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Did you enjoy the Blair Witch Project?

The blair witch project is...

  • Excellent

    Votes: 14 17.9%
  • Good

    Votes: 29 37.2%
  • Average

    Votes: 9 11.5%
  • Bad

    Votes: 5 6.4%
  • Total dog shit

    Votes: 21 26.9%

  • Total voters
I saw it years ago and can't even remember what happened in it. Some kids prancing about in the woods making up shit about ghosts or something. We did that on junior school camp at a youth hostel, some kids believed Lucy when she said she saw a ghost in the ruined house, but I knew she was just lying about it to garner attention because she didn't have any friends.
I liked Chronicle.

I think I was the only person on the planet who watched it, but I enjoyed it.
best of the found footage genre imo, if a little obvious- i mean it was inevitable that the bullied kid would use his powers for evil.

cloverfield I despised all the charactrs and the monster was also shit
best of the found footage genre imo, if a little obvious- i mean it was inevitable that the bullied kid would use his powers for evil.

cloverfield I despised all the charactrs and the monster was also shit
I didn't find the characters in Cloverfield developed enough to form any emotion about them, positive or negative.
I liked Chronicle.

I think I was the only person on the planet who watched it, but I enjoyed it.

No you weren't, there is a geek community out there who will watch anything to do with superheroes and it was reasonably successful. I quite liked it and I think that the found footage approach can still breath new life into tired genres, as long as they don't visit the same sub-genre too often.
No you weren't, there is a geek community out there who will watch anything to do with superheroes and it was reasonably successful. I quite liked it and I think that the found footage approach can still breath new life into tired genres, as long as they don't visit the same sub-genre too often.

I really liked Chronicle. Impressed me far more than i thought It would.
No you weren't, there is a geek community out there who will watch anything to do with superheroes and it was reasonably successful. I quite liked it and I think that the found footage approach can still breath new life into tired genres, as long as they don't visit the same sub-genre too often.

Fair enough. It was me in the cinema on my own when I saw it, and none of my mates have even heard of it. :D

The 'characters' in Cloverfield were bratty, unsympathetic, indulgent and immature. A bit like me at that age, then.

They were adults in their mid-twenties. I don't get any of these adjectives. The first fifteen minutes they were at a party and some of them got a bit drunk. There was an unresolved romantic issue which is at the heart of the film, but once the crisis hits they act fairly responsibly. Considering that the characters spend most of the film putting themselves in harms way in an attempt to save a friend who is badly injured, how do any of the things you described them as apply ? Did anyone actually bother to follow the plot ? Sure, the characters weren't hugely complex, which has to do with the film taking place close to real time, but they were far from any of the things described above.
People are referring to the internet hype. The concete the film was based on supposed real footage. I saw it at the cinema with a couple of friends and whilst having an internet connection at home, at that time was a novelty. We didn't buy into the idea the film was based on actual real life footage. The theatrical exploitation of a relatively new medium was interesting but no one seriously thought it was a real story. Allbiet 14 years ago, people weren't so nyeve to be blown away by pure tehcy, fangled hype. It was simply to me, a well executed creepy, disturbing horror film, playing on the same thrill of being creeped out that scarey camp fire stories have done since forever.

Too cool for school comes to mind for some of the crittism here.
I was totally uninterested from start to finish with Cloverfield.
I liked the first half, but it went shit as soon as you saw the monster properly. Kinda the exact opposite of the Blair Witch Project really :D

The best horror for me is always a bit Lovecraftian where something is left to the imagination.
I liked the first half, but it went shit as soon as you saw the monster properly. Kinda the exact opposite of the Blair Witch Project really :D

The best horror for me is always a bit Lovecraftian where something is left to the imagination.

Funnily enough, the monster in Cloverfield was strongly inspired by Lovecraft. It looks like something straight out of Cuthulhu.
Funnily enough, the monster in Cloverfield was strongly inspired by Lovecraft. It looks like something straight out of Cuthulhu.
I thought so. That's why the first half worked for me, you only saw glimpses of things and didn't really know what was going on. As soon as you saw the monster properly it became less mysterious and less scary.
I thought so. That's why the first half worked for me, you only saw glimpses of things and didn't really know what was going on. As soon as you saw the monster properly it became less mysterious and less scary.

It was a found footage take on the Kaiju genre, not about ghosties who go peekaboo. It was more of a disaster film than something thats supposed to scare you. You may just as well complain that the Godzilla films feature giant monsters.
It was a found footage take on the Kaiju genre, not about ghosties who go peekaboo. It was more of a disaster film than something thats supposed to scare you. You may just as well complain that the Godzilla films feature giant monsters.
Now that you mention it... :D

It's wasn't a complaint as such, I just found the first half of the film more interesting than the second because it had that unknown element. But, as you say, that's not the sort of thing they were trying to achieve.
They were adults in their mid-twenties. I don't get any of these adjectives. The first fifteen minutes they were at a party and some of them got a bit drunk. There was an unresolved romantic issue which is at the heart of the film, but once the crisis hits they act fairly responsibly. Considering that the characters spend most of the film putting themselves in harms way in an attempt to save a friend who is badly injured, how do any of the things you described them as apply ? Did anyone actually bother to follow the plot ? Sure, the characters weren't hugely complex, which has to do with the film taking place close to real time, but they were far from any of the things described above.

Instantly unlikeable at the beginning with no redeeming features to start with. They only appear to act as decent human beings in order to save their own asses. Seen Skyline? Same problem.
Instantly unlikeable at the beginning with no redeeming features to start with. They only appear to act as decent human beings in order to save their own asses. Seen Skyline? Same problem.

How are they saving their asses when they are going right into the the danger ? That doesn't make sense. If they were saving their own asses they would have gotten off Manhattan instead of climbing up a collapsing skyscraper to get their friend near where the monster is rampaging and eventually get killed for their efforts. You are making claims of how they have no redeeming features, but could you point to any particular action of theirs that makes them so irredeemable.
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