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Devon is beautiful

When I was a kid we went to Torquey on holiday a few times. I remember palm trees and a river that me and my dad fished in ;)
They're planning on reopening the line from Plymouth to Tavistock I hear, which is excellent news for locals and tourists alike.
which is a few miles extra to the tamar valley line. actually, i'm told locals don't like it all that much, cause ti's part of a huge housing development and they like tavi quiet
which is a few miles extra to the tamar valley line. actually, i'm told locals don't like it all that much, cause ti's part of a huge housing development and they like tavi quiet

On the other hand my brother lives and works in Tavistock and he's been having a nightmare trying to find an affordable place to rent. Not that I'd expect the developers to be that bothered about affordable housing. I daresay places like Tavi are a magnet for the second home set, or as I like to call them, 'cunts'.
On the other hand my brother lives and works in Tavistock and he's been having a nightmare trying to find an affordable place to rent. Not that I'd expect the developers to be that bothered about affordable housing. I daresay places like Tavi are a magnet for the second home set, or as I like to call them, 'cunts'.

as do a great many in cornwall.

big problem in tavi is a lot of well off people who chose to live there cause ti's quaint and quiet and exclusive. and they don't want that to change. cause they like it like th\t \nd it keeps prices too high for not-cunts to live there.
big problem in tavi is a lot of well off people who chose to live there cause ti's quaint and quiet and exclusive. and they don't want that to change. cause they like it like th\t \nd it keeps prices too high for not-cunts to live there.

And yet I bet those same wealthy folk still want people to take their bins away, pour them drinks at their local, keep the shelves at Waitrose stacked etc etc. Just as long as those people fuck off somewhere else when their shift is over and don't hang around making the town look untidy :mad:
And yet I bet those same wealthy folk still want people to take their bins away, pour them drinks at their local, keep the shelves at Waitrose stacked etc etc. Just as long as those people fuck off somewhere else when their shift is over and don't hang around making the town look untidy :mad:

You want to keep a few to man the 24 hour petrol stations.
On the other hand my brother lives and works in Tavistock and he's been having a nightmare trying to find an affordable place to rent. Not that I'd expect the developers to be that bothered about affordable housing. I daresay places like Tavi are a magnet for the second home set, or as I like to call them, 'cunts'.

planning info on new 750 housing in Tavi is here:
on page 29 of the report:

"The decision as to where the balance should lie between the level of railway contribution and
percentage of affordable housing rests entirely with Planning and Licensing Committee, as
part of their wider consideration of this outline application. Nevertheless, preliminary
soundings from the Development Forum and Member contact group indicate disquiet if the
level of affordable housing were to fall below 20%.

Your officers concur that this is a reasonable balance between competing objectives and
propose a Section 106 clause requiring the provision of 20% affordable housing, dispersed
across the site. "
20% is actually not that bad, considering some local authorities have been letting developers off with 0% affordable units on the fairly ludicrous grounds that they might not make any profit if they have to build homes that ordinary people might possibly be able to buy.

'Dispersed across the site' is good as well.
…guess this should be on here…

Brentor church is on a dominant granite plug rising to 1,100 feet. The church of St Michael de la Rupe dates from 1130 and is the highest parish church in England. It is also the fourth smallest. Where the picture was taken from is a former manganese mine. The ore was exported via Morwellham Quay on the River Tamar. The soil is so thin at the top that the graveyard has had to be put at the base of the hill
The origins of the name Brentor are old Devonian, a Brythonic Celtic language related to Cornish, Welsh and Breton and spoken in Devon until the early Middle Ages'
As Devon’s equivalent to Glastonbury Tor……it even lies along the same so-called St Michael ley-line for those inclined towards such new-age woo….joining sites of renowned mystical power such as St Michaels Mount, Glastonbury and…errrr…Luton…
Dartmoor. Love it :) Haven't been for a proper Dartmoor trip since doing Duke of Edinburgh's expeditions there.
which is a few miles extra to the tamar valley line. actually, i'm told locals don't like it all that much, cause ti's part of a huge housing development and they like tavi quiet
How does that work? Is it a case of carrying on at Bere Ferrers where the train backs out to carry on Bere Alston?
Also, the Nine Maidens or Seventeen Brothers stone circle


and with some scale ....

Spinal Tap anyone? :D
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So many places :) Couple of faves are either start or finish at Otterton and walk along the river to Budleigh Salterton. Marvel at the fact that all those perfectly shaped pebbles are down to thousands of years of geological action. Either fuel up or wind down at Otterton Mill (working water mill, bread flour milled and then baked on the premises, heaven). Also Spitchwick on the edge of Dartmoor (http://wildswim.com/spitchwick-common-dartmoor) - can get very busy in the summer but you can still find quiet spots to chill. Literally if you try the water :-D It's also a short way from Ashburton which is another great place for food. Amazing bakery and deli there plus several good restaurants. You'll find most of my recommendations are linked to where is good to eat :-D ;-)
You'll find most of my recommendations are linked to where is good to eat :-D ;-)

Walk over the hill from Beer to Branscombe.

Branscombe has plenty of great places to eat. You can either get a massive slab of cake at the Sea Shanty Cafe at Branscombe Mouth


Or head up the path to the Old Mill for a cream tea


Or further along to the Fountain Head for a meal and a pint of Summa That


It's a fantastic unspoilt pub .

Of course, any non-Devonians should go to the rah rah Masons Arms in the middle of the village.
I'm glad and grateful that this thread has been contributed to so thoughtfully and generously. I'm sure this is a reflection of the friendliness, helpfulness and, of course, pride of the good and kind Devonians who contributed.

So who's gonna put me up then? ;)
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