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Dangerous Days: On the Edge of Blade Runner BBC 2 00:55 tonight

Kepple, the radioactive dust gradually rendering the world uninhabitable. Do you remember the lead-lined codpieces? To protect against Kepple-induced reproductive abnormalities. :D

And yes, the mood organ is used by his wife to do the exact opposite of what he bought it for. Instead of using it to lift her mood, she instead sends herself into varying levels of depression; to get at and annoy him, as well as indulge herself.
I like Pris in the book, and her childlike naivety in following the rogue leader, Baty. If I remember correctly, while slaves on Mars, he feeds her with dreams of life on Earth - now fucked, and why everyone who hasn't been marked as a 'special' is trying to get to Mars - through reading old glossy magazines and trashy books.
I was being overly generous. Myleen can play piano. Bladerunner can't play piano. Bladerunner simpers in the corner. It's Suzanne off Breakfast news.
BladeRunner...is a symphony. Paranoia, mortality, recurring themes (eyes etc.) with wonderful turns by Ford, Young and Hauer.

Sci-fi noir.
I like noir. But proper noir. Farewell, My Lovely. Double Indemnity. Night Has a Thousand Eyes.

Not matchstick-whittling robots. Who's a robot? Who cares?
Bladerunner is a masterpiece, it asks the important questions.

Where have I come from?
Where am I going?
How long have I got?

It's all about the human condition and what it is to be human. Those of you that can't get that stick to your Marvel films.

I did my first year dissertation on: 'Bladerunner and the Postmodern'. In the uni library I was seeking out various books on film criticism, there were a lot of books on film noir, on sci-fi and a lot on Hitchcock, but as I turned the corner of the aisle in the library I realised why I'd chosen the right topic, there was a whole shelf dedicated to the film Bladerunner itself...........Awesome!
A generic comment. Replace 'Marvel' with any other film types you like instead of Bladerunner. If you don't understand Bladerunner they'll be inferior.
I understand Bladerunner perfectly well. I just find it boring.

I don't really have a favourite film type. But my favourite directors include Sidney Lumet, David Lean, Claude Chabrol, Louis Malle, Truffaut, Fassbinder. My favourite films range from Harvey with James Stewart to La Comunidad with Carmen Maura.

If you want to look down on me because I find your favourite film dull, feel free. But don't assume I don't understand it; it's as "deep" as a 6th former's poetry.
I understand Bladerunner perfectly well. I just find it boring.

But don't assume I don't understand it; it's as "deep" as a 6th former's poetry.

If you think that then I'm sorry but you don't understand it. Go and read some books on postmodernism relating to Bladerunner, then you'll see bit more depth to it.

Sorry, but I'm not having someone getting away with calling Bladerunner boring. Saying something is boring merely holds up a mirror to the person saying that. And if you like the works of Sidney Lumet, David Lean (I love 'Ryan's Daughter'), you should know better.

You could say I don't like it because, 'blah, blah, blah'. But to subjectively dismiss it without considering it's impact on others or to acknowledge its merit as a piece cinematic art is narrowminded. I understand Citizen Kane, but it's not my cup-of-tea, but I'll happily acknowledge that it's a piece of ground-breaking cinema, technically. And Hitchcock was a genius but I haven't watched any Hitchcock films as often as I have Bladerunner, I'll happily agree though with folk that say many of his films are masterpieces.
A modern classic.. How many versions now? Five, six or seven I think. I doubt any other film has been worked so many times.
Sorry, but I'm not having someone getting away with calling Bladerunner boring. Saying something is boring merely holds up a mirror to the person saying that. And if you like the works of Sidney Lumet, David Lean (I love 'Ryan's Daughter'), you should know better.
You said they were inferior before you even knew what they were. How's that for dismissing something without due consideration?

I've seen Bladerunner 3 times. That was three times too many. It's a dull and - in my view - vastly overrated film. But you like it. Which is great. We're all different.
@danny, and anyone else calling Bladerunner boring: I've tried to craft a persuasive and well-structured response to your view. The most apt one I can come up with is:

Fuck off, you philistine cunts.

No offence intended :)
I'm suprised at you, a sci fi fan not liking it. In my head all William Gibson stories are set in cities like Bladerunners LA
incidentally, i just wrote an essay on Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep for my final 3rd year exam and got a first in it. i like the aesthetic of blade runner, and thematically it's brilliant. i just think it's too boring. i enjoyed it more on my 5th watch though.

edit: apols for boasting btw. i just wanted to post that somewhere.
... i like the aesthetic of blade runner...
For me...from the scene (from) when Deckard enters the Bradbury leading up to Roy's death is pretty much the definition of cinematic aesthetics. A visual masterpiece. Someone mentioned William Gibson, I should read Neuromancer again - I think I hear Pauley laughing...
i can appreciate the craft of blade runner, even though it sends me to sleep. neuromancer is just poorly executed filth. lots of brilliant ideas, but the narrative is all over the place, the characters are just embarrassing (those rastas in space are a crime against literature), and gibson's writing style is so interrupted and frenetic that it had me wanting to just give up and throw the whole thing in the bin quite a few times. i persevered until the end, but didn't feel there was any pay off at all.
Bladerunner's simply genius, love gritty yet ambient feel to the film, perfect soundtrack too.

Anyone remember Paul Oakenfold's 'Goa' essential mix from a while back(1994?) using loads of Bladerunner samples?, amazing piece of music....anyone got a copy per chance???? :D
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