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Derailed train in Ohio & giant cloud of polyvinyl chloride

The other alternative is to temp close it, reinforce the trackbed, replace the old sleepers with new concrete ones and re-lay the track. Might take a while depending on how much needs replacement but normal service would resume with the added bonus of the freight train being able to go faster than walking pace...
and being able to carry more than just grain
(i give up)
I was musing on an alternative solution to what was pointed out regarding trucking the grain. Not disagreeing with you. The condition of that line is not going to improve with age. Eventually it'll need replacement.

Another thing overdue for replacement more widely would be the civil war era braking systems used by these trains. But putting that into law would have to survive the lobbying process and that didn't turn out well the last time a change in the regs was floated. :(
Apparently originally from this youtube video (and yes first? part double speed)

I scrolled down a hundred or so comments (they look everlasting) and got to:

This video is 5 years old [comment 6 months ago]. The line no longer looks like this, as there’s been major upgrades. There is actually 7 customers on the line, and at least one large one, a rock plant. Hoppers are grain for 3 elevators and plastic pellets for two plastic plants. Boxcars are for a Cold Food Warehouse for Cambells
and even made it to snopes

its a small private line. I don't see that it has any relevance to this discussion. The railways companies aren't going to fix it because it isn't their's. I'm sure this line is inspected and maintained perfectly well for trains to travel under the designated speed limit. As to its future, well, it#ll be a sad day when trucks are thundering along this stretch instead of trains.

Whoever put this video out knows how to distract people.
I did not imply or suggest that a road with trucks replace the rail.

I also mentioned in that last post the antiquated braking systems in use that contributed to this and other derailments.

Although that video is a very extreme example, the condition of the rail infrastructure in the US is not in a very good state at all. Not sure why you appear to be taking issue with someone who agrees with you about the wider problem because they suggested how a minor stretch of track way could be repaired and made safe for all concerned... :confused:
Statement from local organizers:
Fundraiser thing is here:
I’m going to pedant and Canuck at the same time and point out that it was a cloud of vinyl chloride (a super-toxic chemical that breaks down into other super-toxic chemicals when unleashed).

As opposed to a cloud of polyvinyl chloride (which sounds more like a flouncy description of last week’s fetish party).

Yes, I am bored. Boredy boredy bored. :oops:
I'm starting to think that the US rail system may in fact have some flaws.
It’s mostly used for freight, so not maintained to the same standard as European passenger lines, because stuff moves slower, passenger comfort is not required and if something derails then the harm is usually limited. Obviously not the case with this latest crash however. Plus tracks are rarely fenced and many open crossings are present which means vehicle/animal strikes are quite common.

I’d seen that wonky track video before, some years ago. It’s exaggerated a bit by using a long lense, and by speeding up the video. Still a shocking state but it’s been manipulated to appear worse than it is.
The Company Testing Air in East Palestine Homes Was Hired by Norfolk Southern. Experts Say That Testing Isn’t Enough:

Last month, Brenda Foster stood on the railroad tracks at the edge of her yard in East Palestine, Ohio, and watched a smoky inferno billow from the wreckage of a derailed train. The chemicals it was carrying — and the fire that consumed them — were so toxic that the entire area had to evacuate. Foster packed up her 87-year-old mother, and they fled to stay with relatives.

With a headache, sore throat, burning eyes and a cough, Foster returned home five days later — as soon as authorities allowed. So when she saw on TV that there was a hotline for residents with health concerns, she dialed as soon as the number popped up on the screen.

The people who arrived offered to test the air inside her home for free. She was so eager to learn the results, she didn’t look closely at the paper they asked her to sign. Within minutes of taking measurements with a hand-held machine, one of them told her they hadn’t detected any harmful chemicals. Foster moved her mother back the same day.

What she didn’t realize is that the page of test results that put her mind at ease didn’t come from the government or an independent watchdog. CTEH, the contractor that provided them, was hired by Norfolk Southern, the operator of the freight train that derailed.

And, according to several independent experts consulted by ProPublica in collaboration with the Guardian, the air testing results did not prove their homes were truly safe. Erin Haynes, a professor of environmental health at the University of Kentucky, said the air tests were inadequate in two ways: They were not designed to detect the full range of dangerous chemicals the derailment may have unleashed, and they did not sample the air long enough to accurately capture the levels of chemicals they were testing for.

Anyone want to bet that the paper they had her sign was a waiver of liability? Or, at least something they could use later to claim there were no damages to her or her home?

long video one or two hours with lenghtly interviews with the people on the ground, its just awful if they can not afford to relocate, and where is the government?
'They Said It Was Safe': Sick East Palestine Residents Suffer With Rashes, Nosebleeds, and Flu-Like Symptoms Weeks After Norfolk Southern Disaster

39 days after a 200+ car Norfolk Southern train derailed in East Palestine Ohio—and 36 days after its “controlled burn” fired a cannon of cancer-causing chemicals into the air, water, and soil—residents Status Coup has spoken with continue to suffer from a variety of serious health problems. Amidst their physical and mental trauma, and in many cases having to endure homes and a community that reek of chemicals, they continue to receive few answers other than an “all clear” from the EPA proclaiming their air, water, and soil safe.

But the rashes spreading across their bodies, blood oozing from their noses, and burning sensation while showering scream something very different.
Not sure why you appear to be taking issue with someone who agrees with you about the wider problem because they suggested how a minor stretch of track way could be repaired and made safe for all concerned... :confused:
it's irrelevant to this thread is my point.

I did not imply or suggest that a road with trucks replace the rail.

But that would be the only other feasible option as nobody is going to fund a fit for purpose railway along that route.
because i got nothing but shit from people since starting this tread and i wished i hadn't bothered. nobody actually addressed my actual points here - just got called a conspiracy theorist and later an implication, it seemed to me, that i was defending the owners of that shit railway - its all pathetic and divisive sniping and i felt like giving up. Thought I might try again but maybe not.

you want to keep the arguing going or shall we draw a line and leave it at that?
I'm puzzled too. I posted a video which was somewhat misleading. You picked me up on it quite rightly, then we discussed points arising. No sniping or arguing that I could see.
I'm puzzled too. I posted a video which was somewhat misleading. You picked me up on it quite rightly, then we discussed points arising. No sniping or arguing that I could see.
maybe i was having a bad day but i had been called a conspiracy theorist from the get go on this thread so i was already feeling quite negative about it.
because i got nothing but shit from people since starting this tread and i wished i hadn't bothered. nobody actually addressed my actual points here - just got called a conspiracy theorist and later an implication, it seemed to me, that i was defending the owners of that shit railway - its all pathetic and divisive sniping and i felt like giving up. Thought I might try again but maybe not.

you want to keep the arguing going or shall we draw a line and leave it at that?
You got shit from other people on this thread, not me. I double checked to be certain. Al I did was join the conversation, propose an alternative solution and basically agree with you on the state of the railways in the us and yet I somehow ended up in an argument I wasn't looking for. I have no intention of "keeping the argument going" but I'm also not going to take being misrepresented without responding.
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