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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Corbyn and Trump agree on something

I have no problem with Corbyn or anyone else on the left using similar communication strategies as Trump (Podemos have stolen a lot of rhetorical flourishes from Marine Le Pen for example), in fact I think it's a great idea but he can't just outright use the exact same lines as Trump. It's too obvious, I don't think that even a good rhetorician could pull it off and Corbyn certainly isn't that.
You think I'm joking...

China or Cambodia (fuck off idris)? In both no evidence has ever emerged of people being murdered for merely wearing glasses on ideological-political grounds, it's a myth. Troubled relationships with 'intellectuals' were more to do with class origin, social background and position in relation to others in the society-wide division of labour etc than contempt for mental labour per se, and checking the potential of people to form particular self-interested bureaucratic groups in the running of a 'socialist' society. Stalin had a term for it in the Soviet Union: 'departmentalism.' However, for all its authoritarianism, China was still more benign than the USSR under Stalin when it came to dealing with wrong 'uns. In the former you could be reformed, theoretically. In the latter more often than not you were just to be gotten rid of.
But was the ability to read and write grounds for persecution under the Khmer Rouge? To avoid being targeted, people did not wear glasses; no one dared speak French; and reading a novel was considered a capital offense. On the basis of these facts, many have concluded that the Khmer Rouge were against education in principle and preferred to rule over illiterate people. It is thus surprising to learn that the Khmer Rouge produced at least three monthly publications. We also know that children were taught to read and write under the auspices of the regime, and that Khmer Rouge cadres kept extensive notebooks from indoctrination sessions. In addition, Khmer Rouge cadres were required to complete an eleven page questionnaire describing their family backgrounds and personal histories.

Of course the Cambodian population may have been wrong on the very strange motivations of the Khmer Rouge death cult. Killing over a million people to no obvious political end is perplexing.

Sunni Arabs guilty of Kufr about to head into a mass grave get the rather more rational IS wrong as well. The NKVD in pursuit of a non-existent Polish/Jewish plot (evidence was tortured out of its victims who included a lot of NKVD people) in the late 30s Great Terror or the Nazis convinced Bolshevism was a Jewish disease and hilariously using a lot of Soviet collaborators including former NKVD assets who knew full well this was a fantasy as executioners probably didn't make much rational sense to their millions of victims either. Redemption sought in obvious folly is an old human tale.

The silencing of the intelligentsia is a very basic step in authoritarian regimes as is service to the Great Leader's belief system. Actually that's not irrelevant to a thread on the iconoclastic trickster like Trump. Darker forces swirl around the slightly deranged moral vacuum of Trump Tower. The foolish thing is too many Americans feel so patriotically confident in the basic soundness of their republic that they assume they are immune to them.
Firstly "not illegal" is a tremendously low bar for a president. Conspiring to launder money?

Also privatise citizen Trump may have conspired with Moscow and have already agreed to certain take certain foreign policy decisions that will favour Moscow. That's illegal.

Who says Trump conspired to launder money? Do you have any evidence?

The bar has been lowered by the successive Democrat & Republican administrations who created the loopholes in the law to be exploited by private citizens like Trump. To his credit he's been pretty open about exploiting the loopholes from the outset and has even said he can show how it can be done to a man/woman from the street.
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A businessman spends decades cultivating all kinds of relationships across the entire former Soviet Union, in return the public and private senior Russian figures spend decades cultivating him, not just as a business partner, but as a useful idiot. Big deal.

I imagine it happens all the time, but in this case it's possible they have hit the jackpot.
They will survive, Trumps presidency will be nothing more than a trivial annoyance to these people.
The protests that will be much more interesting, will be by all those who in the coming months, will come to realise they have been sold a pup, and especially if they are mocked and taunted by democrats with the 'we told you so' mantra.
It's going to be a very explosive 12 months, though I doubt trump will last that long.

I suspect Trump is going to have no end of problems with the Pentagon over pandering to Russia.

At the same time, there is going to be a lot of testoserone ( apologies to any serving females) and military hardware separated by a few strands of barbed wire and a GPS marker.
Not a good recipe for mutual peace and understanding-;)
Here's a strange one, even by the standards of Prince Monster of Orange.

The General who will be commanding the DC National Guard on the day of the inauguration has been told that Trump wants him fired half-way through the day's events.

Trump Orders DC National Guard Chief To Leave In Middle Of Inaugural Ceremony

Squaddies of urban, could there be any real reason at all for this bizarre treatment of the senior military man, which seems to me to be a security risk?

The buffoon is showing 'who is boss' childish in the extreme to attempt to upset the command structure of the US military, given the power of the military in the USA.
Calm reasoned 'transition' LOL, I revise my earlier estimation, 6/9 months and he's out.

Of course the Cambodian population may have been wrong on the very strange motivations of the Khmer Rouge death cult. Killing over a million people to no obvious political end is perplexing.

Sunni Arabs guilty of Kufr about to head into a mass grave get the rather more rational IS wrong as well. The NKVD in pursuit of a non-existent Polish/Jewish plot (evidence was tortured out of its victims who included a lot of NKVD people) in the late 30s Great Terror or the Nazis convinced Bolshevism was a Jewish disease and hilariously using a lot of Soviet collaborators including former NKVD assets who knew full well this was a fantasy as executioners probably didn't make much rational sense to their millions of victims either. Redemption sought in obvious folly is an old human tale.

The silencing of the intelligentsia is a very basic step in authoritarian regimes as is service to the Great Leader's belief system. Actually that's not irrelevant to a thread on the iconoclastic trickster like Trump. Darker forces swirl around the slightly deranged moral vacuum of Trump Tower. The foolish thing is too many Americans feel so patriotically confident in the basic soundness of their republic that they assume they are immune to them.

