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East Brixton station (formerly Lougborough Park): abandoned station off Coldharbour Lane

Do you think East London Line trains should stop in the Brixton area?

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Just got a reply back from TFL stating that the 'costs would outweigh the benefits' of putting in a station on the extended East London Line - so no new train service for us.

I don't really like the East London line anyway :oops:

I kind of think the Victoria line should go further south though.
What a load of wank.

The benefits of expanding any rail network in south London must outway the costs.

The more that interchanges are available on any transport route makes them more attractive.:confused:

It might fuck up the ticketing but it keeps the brain active planning routes.;)

Still if we get a tram.....
we don't want the Victoria Line extended. One of the joys of it terminating in Brixton is that we can always get a seat:D Well, most of the time
Me too. Please fire off a quick one for me folks. (Phnar, phnar).


PS I wonder whether you've been mis-informed Mike. Ken's promise was very emphatic. "New Line Will Stop at Brixton" on the front of the SLP:


"And the East London Line, which runs directly over Brixton, will DEFINITELY stop in the town, he vowed."

Originally posted by hatboy
PS I wonder whether you've been mis-informed Mike. Ken's promise was very emphatic.
So was the reply I received from TfL.

It's not coming to Brixton.
Could it be in order to secure the Tram coming to Brixton, and not being diverted from Stockwell to Clapham as has previously been mooted. Seems crazy that the East London Line was prioritised to go from Peckham to Clapham Junction, over Tulse Hill and Wimbledon to regenerate inner South London. It will stop at Denmark Hill, then the longest gap of almost 2 miles to Clapham (most stops are between 1/2 amd 3/4 mile apart). The sight of sleek trains running through might regenerate a trainspotter, but not much else. Do the wine bars of Clapham need regeneration?
It's another fine LU project management mess. The ELL southern extensions project only got approved by central Government on the basis that it would be ridiculously cheap - just building a few hundred yards of track around the New Cross area mostly where there were Victorian railway lines. Most of the rest of the approved cost is for new rolling stock.

Any costs over and above this would need to come from TfL's own budget rather than central government.
Have just spoken to the East London Line project team's "Communications Manager".

He told me that the most recent estimate of costs for a new station on the high level line (the line that the ELL trains would have to use) had reached £50 (FIFTY) million :eek: :eek: :eek:
at which point they stopped working on further options as they could never justify payback even in regeneration terms.

Edited to add eeks
The letter I got back from TfL just now:

Dear norse deity,


Thank you for your e-mail of 19 November to the Mayor, following consultation with my colleagues in the London Rail department of Transport for London (TfL).

The mayor and TfL accept that the provision of a station at Brixton on the extended East London line would be of major benefit to the local community and to the wider transport network. Unfortunately, this is not an easy site, and a station serving central Brixton and providing good interchange with the existing National Rail station, the Underground station and local buses would need to be up on a viaduct. To provide such a station would be costly and I am afraid the costs would far outweigh the benefits.

In the circumstances, TfL and the Strategic Rail Authority, who are now taking the lead on the East London line extension project, have concluded that it isd not possible to proceed with a new station in Brixton. However, we will continue to look into what can be done to better integrate the existing bus, National Rail, Underground and the planned Cross River Transit services [woss that?] at Brixton.

Yours etc.
and the planned Cross River Transit services [woss that?]

It's the mythical tram following the 59 bus route from Camden and going over Waterloo bridge. ETA 2012 at the earliest, so don't hold your breath!
Please can you reply to that email asking whether the last part therefore confirms that the tram WILL definitely come to Brixton and not Clapham then?
Originally posted by hatboy
Please can you reply to that email asking whether the last part therefore confirms that the tram WILL definitely come to Brixton and not Clapham then?

Rush hour on Brixton Hill with the Trams
Here's the reply I got Hatboy:

11 December 2003

TfL Ref: 29620A

Dear norse deity

East London line extension

Thank you for your letter of 27 November.

Information on the Cross River Tram Scheme can be found on our website - http://www.tfl.gov.uk/trams/initiatives/ini_index_cr.shtml. The future timescales will be dependent on funding and other approvals.

My colleagues in TfL Transport Planning have advised me that it is most unlikely that the Clapham proposals will be pursued further. These have never been part of the core option, which is based on going to Brixton.

Yours sincerely

David Marshall
TfL Customer Relations
I got this reply from Transport for London. No ELL, as we thought (despite Mayor's public promise) and no commitment on the trams as yet either. But this Cross River Transit thing is defintely coming to Brixton - the link is below.

