What are you going to say when shammer snatches defeat from the jaws of victory? A tory win is well on the cards despite the almost unceasing attempts by Johnson, truss and sunak to bolster the Labour party's rating in the polls. Any half-competent politician would have labour ahead by rather more than 20%, anyone who showed empathy for voters, who offered an ounce of hope in the future, who declared for investment in public services and rolling back 14 years of tory cuts, who acknowledged there's a case to have a closer relationship with Europe within the eea and / or customs union if not in the EU would trounce sunak at the next election. And without saying anything about nationalisation, without saying anything about trade union laws, without addressing the virtual police state we live in.
Shammer's the man to let the tories win. He's shown he can't make a promise he'll keep - he's at least as untrustworthy as sunak. And he doesn't have sunak's advantage of not representing a London constituency. Shammer comes across as a smug metropolitan git in the worst senses of all those words. Out on the campaign trail he'll alienate far more voters than he attracts. And remember Labour need a 12 point lead on election night to win, sunak only needs to be ahead by 5