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Electric Avenue, Brixton - news and discussion

It does show how things are going but it was interesting to see in that Thames television footage posted elsewhere that electric avenue had some quite upmarket shops including bata shoes, a jewellers and a smart travel agents
Travel agents and jewellers were commonplace were hardly an indicator of a wealthy/upwardly mobile neighbourhood, to be fair.
Travel agents and jewellers were commonplace were hardly an indicator of a wealthy/upwardly mobile neighbourhood, to be fair.

Maybe not but quite different to the kind of shops that are there now - and bata was quite an upscale shoe brand - the thing that struck me was that they were high street type shops as opposed to the more market type shops that are there now - seems like we will see a reversion to that if size? is any indication
Maybe not but quite different to the kind of shops that are there now - and bata was quite an upscale shoe brand - the thing that struck me was that they were high street type shops as opposed to the more market type shops that are there now - seems like we will see a reversion to that if size? is any indication
You're missing one huge change: up until fairly recent times, the street market was thriving.
Saw they used the Rec as well.

These kind of cunts really piss me off. Where are they when people were campaigning to keep the Rec and later get it listed?

Now the market has been done up they want to come here . With there Ghetto Chic.

Wish there was another riot so they could be burnt out.

More shit from there blog. Which confirmed my view of them.

Introducing size? Brixton - size? blog

sad...the dam has been breached.
Potential end of the road for the market here. Council have just approved change of use for one of the shops to become a restaurant (despite residents and a councillor objecting):

17/03110/FUL | Change of use from Retail (Use Class A1) to Restaurant (Use Class A3) with installation of timber windows and door to front elevation. | 34-36 Electric Avenue London SW9 8JR

Can only be a matter of time before more change and the Claphamication of Brixton completes...
The rent? A mere £100,000 per year.

Letting details - 34-36 Electric Avenue, Brixton, SW9 8JR property
Potential end of the road for the market here. Council have just approved change of use for one of the shops to become a restaurant (despite residents and a councillor objecting):

17/03110/FUL | Change of use from Retail (Use Class A1) to Restaurant (Use Class A3) with installation of timber windows and door to front elevation. | 34-36 Electric Avenue London SW9 8JR

Can only be a matter of time before more change and the Claphamication of Brixton completes...
Who is the councillor who objected? I can't see that in the planning comments.

Also council's previous policy was that Electric Ave should be mixed residential/business. This is surely massively incompatible for residential given it now means the road is opened for business about 18-20 hours a day given what time the market sets up (which in fairness nearly all residents are fine with the market hours). It's bad enough for local residents with the churning out of people from the Village and Pop without this on top.
Also council's previous policy was that Electric Ave should be mixed residential/business. This is surely massively incompatible for residential given it now means the road is opened for business about 18-20 hours a day given what time the market sets up (which in fairness nearly all residents are fine with the market hours). It's bad enough for local residents with the churning out of people from the Village and Pop without this on top.
It's on the boozy highway from Brixton tube to Brixton Pop, the Village and Brixton Beach.
I am surprised how quickly this was rushed through - particularly given the modest £385 planning fee!
Also council's previous policy was that Electric Ave should be mixed residential/business. This is surely massively incompatible for residential given it now means the road is opened for business about 18-20 hours a day given what time the market sets up (which in fairness nearly all residents are fine with the market hours). It's bad enough for local residents with the churning out of people from the Village and Pop without this on top.

This is where "regeneration" Lambeth style falls down. I don't think anyone is against doing up the street. It's that Lambeth don't think it through and put in safeguards to protect the local economy.

It's predictable that Landlords want to cash in on public sector led improvements. They are petty bourgeois capitalists and predictably behave as such. Having A3 restaurant will bring in more dosh. Turfing out existing tenants if they can't afford higher rents is how Landlords operate. Big surprise.

What gets me is that Council officers set up these schemes and then wonder why a lot of locals are sceptical.

I had this at meeting this week. About "improvements" to Brixton Station road that are being planned. If funding is obtained that is.

My sense from dealing with Council at local consultation meetings is that one part sees the Brixton market area as untidy mess. That market and retail is dying. That some of the people who hang around Brixton put people off going to say Brixton Station road.

That the inward investment of Network Rail is a good thing. That Council officers job is to ( in there words,) leverage in new investment.

Against this local residents tell Council officers they don't want to lose the affordable shops, want to retain the character.

Officers then wring there hands about how concerned there are about same issues.

It's maddening to deal with.
Why couldn;t they at least out in some basic fucking rules like, "Hey landlord, we're going to make your shop look great for free, but on the condition that you keep the same business there form say, two years."

The butchers was up for rent as soon as the job was finished. It's taking the fucking piss.

The scaffolding on the building on the corner of Electric Ave/Atlantic Rd has come down, so you can glimpse the new Victorian signage. I wonder if the landlord will swiftly kick out the occupants and hike up the rent now too?
Oh the ground floor, same guys that have always been there, the fantastically named- 'Kashmir Yam Boys'. They have been there for years.

Are you sure it's still them? They've been there since at least 2004 but the name vanished from their awnings a long time ago and I thought Asad Nasseri Quality Food & Veg were trading from there now.
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