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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Denouncing Trump is a great boon for right-wingers who want to signal their virtue. Hey, I might support X, Y and Z awful things that are actually just as bad or worse than Trump's political positions but I am not Trump so look at Trump not me!

Compare the UK media's wall to wall coverage of Trump's immigration policy to Cameron's announcement that he actually wants to deport Muslim women for not learning English.
Denouncing Trump is a great boon for right-wingers who want to signal their virtue. Hey, I might support X, Y and Z awful things that are actually just as bad or worse than Trump's political positions but I am not Trump so look at Trump not me!

Compare the UK media's wall to wall coverage of Trump's immigration policy to Cameron's announcement that he actually wants to deport Muslim women for not learning English.
Please, don't start using that virtue signalling stuff. We;ll be having that cuck/serial killer stuff shortly after.
Please, don't start using that virtue signalling stuff. We;ll be having that cuck/serial killer stuff shortly after.

I thought that accusing other people of virtue signalling was more the province of Guardian journos than 4chan etc.
Virtue signalling (whatever that may be) aside I just thought it was a bizarre/amusing (in a dark fashion) bit of cognitive dissonance, that is all.
I quite like the fact that a lot of assholes are laying into each other, highlighting each other's deficiencies. It kind of makes me glad Trump is in this game, just for the chaos it's causing in the right-wing establishment. Plus also the potential of seeing him lose.
Rubio & Cruz laid into Trump on the Fox News debate in Detroit last night & Trump's chances fell 5% from 29% whilst Clinton benefited by 2% (for doing sod all) along with Rubio. But the same people (grudgingly) subsequently said they would support Trump if he were selected. Gun toters shooting themselves in the foot innit...cue in a few weeks: "well I didn't mean it when I called him a con man etc"
Rubio & Cruz laid into Trump on the Fox News debate in Detroit last night & Trump's chances fell 5% from 29% whilst Clinton benefited by 2% (for doing sod all) along with Rubio. But the same people (grudgingly) subsequently said they would support Trump if he were selected. Gun toters shooting themselves in the foot innit...cue in a few weeks: "well I didn't mean it when I called him a con man etc"

Yeah that part, I'm still facepalming on their behalf. They called Trump a charlatan and fraudster, but went to say "Don't vote for this man, unless it's against Hillary, because political party loyalism is the most important thing ever". It's like they haven't an absolute scooby on why he's been crushing them for the last 7 months. Maybe they should ask John Boehner or Eric Cantor. And now they actually look like the beta/cucks/weaklings that 4channers have been calling them all along - it's not like any of this Trump university, multiple bankruptacy, probably isn't worth a quarter of what he claims was any less true last August. They're attacking him because it's a political lifeline, not because it's true, because they give a shit if the public knows, or because they believe in it. So transparent.
Same type of liberal sneering that played such a significant role in the rise of Hitler, too. You tit.

Not sure that's even tangentially accurate. Germany had no embedded liberal politics prior to the end of WW2. Even Weimar, held up as some form of liberalistic social democracy, was anything but, and the SPD and other "middle" political groupings never deviated from authoritarianism during Weimar's lifetime.
Should people be held accountable for the way they vote in an election? That's the basic thing being challenged here.

If you say 'no', you're being incredibly fucking condescending.

Your vote is supposedly "democracy in action". That mandate to exercise democracy personally is predicated on there being no threat of "accountability". It's why secret ballots exist. Anything else is coercion.
...and the field of unhinged narcissists narrows somewhat as another of their number falls by the wayside...
Death predicts whether people vote for Donald Trump

A few weeks ago, following the Republican Iowa caucuses, I pointed out an eerie correlation in the votingdata. It seems that Donald Trump performed the best in places where middle-aged whites are dying the fastest.

That wasn't a fluke. The relationship between white mortality and Trump support is real, as the fresh results from Super Tuesday confirmed.

Here are scatter charts to visualize this connection in nine of the 11 Super Tuesday states. Each circle represents a county. The horizontal position of a circle represents the white death rate in that county for people ages 40 to 64. Counties toward the right have higher rates of white mortality.
Your vote is supposedly "democracy in action". That mandate to exercise democracy personally is predicated on there being no threat of "accountability". It's why secret ballots exist. Anything else is coercion.
So what? You vote for fascists or racists, whether in secret or not, and you can and should be held accountable for that choice. And that thing that you did - voting for the fascist or the racist - was a choice that you made.

You're angry at other shit? Join the fucking queue.
So what? You vote for fascists or racists, whether in secret or not, and you can and should be held accountable for that choice. And that thing that you did - voting for the fascist or the racist - was a choice that you made.

You're angry at other shit? Join the fucking queue.
How exactly are people to be held accountable?

Do we need to give them a strong cup of tea and a corner to sit in while strangers mutter disdainfully under their breath? Or more of a, ok, you voted for a racist because you liked their policy of preserving benefits for older folk, therefore we're going to force you to attend mandatory voluntary re-education classes/publicly shame you/see if you can survive a firing squad...
How exactly are people to be held accountable?

Do we need to give them a strong cup of tea and a corner to sit in while strangers mutter disdainfully under their breath? Or more of a, ok, you voted for a racist because you liked their policy of preserving benefits for older folk, therefore we're going to force you to attend mandatory voluntary re-education classes/publicly shame you/see if you can survive a firing squad...

No, much simpler than that. You say you voted like that to me, and I'll take you to task on it. Right here and now.
So what? You vote for fascists or racists, whether in secret or not, and you can and should be held accountable for that choice. And that thing that you did - voting for the fascist or the racist - was a choice that you made.
How far do you extend this logic? It wasn't UKIP that sent round vans pressurising immigrants to leave the UK, are Tory voters also voting for a racist choice and should they be held to account for that? And what about if you vote for warmongers like Labour in 2005 or Clinton in 2016 are those people also so be held to account?
So what? You vote for fascists or racists, whether in secret or not, and you can and should be held accountable for that choice. And that thing that you did - voting for the fascist or the racist - was a choice that you made.

Wanna pitch a guess at the last European governments who held people accountable for their votes?

You're angry at other shit? Join the fucking queue.

I don't get angry. I get active.
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