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drinking in Newcastle how pricey?


I'll do it this afternoon
My mate is having a pub crawl in Newcastle for his 40th. Starting at The Tyne then along the river and then up to the central station area I think. Is this going to cost me a bomb? I usually drink whatever is cheapest in the local spoons:oops: but we aren't going near any until the later end of the night.

Its about 10 years since I had a proper booze up in Newcastle.
The Tyne (and the rest of the Ouseburn area) is generally pretty reasonable. It could get a bit more pricey as you head into town, but there's still some good places - SJF pubs are usually decent.

There's also two Wetherspoons near the station and another on the quayside :thumbs:
if it is still open stay out of 55 or whatever it is called on the swan house roundabout - very ! pricey. Ditto most of the clubs and city centre pubs ............

Spoons by the central station not too bad.

Although it is several years since I last went out on the toon .........
Used to go to the head of steam a fair bit...think it's still there, opp Central station? Used to be cheap, good music, good pre club pub.
Yeah, it's still there. They also have Tileys up the road, The Cluney in Ouseburn and The Central in Gateshead.
One of the pubs on the Bigg Market (unsurprisingly I don't remember which) used to have a huge 'wheel of fortune' above the bar. Every half hour or so they'd spin the wheel to decide the next booze offer. As the wheel slowed, there'd be a drawn out 'wooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!' culminating in a massive roar as it landed on '5 pints for a 5iver for the next 5ive minutes' or 'Ten tequilas for a tenner' or whatever.

Utter fucking carnage obviously.
One of the pubs on the Bigg Market (unsurprisingly I don't remember which) used to have a huge 'wheel of fortune' above the bar. Every half hour or so they'd spin the wheel to decide the next booze offer. As the wheel slowed, there'd be a drawn out 'wooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!' culminating in a massive roar as it landed on '5 pints for a 5iver for the next 5ive minutes' or 'Ten tequilas for a tenner' or whatever.

Utter fucking carnage obviously.
I have never been but have heard of it!
I was back there recently after being away a while, a few pubs on your route worth checking out would be:

The Cumberland Arms - My favourite pub in the Ouseburn, not far from The Tyne and well worth a visit,
The Bridge Tavern - They brew their own beers on site and have great range of guest beers on, good food as well, a little on the pricey side but you'll be only have a couple before moving on.
The Crown Posada - old school Newcastle pub, its tiny but always has a good atmosphere, even when there's only four people inside. Owned by SJF now like a lot of places around the NE, still seems of kept its original vibe though.
The Bridge Hotel As above a great old Newcastle pub now owned by SJF, i always pop in for one when i'm in town.

There's a load more but a lot of the best ones are no more sadly. The Broken Doll would of made a good end point if it was still there.
The cheaper option would be to head East instead of West, through Byker and onto Wallsend.

You won't need to wear a coat, although a motorcycle helmet may be handy (an open face one so you can still sup on your beer).
Good pubs mentioned above - all will be more expensive than 'spoons, but not too bad - though there's Wetherspoons/Lloyds on the Quayside - The Quayside - and near Central Station - The Union Rooms and The Milecastle; The Centurion (at the station) is also fairly cheap.

Prices vary wildly at most pubs/bars depending what you drink - stick to bog-standard lagers, Wylam brewery ales, and house spirits and avoid craft beers/premium imported lagers and spirits if you want a cheap night. If you do decide to drink something fancier then the Bridge Tavern has the best craft beers (better than BrewDog), Tilley's has a massive choice of beers, Cumberland Arms is good for cider, Alvinos for cocktails. Anywhere on Dean St or Collingwood St (the "Diamond Strip") is stupidly pricey whatever you're drinking (and aimed either at hipsters or Geordie Shore types so best avoided).

Bigg Market area is generally very cheap, lots of offers, level of surrounding carnage depends on what bars you go in, what day of the week it is, and what time of night (its also a surprisingly good place for a sit-down meal - there's Italian/Vietnamese/Greek/Indian/Lebanese restaurants and pub grub, all fairly good, reasonably priced, and serving food on proper plates not recycled bits of wood).

Head of Steam is friendly, conveniently placed opposite the station for public transport/taxis, plays good music downstairs at weekends, and its open late, so its a good place to end up before working out if its home or clubbing or more of the same.
it has been a while since I have been on the piss in the Bigg market obvs. Its was full of rightist looking shit when I passed though last time though...
I have a couple more even shitter photos on my phone but having trouble getting them upoloaded
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