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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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There's already a border wall along some of it. It's also prevents the migratory patterns of humans to tragic effect.

Border Deaths Spike 27 Percent, Even As Immigration From Mexico Drops, Report Says

Isn't that the one Hillary supports and wants to make even bigger ? The " its not racist because it's the Hillary wall to keep Mexicans out " I think it's called . By liberals .

Smug hypocrisy in abundance all over this thread . why is Trumps wall racist but Hillary Clintons wall not racist ?
No. Leaving aside that it's not the 1980s and there are a plethora of different ways to transfer money, Mexico is not going to undertake the logistics of of such a border wall, never mind the finance.

Even his own party says the wall is unworkable and as border runs through both private and public land. The only thing that the border wall if built will prevent is the migratory patterns of hundreds of species, with potentially tragic effect.

The wall is a stupid, shallow idea. That's revealed by even a cursory look at what would be required. Trump hasn't thought of these things. He deserves ridicule and scorn, of course, for this dimwit plan.

What about the water?

Billions of gallons flow between the United States and Mexico, funneling lifeblood to farms and communities on both sides of the border. The Colorado River sends water south; the Rio Grande, a natural boundary for hundreds of miles, delivers precious water from Mexico, through dozens of canals, to much of South Texas.

Water experts in the Southwest question how Mr. Trump’s border wall could accommodate those crucial flows and still provide the barrier he wants.

Another complication is that a nearly 50-year-old treaty between Mexico and the United States prevents any construction that obstructs or diverts the flow of the waterways. The wall, in other words, could not interfere in any way with the flow of water in either direction.


A bigger concern, he said, was the addition of a potential major wrinkle into the delicate bilateral diplomacy over water sharing. “Any proposal that would threaten that relationship or trust we’ve built would concern me,” Mr. Connor said.

Several treaties, particularly one from 1944, outline rules for sharing water from the Colorado River, the Tijuana River and the Rio Grande.

It is a complex system that involves water flowing down the Colorado River through Nevada and Arizona into Mexico, and down the Rio Grande from New Mexico into Mexico, where it is replenished by major tributaries before turning to Texas. (On the United States side, the Rio Grande watershed alone includes well over four million people.)

The relationship has been strained by drought: Tensions have flared over the last 15 years when Texas accused Mexico of delivering insufficient supplies of water.

The Texas Commission of Environmental Quality, overseen by appointees of the governor, cited a 2013 Texas A&M study saying that Mexico’s failure to deliver its annual water allotment cost the state economy nearly 5,000 jobs and $400 million each year.

Mexico countered that it did not have the water because of drought — a position that some American environmentalists said was valid.

The issue was resolved this year when the United States, jointly with Mexico, said the water debt had been paid off. Separately, the United States and Mexico took five years, from 2007 to 2012, to reach a landmark agreement to fix canals and water delivery systems to cope with historic drought.

As part of that agreement, Mexico agreed to share some of its water supply from the Colorado River so that the water could be retained in Lake Mead, near the Nevada-Arizona border. That situation worked out well, highlighting friendly but delicate relations.

“I was there, and I know the hurdles we had to overcome to assure them we weren’t manipulating the system,” said Ms. Mulroy, from Brookings.

“We are dependent on the Mexicans trusting us,” she said. “ It’s an enormous diplomatic issue.”

With a wall, Ms. Mulroy said, “the chances of another cooperative agreement would be nil.”

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Getting the Mexican government to pay for it outright is almost certainly wishful thinking.

President Enrique Pena Nieto said Monday that "there is no scenario" under which Mexico would pay for the wall and likened Trump's rhetoric to that of Hitler and Mussolini. Former President Vicente Fox put it more bluntly: "I am not going to pay for that f---ing wall." Both Fox and another former president, Felipe Calderon, have also compared Trump to Hitler.

So there's diplomatic ill will, a question the Congressional Research Service raised in 2009.

"Do the gains in border security outweigh the risk of alienating Mexico and Canada?" it asked. "Should the Mexican or Canadian government's opinions or wishes be taken into account when border fencing is concerned? Given the need to co-ordinate intelligence and law enforcement activities at the border, should maintaining cordial working relationships with Mexico and Canada take precedence over sealing the border with physical barriers?"

And, on Wednesday, a group of Republican national security community members, including former government officials, blasted the idea.

"Controlling our border and preventing illegal immigration is a serious issue, but his insistence that Mexico will fund a wall on the southern border inflames unhelpful passions, and rests on an utter misreading of, and contempt for, our southern neighbour," they wrote in an open letter critical of Trump.

Trump's plan to build a wall along U.S.-Mexico border faces great hurdles
This is an amazing fucking video of Clinton . Here she is claiming the Mexican government has a policy of forcing people to emigrate to America , highlighting how many of them are criminals , that the US needs to build a physical barrier to keep them out and that the US has to make the Mexican government deal with the issue .

