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Electric scooters

Bristol does seem to
I'm wondering if this is to do with geo locking?

When the voi rentals came to Birmingham you could only use them in the city centre initially. The area has expanded in some directions but the vast majority of people aren't going to be able to pick up a rental scooter near home to ride to and from work.

I have a five to ten minute walk to reach the edge of the area near me, and there's no reason to assume that there will be a scooter there for me to take every day, so i couldn't rely on it for a commute anyway.

Perhaps in Bristol they are not locked to the centre and in residential areas there's enough around for people to be confident to use them for a commute.

Bristol does seem to have a big rental area.. it's the only area I've been where it's felt like they're being used for commuting..


E-scooter trial to be expanded to the rest of Bristol
I know someone who gets one from South Gloucestershire into North Bristol on a fairly regular basis. Not for me personally.
Interesting/radical redesign from Pure Electric - completely different stance/bigger wheels... trying to make them more stable and safer for riders..

Pure Advance e-scooter I The electric scooter reinvented

And pretty damning comment on e-scooters that have gone before from their Chief Technology Officer..

"The e-scooters that have been on the market before have essentially been a version of a kids' toy with a battery and electric motor strapped on to it." :hmm:

Reinventing the e-scooter - 7 lessons that shaped Pure Electric's dream | Move Electric

Pure Electric Pure Advance e-scooter first ride | Move Electric
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I think the wheels are the same size as the previous range but these new developments are interesting. Quite a price hike from their previous range though more bang for your buck and look more stable.
Anyone thinking of buying an e-scooter now may want to hold off.. there have been rumours for a few weeks that legislation is being delayed... And this indicates that when/if it does come in under the Tory govt. then most current models won't be legal.

Planned laws to legalise private e-scooters (due to recent death), now delayed until 2024:

“It has become totally clear that's we must now ensure that the right regulations, designed to create proper user registration, identification & total accountability are now put in place before we legalise e-scooter.”

"but from findings thus far any idea of legalisation allowing current private e-scooters models is not happening and it is becoming increasingly clear that any e-scooters sold to date unfortunately will never be compliant and won't be legalised at any point going forward, manufacturers will now simply have it produce new e-scooter models that will comply with our new regulations"
For anyone suffering from insomnia.. the Dept of Transport report on the rental scheme trials landed today:


Obv. everyone will take what it what they want.. no massive surprises from what I've read..

Riders are young and male:



Accident rate 3 times higher than cyclists, but may be due to novice riders:


Majority of accidents are due to rider error and involve no other vehicles!

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Interesting part of the report is around perception of safey - 'older people' - over 55 years.. ( :hmm: ) in particular don't feel safe around them.. Younger people less so..

Pedestrians, cyclists and car drivers perceive escooters as less safe then ebikes or bikes.. Main issues - going through traffic lights, riding on pavements, and speed of escooters.

aren’t these innovations gradually stripping away the point of what people originally liked about e-scooters? I can’t see you folding that thing up and carrying it on the tube and into the office.
I can’t see you folding that thing up and carrying it on the tube and into the office.
And I'd better not see you or I'll make an announcement telling you to get off.
If you don't I'll arrange for an enforcement officer to meet you and fine you.

Potential fine £1000
Likely fine £40-£220 (not counting costs and victim surcharge) depending on whether you engage with the court or not.
Mmm… even if they were legal, the price still seems bonkers to me when you could actually pay less money than that for a 50cc scooter that will take you further, faster, and even allow you to carry a passenger.

I think they're really good for 10-20 minute trips. Longer than that dunno why you wouldn't prefer an e-bike.

Having ridden a few Santander bikes around London recently, I wouldn't be too keen on riding a small-wheeled scooter around some of the streets due to the road surfaces- bad enough on a bike.
I think they're really good for 10-20 minute trips. Longer than that dunno why you wouldn't prefer an e-bike.

Having ridden a few Santander bikes around London recently, I wouldn't be too keen on riding a small-wheeled scooter around some of the streets due to the road surfaces- bad enough on a bike.
Oh I'm sure they're lovely for short rides. It just seems a lot of money to spend for that type of journey, certainly if being ridden illegally as you could soon find yourself without it. Then again, I guess if one has a driving licence and wishes to 'go legal' and pay insurance and whatever else might be required, you could do that and at least ride them legally. I am assuming that is an option?
Oh I'm sure they're lovely for short rides. It just seems a lot of money to spend for that type of journey, certainly if being ridden illegally as you could soon find yourself without it. Then again, I guess if one has a driving licence and wishes to 'go legal' and pay insurance and whatever else might be required, you could do that and at least ride them legally. I am assuming that is an option?

Nope, they would need to be registered as a motor vehicle, with a number plate, tax and insurance. However as they have no running, braking or indicating lights they can't be registered as a motor vehicle...
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