Thank you for your e-mail to the Mayor requesting clarification on the proposals for Tramlink and the East London Line extensions. I have been asked to reply on his behalf.

Mr Livingstone and Transport for London TfL accept that new stations at Brixton and/or Loughborough Junction would fit in very well with the objectives of the extended East London Line. They would provide the opportunity for passengers to interchange from local, and predominantly radial, train services onto the new orbital link and thus gain access to a greater part of the rail network in London, and also help to promote local regeneration and greater social inclusion. For these reasons TfL commissioned a feasibility study into how these stations could be provided. Unfortunately, both sites are difficult in engineering terms, requiring the stations to be up on viaducts, substantial infrastructure changes and/or land take, in order to provide stations that would meet modern design standards for safety and access. To provide such stations would be very costly, and unfortunately the costs would far outweigh the benefits.

In the circumstances, TfL and the Strategic Rail Authority, who are now taking the lead on the East London Line extension project, have concluded that it is not possible to proceed with new stations at Brixton and Loughborough Junction. However, we will continue to look into what can be done to better integrate the existing bus, National Rail, Underground and the planned Cross River Transit services at Brixton.

A TfL sponsored study was carried out during 2002 to examine several possible tramway alignments around south London, and this produced four potentially viable extensions to the Croydon Tramlink system:

South Norwood to Crystal Palace
Streatham to Purley
Tooting to Sutton
Wimbledon to Sutton

Further work is underway to establish a business case before the Mayor will be in a position to make a decision on whether to proceed with any of these proposals.

However Mr Livingstone has also given the go-ahead for the Cross River Transit scheme which will be heading to amongst other areas, Brixton and Peckham, please refer to the following link for more information:
click here

Once again thank you for taking the time to contact the Mayor and I hope the above is of help.

Yours sincerely
Jasmine Howard
Customer Relations

So it looks like we'll have no trams connected to south London - but we will have trams connected to central London. Which I think is a strange decision, considering that links from Brixton to central London are already good, and links to the south/east are the ones that are really needed.
Originally posted by Brixton Hatter
I So it looks like we'll have no trams connected to south London - but we will have trams connected to central London. Which I think is a strange decision, considering that links from Brixton to central London are already good, and links to the south/east are the ones that are really needed.

Exactly ! It takes me 45 minutes on the comfort of the top deck of the 45 to get from Loughborough Junction to King's Cross. And if I'm in a rush I can get Thameslink or the tube. North -South is not the problmm. I really think this tram thing is a re herring and waste of time. I haven't seen how it works in Croydon but presumably there must be some pretty massive engineering / power-supply / road widening / remodelling that needs to be done. And unnecessary, certainly northbound. Can that really be more expensive than opening up cross-London rail links by building on existing stations at LJ and Brixton ? Its not exactly massive engineering to build upwards - not like digging a new tube station. Has anyone looked at / critiqued the feasibility studies ? And does anyone know when the next Forum meeting is ?
... if only they looked like Minx's pic, above :). Unfortunately the Wimbledon-Croydon trams are boringly functional looking.
Cross River Transit by 2011!

Just followed the link - TfL are now suggesting its possible that the Transit might be built by 2011 rather than 2012 as previously suggested.

Before I make my new year's resolution - to do as I would be done by in 2004, avoid cynicism, and avoid excessive use of :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:, there's just time for this jaded old hack to ask:

Might the new date be because a promise of the tram "in seven years" would sound catchier during Ken's re-election campaign than a pledge that it will be here in eight years time?:rolleyes: Mystical/rhetorical effect of prime numbers and all that
Originally posted by Loki
... if only they looked like Minx's pic, above :). Unfortunately the Wimbledon-Croydon trams are boringly functional looking.

I disagree. I think the Croydon tram is beautiful and it is necessary and would be excellent for this area.
This was the toughest 'Then and Now' to get right - I couldn't find any street level photos of the old East Brixton station anywhere until I unearthed a dog-eared, faded image from the lambethlandmark.com site that took some major Photoshoppery to salvage.

Things weren't helped by the image being incorrectly captioned (" view from Barrington Road looking towards railway bridges and Coldharbour Lane." After several baffled attempts to take the photo from that angle I realised that the view is in fact from Coldharbour Lane!).

Anyway here it is at last!
East Brixton station
Originally posted by hatboy
I disagree. I think the Croydon tram is beautiful and it is necessary and would be excellent for this area.
I don't disagree they'd be fantastic for Brixton, I just don't find them that special looking tho. They look like the modern rectangular buses but on tracks to me. But hey, beauty is in the eye of the beholder :)

edit to add - nice pics ed
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