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Derailed train in Ohio & giant cloud of polyvinyl chloride


Wish I was as perfect as you.
I've looked to see if anyone else has posted about this, and found nothing. So apologies if I got that wrong.

Seems authorities are actively suppressing this - a journalist who was trying to cover this got roughed up by cops and arrested.

Oof, the burn would have created hydrogen chloride gas. Which dissolves rapidly in water and turns it into hydrochloric acid. Including the water in, say, your eyes or the mucus membranes in your respiratory system.

I made a tiny amount of hydrogen chloride by mistake once. Luckily I had the good goggles on and nobody else was in the room but it fucked my lungs up for days.
Oof, the burn would have created hydrogen chloride gas. Which dissolves rapidly in water and turns it into hydrochloric acid. Including the water in, say, your eyes or the mucus membranes in your respiratory system.

I made a tiny amount of hydrogen chloride by mistake once. Luckily I had the good goggles on and nobody else was in the room but it fucked my lungs up for days.
Rivers full of dead fish have been observed, and yet local people are being told their drinking water is perfectly safe.
Seems authorities are actively suppressing this - a journalist who was trying to cover this got roughed up by cops and arrested.

Nonsense, it was all over the local and national news as was the reporter's arrest which occured at the back of a widely reported press conference.

Nonsense, it was all over the local and national news as was the reporter's arrest which occured at the back of a widely reported press conference.

I'm not making any claims - only what I've seen people tweeting.

I saw a Tweet earlier that claimed that its a news control exercise - in that they want the stories to be playing down the incident which is actually really fucking bad - I don't really see "really fucking bad" coming out of those news stories.

There's a long history of playing down environmental disasters - especially ones where state or corporate negligence was the cause.
I'm not making any claims - only what I've seen people tweeting.

I saw a Tweet earlier that claimed that its a news control exercise - in that they want the stories to be playing down the incident which is actually really fucking bad - I don't really see "really fucking bad" coming out of those news stories.
Platinumsage could benefit from reading dale carnegie's famous book, how to make friends and influence people
I'm not making any claims - only what I've seen people tweeting.

I saw a Tweet earlier that claimed that its a news control exercise - in that they want the stories to be playing down the incident which is actually really fucking bad - I don't really see "really fucking bad" coming out of those news stories.

Try doing a few seconds research before parroting Twitter conspiracy theories with zero evidence.

I'm not making any claims - only what I've seen people tweeting.

I saw a Tweet earlier that claimed that its a news control exercise - in that they want the stories to be playing down the incident which is actually really fucking bad - I don't really see "really fucking bad" coming out of those news stories.

There's a long history of playing down environmental disasters - especially ones where state or corporate negligence was the cause.
Platinum sage is in favour of a bit of pollution in the name of convenience normally. You have to weigh all the death and destruction against the happiness brought by all the plastics the polyvinyl would have made and the cost of backing down to the unions.
Try doing a few seconds research before parroting Twitter conspiracy theories with zero evidence.

I parroted no conspiracy theories unless you think this isn't really bad. Rivers full of dead fish. A toxic cloud covering a huge area of Ohio. An environmental disaster to rival any of the huge oil spills that get major headlines across the globe.

It should be news headlines but instead its buried down in the corporate news.

Now stop accusing me of being something I'm not.
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The bit about the local police "blowing it up like a beached whale" sounds rather alarming. Perhaps that might explain their behaviour towards journalists? Some kind of massive fuck-up on their part?
The bit about the local police "blowing it up like a beached whale" sounds rather alarming. Perhaps that might explain their behaviour towards journalists? Some kind of massive fuck-up on their part?
yeah i think so, and the fact that railway unions had highlighted exactly that this was likely to occur due to cutbacks in staff and maintenance, so it makes the state complicit too.
I parroted no conspiracy theories unless you think tis isn't really bad. Rivers full of dead fish. A toxic cloud covering a huge area of Ohio. An environmental disaster to rival any of the huge oil spills that get major headlines across the globe.

You said "Seems authorities are actively suppressing this - a journalist who was trying to cover this got roughed up by cops and arrested."

You got the notion that authorities are actively suppressing it from Twitter, and have presented no evidence that they are in fact doing that. You implied that a journalist "trying to cover it" and getting arrested was part of this supposed suppression, again with no evidence. It seems unlikely that even the most stupid authorities would attempt to suppress news by arresting one journalist at the back of a public press conference packed full of other journalists.

The event and the seriousness of it is all over the national news.

suffer not detestable fools who think a major fucking environmental disaster is nothing much. don't bother replying to me again because i won't see you.

I haven't said or implied one single thing about the seriousness of the incident you berk. :facepalm:
You said "Seems authorities are actively suppressing this - a journalist who was trying to cover this got roughed up by cops and arrested."

You got the notion that authorities are actively suppressing it from Twitter, and have presented no evidence that they are in fact doing that. You implied that a journalist "trying to cover it" and getting arrested was part of this supposed suppression, again with no evidence. It seems unlikely that even the most stupid authorities would attempt to suppress news by arresting one journalist at the back of a public press conference packed full of other journalists.

The event and the seriousness of it is all over the national news.

I haven't said or implied one single thing about the seriousness of the incident you berk. :facepalm:
given that the us bombed cambodia secretly it's fair to say they have form for at least trying to keep big things under wraps
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