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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Did anyone see that bit on the Bbc about his potential mafia links ? Appears he sourced all the concrete for his hotels from Fat Tony Salernos crew . And, surprise surprise, never had a single strike during the construction .

Some background to it here .

21 Questions For Donald Trump

Not that I'm defending Donald Trump, but anyone who ever built anything in NYC is going to have paid someone their cut to make things run a little smoother.
Sometimes liberals need beating over the head. This trump hysteria is one example. Yes, he's a grotty ruthless (probable) sociopath but behind the contrived "emurgud he's a wacist!" espoused by certain corners lies a darker fear of the working class.

Christ! Where to begin with this one. So middle class 'liberals' are pretending to be outraged at Trump's racism because actually they are scared of working class people? Which I suppose means that either Trump (with his is multi-billion dollar inheritance) is working class, or that racism itself is working class, right? Actually, fuck it, I can't be bothered trying to figure out what you're saying here, and I suspect you're not sure yourself.
Donald Trump isn’t retreating on Corey Lewandowski. He’s tripling down.

He just can't help himself. No matter what it is, he never lets anyone see him back down, even when he's clearly in the wrong. His press conference was a shitshow where he just victim blamed and tried to create sympathy for his campaign manager while muddying the issue.

I'd love to see this prosecution proceed before the election, so Trump is called in open court and either has to admit he lied about what happened initially and subsequently or pretend he can't see what happened in the video, and is corroborated by audio and Field's pictures.
Not that I'm defending Donald Trump, but anyone who ever built anything in NYC is going to have paid someone their cut to make things run a little smoother.

Yeah but I think it's goes a lot deeper than that . Hes apparently paid them shitloads when mere greasing the wheel ...as youd expect in NYC given how " pro deregulated business" some of the more colourful elements of the Italian American construction fraternity can be...doesn't seem to cut it . The guy has gone bankrupt and stuff after all. Think it's a bit more .
Donald Trump isn’t retreating on Corey Lewandowski. He’s tripling down.

He just can't help himself. No matter what it is, he never lets anyone see him back down, even when he's clearly in the wrong. His press conference was a shitshow where he just victim blamed and tried to create sympathy for his campaign manager while muddying the issue.

I'd love to see this prosecution proceed before the election, so Trump is called in open court and either has to admit he lied about what happened initially and subsequently or pretend he can't see what happened in the video, and is corroborated by audio and Field's pictures.

Honestly...cunt that he is...complete storm in a tea cup. The criminality, mass rape ..and indeed genocide...that the clintons have been up to their necks in relegates that business to small potatoes/ wee buns . "Politician lies shocker " won't put a single dent in him. If anything a prosecution would be spun as somebody in the establishment running scared . He's spun a hell of a lot worse pretty...immensely..successfully.
The prosecution will be at state level. It's not a federal offense.

Also, given his tweets today, he seems to be implying (in a roundabout way) that he would've withheld evidence that he didn't think favored him. He tweeted something like "I gave the police those videos".
Christ! Where to begin with this one. So middle class 'liberals' are pretending to be outraged at Trump's racism because actually they are scared of working class people? Which I suppose means that either Trump (with his is multi-billion dollar inheritance) is working class, or that racism itself is working class, right? Actually, fuck it, I can't be bothered trying to figure out what you're saying here, and I suspect you're not sure yourself.
^This is the reason why I stopped myself from engaging any further with DingDing -he's all over the fucking shop. The laughable 'prolier than thou' attitude was especially :facepalm:-worthy.
New rumours about Ted Cruz being not entirely faithful to Mrs. Cruz floating around. . .


And according to some of the comments on that gawker piece, there may be a somewhat oatenesque quality to Mr. Cruz's more intimate activities. . .


That story suggests at least six people willing had sex with Ted Cruz.
Is he likely/can he run as an independent if he doesn't get the GOP nomination?

This was considered vaguely plausible but it doesn't come up so much anymore since it became increasingly likely there is nobody else to stop him getting the Republican nomination.

