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Donald Trump, the road that might not lead to the White House!

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Course there are some things I don't like about either Trump or Cruz but they are pretty good on the issues that matter the most to me Agricola !!
Course there are some things I don't like about either Trump or Cruz but they are pretty good on the issues that matter the most to me Agricola !!

The matters which you seem reluctant to discuss in any detail. You were much more forthcoming as a Romney supporter, rthur.
Go TRUMP , I want a rebuild on USA military , a border wall , good laws and protection of gun RIGHTS , less immigration and more selective immigration , might be more that escapes me at the moment . As a male I will never have an abortion so that is a non issue kRTEK . ------------- Yooper
Go TRUMP , I want a rebuild on USA military , a border wall , good laws and protection of gun RIGHTS , less immigration and more selective immigration , might be more that escapes me at the moment . As a male I will never have an abortion so that is a non issue kRTEK . ------------- Yooper

So - you don't agree with Trump about punishing women or not allowing Muslims in. That's good to know. So what do you mean by "selective" then?
ASSUME means that you make an ass of yourself , assume nothing !! As far as abortion is concerned , well like i said , i am male so i will never need an abortion . Anyway , abortion is legal . And immigration needs to be stopped or at least tightened up [see GEERT] . Also , we need to get out of the 'un' and ensure Americas sovereignty and also ignore international law . L ike i already said , i might forget a thing or 2 and i still might have .
Think of the fun you guys will have if Trump is elected President . He will say what he likes even in England / u.k.. I imagine there will be some petitions flying if that happens when the Queen give Trump that Churchill bust to bring back to the USA .
Good grief. I come back after a 130 mile bike ride* and find that a once interesting thread has degenerated into the most tedious piffle.

I know Urban does troll baiting better than any other place but IMO yooper isn't worth the effort. Is there any chance we can leave him to starve?

* Would have been 130 miles but terminal bike failure meant I had to pack :(
Go TRUMP , I want a rebuild on USA military , a border wall , good laws and protection of gun RIGHTS , less immigration and more selective immigration , might be more that escapes me at the moment . As a male I will never have an abortion so that is a non issue kRTEK . ------------- Yooper
What's with the selective caps lock? Is that how you normally speak? Surely using bold type makes you look less foamy and SHOUTY if all you are doing is emphasising those words and not doing the Internet equivalent of covering your opponent's face in spittle? It also comes across as more than a little bible-thumpy... Do you thump pulpits as well as tubs? :D
yooper, The Donald wants to make America great again. You saying America isn't great? You Commie pinko Muslim. :mad:
I never post
yooper, The Donald wants to make America great again. You saying America isn't great? You Commie pinko Muslim. :mad:
-------------------------- hey Tom , as I have said , for 2 issues USA military is weaker and being down sized . And immigration is flooding the USA with third worlders that will not assimilate . And yeah , USA is great depending on where a person lives but it is going downhill pretty quickly Tom .
So am I getting this right? At least two people here think that Trump, with his racist rhetoric (he wants to BUILD A HUGE WALL), apparent hatred of anyone 'different" (like women and disabled people) and emphasis on physical fighting (supporting his staff who hit reporters), is *less* likely to start wars than Clinton? Are you completely fucking insane?

Trump talks shit about building a wall to keep Mexicans out . Clintons best mate crazy John McCain has been trying to have a big fence built for years to keep them out. Hillary Clinton has supported McCain on it . And voted for the big fence to be built .

Now I know in an argument between building contractors there's a huge difference between a wall and a fence . But in political terms it's the very same, a barrier to keep Mexicans out . There's no difference except for construction materials .

So is that we're liberal support for this maniac is at now ? A fence isn't as racist and xenophobic as a wall ?
Trump talks shit about building a wall to keep Mexicans out . Clintons best mate crazy John McCain has been trying to have a big fence built for years to keep them out. Hillary Clinton has supported McCain on it . And voted for the big fence to be built .

Now I know in an argument between building contractors there's a huge difference between a wall and a fence . But in political terms it's the very same, a barrier to keep Mexicans out . There's no difference except for construction materials .

So is that we're liberal support for this maniac is at now ? A fence isn't as racist and xenophobic as a wall ?
----------------------- Wall is best and a Wall is what Trump is promising . As regards the show that Hilary and Mccain put on I won't comment . All I know is that no wall exists like the wall that Trump talks about CRed !!
----------------------- Wall is best and a Wall is what Trump is promising . As regards the show that Hilary and Mccain put on I won't comment . All I know is that no wall exists like the wall that Trump talks about CRed !!

Bring back the Berlin wall, eh?
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difference being that the wall is not built to keep Americans 'IN' but is designed to keep third worlders 'out' GCitrone !!
and a big THANKYOU to the smart person bloke or lass that gave me a 'LIKE' for one of my posts , Thank You Sir or Madame !!
Wall, fence, same thing.

However, their different party affiliations mean they wouldn't often be working together if she became President, and their sort-of friendship seems to have ended - he seems to prefer Saunders, bizarrely.

It's a bit of a reach to act as if something Hillary's former semi-friend does is equivalent to what Trump actually does himself. They just aren't the same.

TBH I don't actually think it's that odd for either Trump or Hillary to support making a physical border, though it's totally impractical. The additional rhetoric about the height and getting Mexico to pay for it is the weird part.
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