If her sycophants had any decency they'd be accusing Trump of outright plagiarism . He's just nicked her ideas wholesale .

But of course none of that is racist, because it's Hillary Clinton .
Isn't that the one Hillary supports and wants to make even bigger ? The " its not racist because it's the Hillary wall to keep Mexicans out " I think it's called . By liberals .

Smug hypocrisy in abundance all over this thread . why is Trumps wall racist but Hillary Clintons wall not racist ?

Again, give me another option. I've said that at this point, I'm purely a Supreme Court voter. Given his totalitarian bent, I sure as hell don't want him nominating 2-3 justices.
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This is an amazing fucking video of Clinton . Here she is claiming the Mexican government has a policy of forcing people to emigrate to America , highlighting how many of them are criminals , that the US needs to build a physical barrier to keep them out and that the US has to make the Mexican government deal with the issue .

If her sycophants had any decency they'd be accusing Trump of outright plagiarism . He's just nicked her ideas wholesale .

But of course none of that is racist, because it's Hillary Clinton .

Wow. Delightfully badly edited. Perhaps the text of the full speech would be more illuminating

Hillary Clinton: We Have Secured The Border, Now Let's Get on With Immigration Reform
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It's smart because the entire media has decided to cover this totally evidence-free 'Russia wot done it' angle while ignoring the contents of the e-mails which make clear the endemic corruption of the political process. He is saying to the people who are rightly angry about that, 'look, it doesn't matter who hacked what given the gravity of what the leaks reveal' and he's right.

All very true . But it's even cleverer than that . Which is why I've been laughing so hard and calling him a legend . He's just done to Hillary Clinton what he repeatedly did to the GOP bigwigs . Absolutely suckered her and her sycophants and spin doctors . Every last one of them . All the smug liberal mouthpieces combined.

. On the very day she officially gets the DNC nomination...after rigging the vote...with all her grand announcements about being the first woman to acheive it, all her glory, crafted speeches and celebrity back patting ...who's everybody focused on ? Trump is who.

And what words are front and centre in the headlines ? Clinton..email server..30,000 deleted emails :D:D:thumbs:

On her big day . Long after she was supposed to have skated over this . He just blew her off the screen and the front pages . Put himself front and centre yet again . Put her massive scandal to the forefront yet again and made a complete mockery of her...fraudulently..securing the nomination . He's done to her camp precisely what he did to Rubio, Bush, Cruz etc . Baited the trap and watched them literally fall over themselves to jump into it .

He's a fucking legend . They fell for it yet again. Massively .:facepalm::facepalm:
Some people think the guy who says these kinds of things, should be President. :facepalm:

“Ariana Huffington is unattractive, both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man – he made a good decision.”

Well not so much he's a genius but Clinton and her camp just , massively, fell for the same tactic that wiped out the GOP establishment . Which would make them quite stupid and him moderately clever . It'd be genius in Idiocracy world .

But nonetheless a well executed , perfectly timed move that badly diminished any type of bounce shed get in the polls from her stolen convention . Put her fraudulent success way down the news pecking order and himself fully top of the agenda . And by her own hand too to a large extent .

If she cant outwit Trump forget about outwitting Putin. The woman's dumb as shit and so are her advisors .
“I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told John R. O’Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, according O’Donnell’s account in his 1991 book “Trumped!” “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

Trump, according to O’Donnell, went on to say, “‘Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.”

Oh yeah..Mitt Romney. The guy who lost an election after trying to make it all about Russia. And finding to his dismay the American electorate didn't really give a flying fuck about Russia so didn't bother voting for him .

Interesting to see the Clinton campaign currently avidly following his lead. While being led by the nose . By Donald J Trump .
Johnny all these quotes youve posted ....post after post after post with no commentary, when they'd all just fit into the one post..what your doing is called spamming a thread ..in what appears to be some lame attempt to make some sort of point . They have been all over the media and the Internet for a very long time now. Everybody's seen them already, ages ago . Liberal journalists and commentators...even conservative ones...went buck apeshit about them . Went mental . And Trumps popularity just went from strength to strength . Demolishing all in its path against all expectations .

So I'm not really sure here what your trying to achieve by endlessly spamming the thread with one liners that were discussed here long , long ago . We already know Trump is psychotic ally politically incorrect and will say and do pretty much anything . It's largely why he's so popular and currently leading the polls . I dont believe anyone thinks he's a nice person so mebbe you could consider knocking the spamming of the thread on the head . It's pretty disruptive thread wise .
This is a thread about Donald Trump. These comments are just to remind people what he's like, given that a few here - you included - seem to think he's the better choice.

I'd say posting videos of Clinton on the Trump thread, is spamming the thread.
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