I somehow expect more plot twists yet, but the possibilities seem far more limited than they once did, though that might be in part due to the simple tales the media push as absolute fact.
Is he likely/can he run as an independent if he doesn't get the GOP nomination?

The rules are convoluted because it varies by state, but it would be very difficult unless he did it soon. Here are the rules for independent candidates in texas to be listed on the ballot

Independent Candidates
Independent candidates for President file an application with the Secretary of State. The application must be submitted with a petition, and both documents must be filed no later than May 9, 2016. The petitions can be circulated beginning after March 1, 2016. For 2016, the petition must contain 79,939 signatures of registered voters who did not vote in the presidential primary of either party. The application must include the information about and signed consent from the candidate’s vice-presidential running mate. In addition to the petition and application, an independent candidate for President must provide signed, written statements of consent to be a presidential elector candidate from 38 presidential elector candidates (the number of presidential electors that federal law allocates to Texas). Forms are linked below and may be obtained from the Secretary of State’s office.

Running For President in Texas

He could also go as a write in candidate

Write-In Candidates
Write-in candidates for President file a declaration of write-in candidacy with the Secretary of State. The declaration may not be filed earlier than July 23, 2016, or later than 5:00 p.m. of August 22, 2016. The declaration must include the information about and signed consent from the candidate’s vice-presidential running mate. In addition to the declaration, a write-in candidate for President must provide signed, written statements of consent to be a presidential elector candidate from 38 presidential elector candidates (the number of presidential electors that federal law allocates to Texas). Forms are linked below and may be obtained from the Secretary of State’s office.
The only hope they have of stopping trump is at a brokered convention. Lots of articles recently about how the modern way of choosing the candidate is relatively new and backroom deals historically the norm. I think laying the groundwork for what's to come. It won't work - if they try to take it away from trump his supporters will definitely go ape shit crazy.
The only hope they have of stopping trump is at a brokered convention.

Not the only way - a couple of rounds would do the trick.

Is there any mechanism to have a late change of candidate if Trump does something truly insane or criminal? Would there be a line that could be crossed in terms of disreputable behaviour that would provide reason to throw him out of the contest?

I think the party will be already looking at ways to steer and manage Trump if he gets the job, to make sure interests are protected. He's not so smart that he can't be played by others.
Is there any mechanism to have a late change of candidate if Trump does something truly insane or criminal? Would there be a line that could be crossed in terms of disreputable behaviour that would provide reason to throw him out of the contest?

Guess they could always offer up another candidate from "The Real Republican Party" or the "No Donalds Party."

Not the only way - a couple of rounds would do the trick.

Is there any mechanism to have a late change of candidate if Trump does something truly insane or criminal? Would there be a line that could be crossed in terms of disreputable behaviour that would provide reason to throw him out of the contest?

I think the party will be already looking at ways to steer and manage Trump if he gets the job, to make sure interests are protected. He's not so smart that he can't be played by others.
The republican party has in it's own rules that they can change the rules any time they want effectively. If they wanted to they can definitely block him any time between now and the convention it's just whether they can live with the consequences i suppose
Did anyone see that bit on the Bbc about his potential mafia links ? Appears he sourced all the concrete for his hotels from Fat Tony Salernos crew . And, surprise surprise, never had a single strike during the construction .

Some background to it here .

21 Questions For Donald Trump
Do any work in the US and you're quickly having to deal with anything from unionised labour to full on mafia kick backs. Best bit of advice I got for working with the riggers, is stand back, advise where you have to, have a laugh with them, but keep your hands in your pockets! :)
The only real way to stop a disaster is to ensure none of the GOP candidates win. Cruz is scary as hell. Trump is scary as hell. Both for some similar but also quite different reasons.

Clinton is also scary as hell, but I'd suggest for altogether different reasons, and I have to say I would likely hold my nose and vote for her rather than not vote at all. The sum of human and environmental suffering would be greater overall with Cruz or Trump in the White House for 4-8 years, even though there would undoubtedly be suffering with Clinton too (and with Sanders, since he's not about to dismantle capitalism, but I leave him off the list since at the very least the good he'd do by bringing certain arguments into the mainstream would be a positive thing).
The only real way to stop a disaster is to ensure none of the GOP candidates win. Cruz is scary as hell. Trump is scary as hell. Both for some similar but also quite different reasons.

