The Clintons have been under vicious attack by the American right for decades (I happened to be in Seattle when Hillary kicked of "Hillarycare", Bill's attempt to expand health insurance coverage. Couldn't hear a word she said due to the right wing crazies shouting her down while carrying signs accusing her of being communist) and have come out on top. All the "scandals" turned out to be nothing. I doubt the name calling and ridicule that worked for Trump in the primaries will work in the general. He'll have a hard time in the "debates" since he can't get specific. But it'll be a close election since she's even slightly more disliked than he is.Clintons between through Bill's governor campaigns, His two successful White House terms, Hilary's senate campaigns, and finally her appointment as Secretary of State. Simply put she's been vetted for three decades. There's bed nearly a dozen investigations into Benghazi and her emails alone. And nothing's stuck.
Trump will just keep firing mud. It's already stuck with the casually reds but I don't think he'll find many more suckers for his patented bullshit