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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Thanks Crabbed One! Let's add a few more years of shifting further rightwards!
Britain in 2015

Funny really, the Socially Conservative DUP certainly makes very right wing noises but the Six Counties being distinctly pre-Thatcherite they have presided over a porky public sector 10% bigger than the Tartan Tories do and yet here is (economically) far to the SNP's right. David Cameron described N.I. as being like something from behind the Iron Curtain. SF the DUP's ruling partners in spreading English tax payers money, often to the not so needy, in practice are a pretty authoritarian bunch and wander well to the right economically down South. Just ask a dissident Republican.

Stormont has all just fallen apart for DUP leader and whiny victim of misogynism Arlene over a half a billion quid scandal in which happy farmers reaped a rich harvest of state funds to heat their empty barns in an ecological sound way of course.

Nationalist extremists won in N.I. and settled down to collaborate amongst the ruins of the corrupt old 70s establishment they tore down. It didn't work so badly but they have proceeded to make a complete cock of divvying up the spoils. Perhaps its not the Nazis we should worry about with Trump. Stormont: a warning from history.

BNP more authoritarian than both Hitler and Stalin. Greens more libertarian that Gandhi. Right you are.
Barry Obama far to the right of Hitler and sniffing Mitt the Mormon's butt in Authoritarian terms. Where are they going to put Trump with his pandering to dictators, reheated Hooverism and wall fixation?
Now this cunt*needs to be carefully watched


Andrew Pudzer- CEO of the CKE fast food group. an utter fuckpig and labor secretary nominee. A truly provocative shitbag of candidate, as traditionally, hand pumpers, dealmakers and negotiators have filled these posts, in order not to antagonise the organised labor bloks in US industry. He want to drop minimum wages and his own company have a truly awful record of shitting on their staff

Oh yes, the icing on this turd filled fairy cake is that the ultimate owners of the CK group are Roarke Capital group. Roarke is the main fuck in the Fountainhead. Randists will be running the country, Shit the unmade bed

* apologies for the language
Trump Asks If Outgoing CIA Chief Was Leaker of ‘Fake News’

"Trump retorted to his 20 million Twitter followers, “@FoxNews ‘Outgoing CIA Chief, John Brennan, blasts Pres-Elect Trump on Russia threat. Does not fully understand.’ Oh really, couldn’t do much worse - just look at Syria (red line), Crimea, Ukraine and the build-up of Russian nukes. Not good! Was this the leaker of Fake News?”"

Trump accuses the outgoing CIA head cheese of being the source behind the salacious dossier of mostly bollocks, sprinkled with facts. Utter poison this trump
On Bloomberg Merkel Says Europe Controls Its Own Fate in Rebuff to Trump
Merkel said she wouldn’t comment on Trump’s emerging policy agenda before his inauguration on Friday. Once he’s in office, Germany will seek to work with his administration “on all levels,” she said.

“He has now set out his positions once again, but they’ve been known for a while,” Merkel said. “My positions are also known.”
Merkelise for "Bring it on pissy pants."
Oh yes, the icing on this turd filled fairy cake is that the ultimate owners of the CK group are Roarke Capital group. Roarke is the main fuck in the Fountainhead. Randists will be running the country, Shit the unmade bed

* apologies for the language

With Alan Greenspan running the Federal Reserve Bank, under Republican and Democrats alike, from 1987 to 2006 this in itself is hardly a new state of affairs.
Trump Asks If Outgoing CIA Chief Was Leaker of ‘Fake News’

"Trump retorted to his 20 million Twitter followers, “@FoxNews ‘Outgoing CIA Chief, John Brennan, blasts Pres-Elect Trump on Russia threat. Does not fully understand.’ Oh really, couldn’t do much worse - just look at Syria (red line), Crimea, Ukraine and the build-up of Russian nukes. Not good! Was this the leaker of Fake News?”"

Trump accuses the outgoing CIA head cheese of being the source behind the salacious dossier of mostly bollocks, sprinkled with facts. Utter poison this trump
Because he's attacking the CIA?

I mean yes he's a cunt, but not because of anything in that link or that tweet.
Fourth, rather than creating a climate in which Russian violations of international norms are penalized — as was the case in the 1980s — Trump is creating a climate of Kremlin impunity. He is doing so by making clear that he has no desire to punish something so grave as interference in America’s democratic process, an approach contrary to some of the statements of his top appointed advisers. And he is also doing do by repeatedly stating that he plans to undertake counter-terrorism cooperation that will simply reward the butchery that Russian forces have helped perpetrate in Syria. Finally, although Trump has pledged to raise defense spending — a badly needed change that could be quite helpful in setting conditions for effective diplomacy with Moscow — he seems determined to race to the summit with Putin before this or any other move that might strengthen the U.S. position can take effect.

A smart diplomatic strategy would seek to maximize American power and leverage, and improve the collective force and solidity of America’s international coalition, prior to engaging a shrewd and ruthless tyrant. The idea that power and strength are prerequisites to effective deal-making made sense in Reagan’s day. It makes sense today, as well. Trump’s position, however, seems likely to demoralize America’s allies, weaken America’s negotiating position, and give Putin renewed international legitimacy and an end to punishing economic sanctions without exacting any sort of meaningful price. It seems incredible that there could even be a diplomatic strategy that would allow the United States to be bested by a country that has an economy the size of Spain’s and seems slated for continued, long-term economic and demographic decline. But if there is such a strategy, Trump seems bent on finding it.
The comparison with Reagan is an interesting one. The old ham Reagan wasn't as clear a strategist as this suggest. He was a GOP outlier (not an insurgent outsider like Trump) regarded as dangerously hawkish in a time of MAD. He came quite near to unintentionally provoking a nuclear exchange with the USSR. He does seem to have been sensibly terrified of nuclear war. He was agile enough to embrace Gorbachov. A second term political flip-flop that really annoyed the hawkish new Republican establishment he created. His previous belligerence enabled that to an extent both domestically and in Moscow. He was lucky and seized the moment but that counts too in statesman.

I'd put it far more simply than this article. Trump's schtick has the still hegemonic US as a failed power that essentially can't get up anymore and he is the Viagra. Something like the Russia Putin took power in. He may genuinely believe this and hence the schoolboy crush on Putin. Trump has a taken a common alt-right position on the Russians that looks more about challenging the GOP establishment than dealing with a genuinely dangerous great power. Diplomacy is about establishing long term relationships based on mutual respect/fear not transactional deals. Trump looks both unpredictable and like a tempting pussy for Putin to goose after a little exploratory courting. You don't bend over so easily for a tough KGB thug like Putin and get anything but disrespect. In alt-right terms Trump's already a "cuck" in Russian eyes and Putin is the Alpha-male. This could be a game but it would be a dangerous one. The very narcissistic Trump won't endure a Kerry like humiliation at Russian hands well.
Not usually the biggest fan of Counterpunch but continuing the theme of critiques of progressive neoliberalism, a detailed and passionate excoriation of Obama from Yvette Carnell and Pascal Robert.
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