Clinton is also scary as hell, but I'd suggest for altogether different reasons, and I have to say I would likely hold my nose and vote for her rather than not vote at all. The sum of human and environmental suffering would be greater overall with Cruz or Trump in the White House for 4-8 years, even though there would undoubtedly be suffering with Clinton too (and with Sanders, since he's not about to dismantle capitalism, but I leave him off the list since at the very least the good he'd do by bringing certain arguments into the mainstream would be a positive thing).

Especially as there are some who correctly point out that the Clinton type of 'liberals' don't have benign foreign policies but then go on to bleat about it in sinister ways. e.g. by being inclined to take the opposing right-wingers who spout isolationist rhetoric at their word, even when in reality that side of the political spectrum commits plenty of bloody overseas adventures. Yes there is something particularly disgusting about those who wring their hands with 'concern' whilst still bombing families from afar, but there is something disgusting about the economic and social policies that the right will inflict on people if given power. I suspect there is a strong overlap between people who are really grubby little social conservatives with backwards ideas about human rights and those who bash Clinton with a special degree of relish on matters of foreign policy.
The only real way to stop a disaster is to ensure none of the GOP candidates win. Cruz is scary as hell. Trump is scary as hell. Both for some similar but also quite different reasons.

Clinton is also scary as hell, but I'd suggest for altogether different reasons, and I have to say I would likely hold my nose and vote for her rather than not vote at all. The sum of human and environmental suffering would be greater overall with Cruz or Trump in the White House for 4-8 years, even though there would undoubtedly be suffering with Clinton too (and with Sanders, since he's not about to dismantle capitalism, but I leave him off the list since at the very least the good he'd do by bringing certain arguments into the mainstream would be a positive thing).

I disagree, slightly. Trump wouldn't be able to do that much madness - the wall, maybe (since the Republicans who control Congress could plausibly claim credit for it) but nothing else; nor could Congress come up with daft things either because neither side is strong enough. You would probably end up with a genuine separation of powers (albeit more of a separation of powerlessness), with their system operating as it was actually designed, with the only things managing to get through being those things that everyone could agree on.

If Cruz won it would be an utter disaster, given that he would have a degree of control over Congress, all of the donors and have the status of the man who stopped Trump and Clinton. Clinton would at best be a continuation of the last four years, and would have to face a Republican Party that had gotten 2016 out of its system.
I disagree, slightly. Trump wouldn't be able to do that much madness - the wall, maybe (since the Republicans who control Congress could plausibly claim credit for it) but nothing else; nor could Congress come up with daft things either because neither side is strong enough. You would probably end up with a genuine separation of powers (albeit more of a separation of powerlessness), with their system operating as it was actually designed, with the only things managing to get through being those things that everyone could agree on.

If Cruz won it would be an utter disaster, given that he would have a degree of control over Congress, all of the donors and have the status of the man who stopped Trump and Clinton. Clinton would at best be a continuation of the last four years, and would have to face a Republican Party that had gotten 2016 out of its system.

I don't think the wall would make a bit of difference. The incentive to go to America is so strong. They'll just sail around it or dig under it.
I don't think the wall would make a bit of difference. The incentive to go to America is so strong. They'll just sail around it or dig under it.

There's already a fence and a canal in part of the border area. There's also lots of deaths of people who didn't make it through. The more they raise security, the more deaths there will be:

UCSON, Ariz. – As immigration reform debates run hot on Capitol Hill, many members of Congress say a more secure border has to be part of any bill they approve. One of those is Arizona Sen. John McCain, one of the “Gang of Eight” of bipartisan lawmakers pushing reform.

But authors of a just-released report on deaths of undocumented migrants in south-central Arizona argue that increased border security may lead to more people perishing.

