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Electric Avenue, Brixton - news and discussion

one thing I have not understood about the illuminated sign is why it is there in the first place.
I thiNk most people who have been here more than 3 months know where electric avenue is without lights in the sky.....
If we're spending £2.5 million on tidying the market up it would be remiss not to promote the place.

If it turns out to be money well spent, who knows, we might get the ornamental iron frontages back as well ...
If we're spending £2.5 million on tidying the market up it would be remiss not to promote the place.

If it turns out to be money well spent, who knows, we might get the ornamental iron frontages back as well ...
No fucking chance. The day that comes back will be the day that the street has been gentrified out of existence.
I agree. We will know we are all done for when the first trendy chain takes up premises in Electric Avenue. This doesn't include Gregg's of course.
You say that, but I read that they were doing my beloved Cheese & Onion pasty in sourdough with other lower fat options available too ; )
The actual buildings of electric ave and the flats above seem to be in a shocking state. Windows boarded up etc. I was looking around one of the kitchen plastic bits and bobs shops the other day and it reeked of damp and rot. Does anyone know, will the freeholders or leaseholders get any improvement grants for structural stuff or to improve exterior appearances?

the real shame is that it doesn't seem to have helped the market traders at all - they are not complimentary about it. The disruption has ruined trade, the 'opening' was after market hours and the new road surface, while badly needed, doesn't 'transform' anything. Workman have already had to dig up some pipes at the atlantic rd end I hear.
As a non-Brit I have always wondered wtf the deal is with property space above shops on high streets/ commercial streets in this country. So many of them look underused, used as storage or simply empty. Such a massive waste. Is it to do with with leasing regulations, with lack of direct access to the upper levels from the street, or something else?
As a non-Brit I have always wondered wtf the deal is with property space above shops on high streets/ commercial streets in this country. So many of them look underused, used as storage or simply empty. Such a massive waste. Is it to do with with leasing regulations, with lack of direct access to the upper levels from the street, or something else?
It's also quite mad because there are regularly tax incentives to being them into use, e.g. 0% CGT if they've been unoccupied for ten years. Not sure whether that's still in place.
Here's some pics of Electric Ave at night when things are much quieter.




In photos: a walk down Brixton’s Electric Avenue after the market has closed
They used my block as the backdrop for their gritty video shoot. Well fucking edgy.

Saw they used the Rec as well.

These kind of cunts really piss me off. Where are they when people were campaigning to keep the Rec and later get it listed?

Now the market has been done up they want to come here . With there Ghetto Chic.

Wish there was another riot so they could be burnt out.

More shit from there blog. Which confirmed my view of them.

Introducing size? Brixton - size? blog
Saw they used the Rec as well.

These kind of cunts really piss me off. Where are they when people were campaigning to keep the Rec and later get it listed?

Now the market has been done up they want to come here . With there Ghetto Chic.

Wish there was another riot so they could be burnt out.

More shit from there blog. Which confirmed my view of them.

Introducing size? Brixton - size? blog
Edgy inner city poverty backdrop for their £150 trainers.
They used my block as the backdrop for their gritty video shoot. Well fucking edgy.

Ironic (or not, maybe) that it features two young black people, the very demographic being driven out by the gentrification this ad, presumably, is encouraging.

"Come to kool Brixton-lite! It's well 'urban', but in a good way." :(
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Size? Aren't hip, trendy, ghetto chic or any of those things though. Nobody who has a minor idea of fashion thinks that, whatever marketing videos they publish. They are just retailers who have affiliate marketing agreements with a lot of run of the mill brands.

That's not to say they won't start a rush of other retailers onto Electric Avenue though, pushing up rents. These reatailers will be as boring as size? though. Which is a pity.
Size? Aren't hip, trendy, ghetto chic or any of those things though. Nobody who has a minor idea of fashion thinks that, whatever marketing videos they publish. They are just retailers who have affiliate marketing agreements with a lot of run of the mill brands.

That's not to say they won't start a rush of other retailers onto Electric Avenue though, pushing up rents. These reatailers will be as boring as size? though. Which is a pity.

This is true, size is just mainstream high street - it's a continuation of the H+M, TK maxx trend but it's terrible that it's spreading beyond Brixton road into a street that should be market type trading, - the council should protect its character
It's the beginning of the end for Electric Avenue, with Lambeth's makeover and pointless 'iconic' neon sign greasing the wheels for the mainstream takeover.

And compared to what was there before, Size? are as trendy and as hip as fuck.
When the rents rocket skyward the existing business close or hike up their prices to cover their costs and the good people of Brixton now pay more or can't afford to buy , who wins ? , gready Landlords and Lambeth Council in extra business rates !! Come on we all know they don't give a shit
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