"The silencing of the intelligentsia is a very basic step in authoritarian regimes as is service to the Great Leader's belief system. Actually that's not irrelevant to a thread on the iconoclastic trickster like Trump"

Given his behaviour at his recent press conference I think we can expect a lot more of the above, but unfortunately, I think, on recent coverage, the US media will just roll over and accept whatever Shyte Trump doles out.
At that terrifying first press conference of Trump’s, on Wednesday, we saw the looming face of pure authoritarianism. Rewards are promised to the obedient: those good states that voted the right way, the “responsible” press. Punishments are threatened to the bad: “They’re going to suffer the consequences!” Intimidation is the greeting to any critic. And look! There’s a claque alongside to cheer the big boss and deride his doubters. This is what was once called Bonapartism: I won and I can now do anything I choose. Victory, however narrow, is license for all. Autocracy, after all, has always been compatible with plebiscitary endorsement. The point of constitutional government is to make even the victors subject to the rules.

The Music Donald Trump Can’t Hear
tbf perhaps it was unkind of me to point this out, surely now Zero Hedge is now mainstream media...


Edited because the original image was gigantic
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But is 'ProporNot' not proper prop?

...this group of ostensible experts far more resembles amateur peddlers of primitive, shallow propagandistic clichés than serious, substantive analysis and expertise; that it has a blatant, demonstrable bias in promoting NATO’s narrative about the world; and that it is engaging in extremely dubious McCarthyite tactics about a wide range of critics and dissenters...

Washington Post Disgracefully Promotes a McCarthyite Blacklist From a New, Hidden, and Very Shady Group

Of course the Cambodian population may have been wrong on the very strange motivations of the Khmer Rouge death cult. Killing over a million people to no obvious political end is perplexing.

Sunni Arabs guilty of Kufr about to head into a mass grave get the rather more rational IS wrong as well. The NKVD in pursuit of a non-existent Polish/Jewish plot (evidence was tortured out of its victims who included a lot of NKVD people) in the late 30s Great Terror or the Nazis convinced Bolshevism was a Jewish disease and hilariously using a lot of Soviet collaborators including former NKVD assets who knew full well this was a fantasy as executioners probably didn't make much rational sense to their millions of victims either. Redemption sought in obvious folly is an old human tale.

The silencing of the intelligentsia is a very basic step in authoritarian regimes as is service to the Great Leader's belief system. Actually that's not irrelevant to a thread on the iconoclastic trickster like Trump. Darker forces swirl around the slightly deranged moral vacuum of Trump Tower. The foolish thing is too many Americans feel so patriotically confident in the basic soundness of their republic that they assume they are immune to them.

It wasn't a death cult nor were their motivations 'strange' or irrational. Much of the population was unaware of such motivations in detail though (and so could seem that way) due to the party's own use of the Vietnamese-taught doctrine of disguising explicitly Communist politics (until the public revealing in 1977). The information included in your link isn't surprising and the glasses business still remains a myth, much like the soft vs hard hands stories, and also given the photographic evidence of cadres sporting such offensive eyewear themselves.

As well as its Revolutionary Flags journal (for cadre eyes only) and Revolutionary Youth, the party also had its own regional cadre newspapers, handwritten, as well as publishing a magazine for foreign consumption and being similar to the glossy Soviet Union and Korea magazines.

You need to revise down the death toll (still large) of the mass and national operations of the NKVD.
It wasn't a death cult nor were their motivations 'strange' or irrational. Much of the population was unaware of such motivations in detail though (and so could seem that way) due to the party's own use of the Vietnamese-taught doctrine of disguising explicitly Communist politics (until the public revealing in 1977). The information included in your link isn't surprising and the glasses business still remains a myth, much like the soft vs hard hands stories, and also given the photographic evidence of cadres sporting such offensive eyewear themselves.
It's very perplexing but when strange folk set about wiping out a countries minorities and intelligentsia while aspiring to create a purified communist peasant autarky (the quick way) people just tend to notice the mass graves not what they put in their pamphlets (after 77 when they killed off masses of dissident communists and attacked neighbouring countries) or that some of the kids beating people to death are specky bastards.
One of the purposes of these schools was to teach the population the “correct” way to read and write. The correct way to read was to read as a “peasant” (see Heath 1983 on different ideologies of literacy). That is, one should read in an uncritical and passive way, taking things at face value and not questioning the meaning or source of the text. Many base people had received traditional Buddhist educations in a pagoda, or, in the case of women, at home, where they would have been taught through rote learning. This kind of reader would take the rhetoric of the revolution at face value without questioning underlying motives. The most dangerous kind of reader, on the other hand, was the person who critically examined the Party line and its goals. According to the logic of the Party Center, these readers were potential traitors who wanted to sabotage the revolution. They were typically “new people” who had been educated in Phnom Penh or other urban centers under the French curriculum. They were thus “corrupted by imperialistic ideas” that were anathema to the goals of the revolution.

There were also reasons for the Party to be wary of using written propaganda. If written propaganda had been widely distributed during the regime’s early stages, “new people” would have had the role of disseminating its message to the base people, who were, in many cases, illiterate. This would have posed a threat to the Party’s authority. It was therefore necessary to assert firm control over printed materials and the way they were received before large scale efforts to produce and disseminate written propaganda could take place.11 The Khmer Rouge accomplished this first by eliminating all those who read “incorrectly,” and second by educating the population on how to read “correctly,” beginning with children and base people.
From Yale's Cambodian Genocide Program.

Reeducation of "base people" via Info Wars and alt-right social media is certainly tidier.
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