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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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A method of dealing with contradictions, and a bad joke.
On MarketWatch Every Trump tweet activates thousands of computer algorithms
Though it’s impossible to know just how many high-frequency-trading algorithms are moving shares on the basis of @realdonaldtrump, one measure of the magnitude of his Twitter feed’s algorithmic influence is the Internet service IFTTT.

For the uninitiated, IFTTT — which stands for “if this, then that” — allows users who know nothing about coding to create cause-and-effect algorithms. The free service makes it simple to get notifications if it’s going to rain tomorrow, to automatically sort and archive your photos as you take them, or even adjust your thermostat automatically when you enter or leave the house. As my Wall Street Journal colleague Geoffrey Fowler put it, it’s the Internet’s best productivity tool.

I asked IFTTT how many people have set up algorithms to track Trump. “We have just under 1,000 people using IFTTT to keep up with Donald Trump tweets,” spokeswoman Anne Mercogliano replied.

The most popular Trump algorithms automatically email his tweets to users, or post them in intracompany message boards like Slack, she said.

Some IFTTT users have set their lights to blink whenever Trump tweets, Mercogliano said. Putting the president-elect’s social stream of consciousness to productive use, others link IFTTT to banking services like Qapital to have small sums of money move into their savings accounts every time Trump fires off a new tweet.

Trump’s tweets, including such coinage as “phony facts,” may be the best-read prose of our time. More IFTTT algorithms are activated by Trump tweets than those of Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift, Barack Obama or the major market feeds, Mercogliano told MarketWatch.
The Markets await your word oh mighty God Emperor.

What could go wrong?

Imagine a Sci-Fi franchise in which a cyborg from a dystopian 140 character future goes back in time to kill Jack Dorsey before the little twerp can invent Twitter.
Killing class enemies is more hands on. Or making a former prof serve up the grub in the canteen.
America hasn't got to the point of beating anybody with glasses to death with agricultural implements but it's sure painting itself into that anti-intelligentsia corner with Trump. What comes next?
In The Weekly Standard Kill This Idea
And they worried he wouldn’t be bipartisan! Last week, President-elect Donald Trump met with that scion of America's premier Democratic dynasty, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The confab, which reportedly occurred at Trump's request, centered on the issue of childhood vaccines and their (nonexistent) relationship to autism. When Kennedy emerged from the meeting, he was exultant: He told reporters that the president-elect had asked him to chair a commission on "vaccine safety and scientific integrity."

"President-elect Trump has some doubts about the current vaccine policies, and he has questions about [them]," Kennedy said.

It later emerged that Kennedy may have been engaging in some rather, well, Trumpian behavior: shooting his mouth off. No decision on a commission—Kennedy-led or otherwise—has been made, the Trump transition team said, though "the president-elect is exploring the possibility of forming a commission on Autism."

If Trump does indeed form such a commission—not an inherently terrible idea, given the rapid increase in autism cases over the past decades—he'd do well to keep people like Kennedy as far away from it as possible. Because for more than a decade, Robert Kennedy Jr. has been a prominent proponent of a discredited and dangerous conspiracy theory that links common childhood vaccines to autism.
What next?

P.S.: It's a bad sign in American life when neocon bastion The Weekly Standard looks relatively sane.
Hope they manage to hold it off for a month or so. Mrs maomao and baby maomao are going next week. :(
Trump will fuck up the timeline to war and advance its outbreak which was widely expected for 2023, we're now looking at any time from st valentine's day to st anysia's day this year
Yeah by that rational the Watergate Break-in shouldn't matter since it happened before the election, and Nixon won, so deal with.

No. Private citizen Trump has not arranged the break ins & leaks of the DNC emails, or least he and his close circle have not been caught red handed doing so. Nixon was an elected official who presided over the cover ups of the break ins.
No. Private citizen Trump has not arranged the break ins & leaks of the DNC emails, or least he and his close circle have not been caught red handed doing so. Nixon was an elected official who presided over the cover ups of the break ins.

Firstly "not illegal" is a tremendously low bar for a president. Conspiring to launder money?

Also privatise citizen Trump may have conspired with Moscow and have already agreed to certain take certain foreign policy decisions that will favour Moscow. That's illegal.
America hasn't got to the point of beating anybody with glasses to death with agricultural implements but it's sure painting itself into that anti-intelligentsia corner with Trump. What comes next?

You think I'm joking...

China or Cambodia (fuck off idris)? In both no evidence has ever emerged of people being murdered for merely wearing glasses on ideological-political grounds, it's a myth. Troubled relationships with 'intellectuals' were more to do with class origin, social background and position in relation to others in the society-wide division of labour etc than contempt for mental labour per se, and checking the potential of people to form particular self-interested bureaucratic groups in the running of a 'socialist' society. Stalin had a term for it in the Soviet Union: 'departmentalism.' However, for all its authoritarianism, China was still more benign than the USSR under Stalin when it came to dealing with wrong 'uns. In the former you could be reformed, theoretically. In the latter more often than not you were just to be gotten rid of.

I think he may have contributed more than that. You don't see it much now, but "Tobyjug FACT" was, for a long time, the definition of an opinion firmly-held in defiance of all reality. I think I even had a .gif image of it as a kind of rubber stamp at one time.

Yeah, you're right, I've seen that as well.

OK, for one poster to contribute not one, not two, but three long-running urban catch-phrases is pretty good going, even if by all accounts he was something of a cunt.
Here's a strange one, even by the standards of Prince Monster of Orange.

The General who will be commanding the DC National Guard on the day of the inauguration has been told that Trump wants him fired half-way through the day's events.

Trump Orders DC National Guard Chief To Leave In Middle Of Inaugural Ceremony

Squaddies of urban, could there be any real reason at all for this bizarre treatment of the senior military man, which seems to me to be a security risk?

If the General were any sort of threat to either Trump himself, or to the organisation of the inauguration, the Pentagon and/or the Secret Service would remove him/"advise" his superiors ahead of the event.
This looks like Trump waving his dick. Foolish, and not likely to endear him to people he needs to keep onside.
A businessman spends decades cultivating all kinds of relationships across the entire former Soviet Union, in return the public and private senior Russian figures spend decades cultivating him, not just as a business partner, but as a useful idiot. Big deal.

Cultivating potential future "agents of influence" is bread and butter stuff for all intelligence agencies. It's why Embassies still like their nationals to "check in" if they're approached by people interested in their businesses.
Tobyjug was great. I mean threatening to get on his bike come to London and shoot editor was a tiny bit over the top but apart from that he was fucking great.
For those of you who didn't see this happen in real time: this is not a joke or an exagerration.
Funny thing is after decades of peddling every conspiracy theory imaginable, one comes along that's looking increasingly credible, that Russia masterminded a control of the election by giving the backing to an egomaniacal reality star running for President, because they knew that if he won they've got kompromat over that candidate who in fact doesn't mind and increasingly sees himself as an American Oligarch you'd THINK Alex Jones would be going nuts for this shit. But he's buying Trump's line hook and sinker.

Revealed: The Establishment’s Plan to Stop President Trump
Funny thing is after decades of peddling every conspiracy theory imaginable, one comes along that's looking increasingly credible, that Russia masterminded a control of the election by giving the backing to an egomaniacal reality star running for President, because they knew that if he won they've got kompromat over that candidate who in fact doesn't mind and increasingly sees himself as an American Oligarch you'd THINK Alex Jones would be going nuts for this shit. But he's buying Trump's line hook and sinker.

Revealed: The Establishment’s Plan to Stop President Trump

Why is it looking increasingly credible?
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