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Dear Music Makers, How do I Aphex Twin?

He is also a notorious piss taker so I wouldn't necessarily believe anything he says about himself or how he gets sounds/his process!
Yeah, I don't really buy into labelling him as a genius or perhaps a savant. He likely has a knack for electronics, god knows I don't. I think it's more his workflow lends itself to the music he makes and I'm interested in what that is. Maybe he just enjoys spending hours and hours tweaking drum patterns, bar by bar, in his compositions.
Yes. But he isn’t an ordinary musician. The question would be better asked about production techniques to be honest.
What question do you think is being asked?

What do you mean by saying he isn't ordinary? There are lots of musicians, many of them are quite different. Zappa, whom I mentioned, makes far more complex music.
think aphex twin is a really interesting example of a musician. think the whole genius/savant thing is overblown, but he is obviously very good at playing with and programing gear to get silly, weird sounds and the squeezing them into little techno/ambient/break tracks. he also clearly spends a lot of time fucking around with soft and hardware. I'd be really really surprised if much of his stuff is samples, as was said up thread, lots of his stuff is player piano, like avril 14 (which iirc was designed to sound playable but actually impossible for one person to pay because of the double octave stretches?).

a lot of the daw attempts to recreate aphex twin dont quite hit the mark for me, often they sound too polished or too intentionally broken and I think thats cos rdj spends a lot of time fine tuning the velocity of his drums in particular. I wouldn't be surprised if he's more recently moved onto daws but uses things like max//map or the procedurally generates stuff bands like 65daysofstatic are doing on programs like unity.

I used to spend quite a lot of time trying to make tunes which sounded a but like him or venetian snares on ableton but in the end never quite managed to do it and eventually it just wasn't that fun.
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