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Dialectical Materialism

Cos they've both a) wrong and b) spouting wrong bollocks that they've nicked from somewhere else. Fucking hell, if you want to waste your life believing you can convert the unwilling then crack on, most of the rest of us aren't so fucking soft.

While you waste your life taking the piss out of them? Nobody is forcing you to reply to them, go and have a pint. Take butchers with you.
While you waste your life taking the piss out of them? Nobody is forcing you to reply to them, go and have a pint. Take butchers with you.

Nah, it's just fun. And I've wasted an afternoon, not my life. You, on the other hand, will always be trying to reason with the unreasonable. Futile.
soooooo cuba claims to be marxist but has a nasty habit of locking up people who don't agree with it.
swedens capitlaist does'nt lock up politcal prisoners whys that then? niether do we
plus eastern europe was apprantly marxist until the gun against their head was taken away and they dropped it like a red hot brick.

Nah, it's just fun. And I've wasted an afternoon, not my life. You, on the other hand, will always be trying to reason with the unreasonable. Futile.

FUN! :rolleyes: How you in the butcher, people would obvious intellect, can spend so much time on such a banal occupation baffles me.


we're in this together


Join Date:Apr 2010
soooooo cuba claims to be marxist but has a nasty habit of locking up people who don't agree with it.
swedens capitlaist does'nt lock up politcal prisoners whys that then? niether do we
plus eastern europe was apprantly marxist until the gun against their head was taken away and they dropped it like a red hot brick.

"Although the United States represents less than 5% of the world's population, over 25% of the people incarcerated around the world are housed in the American prison system."

Fidel Castro was always a nationalist.
No wonder the anarchists are so small.

You were asked to enlighten me.

a: No I wasn't,

b: the one post of mine you did quote, you didnt seem to understand either. But wtf

c: what has the size of a political philosophy that neither you nor I support have to do with anything?
soooooo cuba claims to be marxist but has a nasty habit of locking up people who don't agree with it.
swedens capitlaist does'nt lock up politcal prisoners whys that then? niether do we
plus eastern europe was apprantly marxist until the gun against their head was taken away and they dropped it like a red hot brick.

Fucking hell. Why not read some books?
BUT having said that, would you not acknowledge it is always good practice to start with the end in mind? To have some idea of what your objective is, and how you get there?

Actually, I wouldn't. I think it's possible to reject the status quo, workout having to set a blueprint for the future. Whilst I can see that capitalism fails the working class here and now, I don't presume to tell them what system they should adopt in future; that will vary from time to time, and depending upon location and the prevailing ideology. But, I accept that, at least to begin with, our aims are the same i.e. the rejection of capitalism; and that, more importantly, even though our methods may differ, our motives are essentially the same.
that isn't a request for 'enlightenment', dummy
Oh contraire. I think your views of Marx's and Engels explanation of, and use of, Dialectical Materialism, would be very enlightening. so go on.

b: the one post of mine you did quote, you didnt seem to understand either. But wtf
which one? why?
You missed out how they ignore any points made that clearly contradict their claims as well.
Oh contraire. I think your views of Marx's and Engels explanation of, and use of, Dialectical Materialism, would be very enlightening. so go on.
you did not make a request for enlightenment, even if the answers would be enlightening. try and understand words before you use them in a sentence eejit boy.

As to your other point, you'd only quoted one thing by me prior to this, so it should be fucking obvious what I'm talking about, even to you.

you did not make a request for enlightenment,
even if the answers would be enlightening.
<because that would give me a greater knowledge and understanding about your views at least.
try and understand words before you use them in a sentence eejit boy.
en·light·en/enˈlītn/Verb 1. Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation

As to your other point, you'd only quoted one thing by me prior to this, so it should be fucking obvious what I'm talking about, even to you.
so it should be easy for you to explain your point/lie.
and people wonder why I think you are a worthless, utterly disingenuous twat. Fuck off.
1. YOU are not able to enlighten us, give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about YOUR views on DM.
2. YOU are not able to enlighten us, give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about YOUR claim I dont understand you.
3. And whilst happy to join the elitest arrogant twots who bully U75 posters not up to their accademic 'standards', YOU are not able to take it in return.

what you gonna do now, send threatening PM, llike the last time I became embroiled in the fun, and showed you up? lol get a life.
I am unable to enlighten you, because you are a brain dead dickhead.

And I never threatened you. Rude and abusive, yup. No threats. So dont lie.

Now, fuck off.
I am unable to enlighten you, because you are a brain dead dickhead.

And I never threatened you. Rude and abusive, yup. No threats. So dont lie.

Now, fuck off.

1. YOU are not able to enlighten US, give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about YOUR views on DM.
2. YOU are not able to enlighten US, give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about YOUR claim I dont understand you.
3. And whilst happy to join the elitest arrogant twots who bully U75 posters not up to their accademic 'standards', YOU are not able to take it in return. :rolleyes: oh the irony.
chill people I still dont understand after some of the worlds nastiest regimes claimed to be marxist do people still claim to be either marxist or that marx has anything to offer.
its not like you find any facists attempting to justify the nazis the best they can do is deny it.
chill people I still dont understand after some of 'the worlds nastiest' regimes claimed to be marxist do people still claim to be either marxist or that marx has anything to offer.
its not like you find any facists attempting to justify the nazis the best they can do is deny it.

now, what is commun ism, do you think?

SOS, about belboid.
much like north korea does'nt count as marxist:facepalm:
its such a corrupt shithole and that was before the quake not sure you could claim it was any particular system in place :(
There are some pleasant capitalist countries that hardly oppress anyone.
Can't think of any of the so called marxists countries that could say the same.

I bet your mum had to marry a cagefighter just so you didn't try to fuck her when you were a toddler :rolleyes:
chill people I still dont understand after some of the worlds nastiest regimes claimed to be marxist do people still claim to be either marxist or that marx has anything to offer.
its not like you find any facists attempting to justify the nazis the best they can do is deny it.
yes you do

So YOU are not able to enlighten him, give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about YOUR views on Marxism, either. rofl
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