“A Continued Humanitarian Crisis at the Border,” published by the University of Arizona’s Binational Migration Institute and released on June 5, analyzes the trends and demographics of people who died in south-central Arizona from 1990 through 2012 after crossing the U.S.-Mexico border without authorization.

The Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner in Tucson – which investigates the highest number of migrant deaths in the country and handles more unidentified remains per capita than any other medical examiner’s office in the United States – provided the statistics on the deaths of undocumented border crossers for the area.

Immigrant Deaths Rose With Border Security Boost, Study Finds
Interesting comment from a "talking-head" Trump supporter on CNN. He claims that if Trump goes into the convention with the most delegates and the GOP pull a stroke and get someone else nominated, he could stand as an independent. They claim that the agreement that was signed by all candidates (too support the nominee) would not hold up in court and that Trump would draw votes from both the Republicans and Democrats and that some polls show he could win.
Especially as there are some who correctly point out that the Clinton type of 'liberals' don't have benign foreign policies but then go on to bleat about it in sinister ways. e.g. by being inclined to take the opposing right-wingers who spout isolationist rhetoric at their word, even when in reality that side of the political spectrum commits plenty of bloody overseas adventures. Yes there is something particularly disgusting about those who wring their hands with 'concern' whilst still bombing families from afar, but there is something disgusting about the economic and social policies that the right will inflict on people if given power. I suspect there is a strong overlap between people who are really grubby little social conservatives with backwards ideas about human rights and those who bash Clinton with a special degree of relish on matters of foreign policy.

She's a mass murdering genocidal fucking monster with a million dead kids under her belt already. And that's from before she supported Bushes war . Her and her husband deliberately starved them, deliberately denied them the basics of life and persisted with it for years on end until a million died. I'll assume from your pious missive you'd hold your nose and vote for Blair again .

Clinton is "the right " FFs . As was Blair. There's no black hat vs white hat here. No left alternative to right . They're all right wing scum . Except maybe for Sanders who's nice but useless .
Clinton leads without doubt the most hawkish faction on Capitol hill..the kagans and McCains .absolute lunatics..fascists . Her foreign agenda is certain and guaranteed. Confrontation, aggression and war .
Trump is grotesque but he may not go down that route. It's not a certainty as with Clinton. Plus he hasnt killed anyone..yet .
I find something disgusting in anyone who'd support a proven monster like Clinton on the basis her liberal credentials tick enough boxes for them and then cast grubby aspersions on others . but then again you thought bombing Libya was a good thing so it's no surprise you'd be in her camp .
Yep, that shit you spout is exactly what I was on about. Except you seem to have toned down the blatant social conservatism and homophobia on this forum in the last year or so the other half of my point may be trickier to demonstrate without a long tedious path I can't be bothered with right now. Binary fool.
Yep, that shit you spout is exactly what I was on about. Except you seem to have toned down the blatant social conservatism and homophobia on this forum in the last year or so the other half of my point may be trickier to demonstrate without a long tedious path I can't be bothered with right now. Binary fool.

Look which binary fool is spouting the same shit as me, you shit spouting binary fool.

Susan Sarandon: Trump Might Be Better for America Than Hillary Clinton

Your point is superfluous. Doesn't matter is she slaughters millions in the third world so long as she makes nice noises about abortion and gay marriage in the first world . Humans vs subhumans . Liberal hypocrisy paving the way for liberal fascism.
2 points about that link:

1) The majority of media mis-reported what Sarandon said. She offered an explanation for why some Bernie supporters might choose Trump over Clinton. She said herself she might not vote for Clinton. She further went on to say she would not vote for Trump, after the media jumped on her earlier comments and started reporting she said she might vote for Trump, which is something she never said in the first place. Joined up thinking was too much for the media that day.

2) Like a celebrity opinion gives an argument more legitimacy, lol.
American politicians are celebrities ffs . Trumps a reality show contestant gone mad . Ronald Reagan was a brain dead bit part actor .The point she's making though that even many Sanders supporters would vote trump before Clinton, the woman being the epitome of vileness to anyone with half a brain.
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