hull but fixing a knackered FSD 35k light years from a station as I did once was a life-saver. Good thing is they weigh nothing and only ever have to be turned on when you need them.
The Viper IV is a really good ship, one of my faves. Like you say good for courier jobs as it's got a decent range and is sturdy as far as small ships go.

What's your bank balance?
The Dolphin. Nice interior, over 30ly jump range UNMODDED, great views from the cockpit, all the internal slots you'll need...pick something

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then pick some point of interest on the map, such as the Veil Nebula West or the Fine Ring Nebula, or anything you like, and go visit. Spend a few days out there, get back, make a small fortune :D

So many stars that if you drop down or climb up 250-500 light years below or above the galactic plane when heading for something like these, you'll find untagged things before very long, most likely under 1k.
You could use the filter in the GalMap to send you only through uninhabited systems. Make a beeline for the nearest "exit" of the bubble and you'll be fine
If only that were true! I get jumped on the way out/home. Mind you I've mastered the art of avoiding interdiction so perhaps you're right
Thats a good point, they're generally after something they've seen. I've been blown up twice by other players for nothing at all, which has really hacked me off.
Thats a good point, they're generally after something they've seen. I've been blown up twice by other players for nothing at all, which has really hacked me off.
Solo or a private group is useful if you just can't be arsed with the hell that is teenage gankers
But I flinch from that because I've also had really good experiences. CMDR Bold Mole gave me some valuable cargo once when I was still flying in the sidewinder, and that got me properly started.
OK. No Dolphins available at Gabriel Enterprise where by the way I picked up 8m credits for a community goal this week, so I plumped for a Keel Back The good ship 'Butter Bean'
Coriolis EDCD Edition
Also the Detailed Surface Scanner is just an upgrade of the basic, so you don't need both. But having an advanced discovery scanner means even if you're only passing through a system, you "honk" it with the ADS and you'll average 40k per system.
Re: weapons - fixed weapons don't move, gimballed weapons can move independent of ship direction but generally only "up or down", and turrets fire by themselves and rotate to track targets. Fixed are most powerful but cheapest, down to turreted which are least powerful but most expensive.
Re: weapons - fixed weapons don't move, gimballed weapons can move independent of ship direction but generally only "up or down", and turrets fire by themselves and rotate to track targets. Fixed are most powerful but cheapest, down to turreted which are least powerful but most expensive.
I quite like the turreted weapons despite the cost; a nimble pilot can turn under my ship and still be taking hits as the guns rotate. What do you think of beam lasers as set against Pulse?
I quite like the turreted weapons despite the cost; a nimble pilot can turn under my ship and still be taking hits as the guns rotate. What do you think of beam lasers as set against Pulse?
I tend to use multi cannons and beams on my NPC bounty hunting ships. Beams to drop the shields, multis for the hull. Burst are a good compromise tbh, but I'm only used to fighting NPCs, I've only done "friendly" PvP.
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