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D&D confession/tabletop rpg thread

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woot woot Starfinder 2e Playtest is out, free download https://paizo.com/starfinderplaytest though you will also need the PF2 rules at this point :/ More furries! Rules that makes sense and work! Feats that let you do rocket jumps! Magic that isn't a clone of D&D spells, like, uh, Carcinization!

I'm not entirely sure whether it's got a lighter tone than 1e or whether it's just more imaginative. Certainly it feels like the latter is true regardless of the former. Yes one of the core heritages is a gas-giant-living floating jellyfish.
my party was rewarded with a portable hole last night!!!

any inventive uses for it? (i would look up tips online, but work software is blocking all the good sites)

Im thinking trap a monster in it and fold it up until it dies
Store stuff in it for easy transport (maybe people? must let them out to breathe!)
Sneak stuff in / out of restricted areas
Use it to hide?
my party was rewarded with a portable hole last night!!!

any inventive uses for it? (i would look up tips online, but work software is blocking all the good sites)

Im thinking trap a monster in it and fold it up until it dies
Store stuff in it for easy transport (maybe people? must let them out to breathe!)
Sneak stuff in / out of restricted areas
Use it to hide?
Generally given out by a GM who looked at the tables on encumbrance and couldn't be arsed. :)

General rule is that attacks and spells can't cross the entrance to extra-dimensional space. Smuggling weapons in to a weapons-free environment is a great use, as spells cannot detect what is in the hole.
You can technically hide people in it, but if you annoy the GM by doing do there are a lot of ways it could go wrong. The hole itself is fabric with no special properties other than the hole itself. It is easily destroyed, rendering everything in it as good as disintegrated. (yes, it still exists on another plane of existence but you're not getting to it)

Good example is using it as a trench to avoid an explosion of some sort. Of course you all have to get in there, and an explosion can whip about a sheet of fabric pretty well... It leaves the GM with a choice of letting you get away with it, or killing the entire party. So it's generally something you could do once, but making a habit of it increases the chance of mass murder by the GM.
in fairness, our GM is good on the details, but does indeed leave the minutia up to us (we are all adults over 30 - some over 50!) so stuff like encumbrance, how many portions of food, etc then he trusts us. We are winding up this campaign and starting a new one on a different system, so I think he wanted to reward us with a classic piece of kit :)

Love the idea to avoid explosions (spray of dragon fire? acid? etc) - i think DM said that if someone was inside the hole, then they could reach outside and close it - maybe even draw it inside itself? - that would be good way to seal it and also prevent it from being damaged or blown away .
in fairness, our GM is good on the details, but does indeed leave the minutia up to us (we are all adults over 30 - some over 50!) so stuff like encumbrance, how many portions of food, etc then he trusts us. We are winding up this campaign and starting a new one on a different system, so I think he wanted to reward us with a classic piece of kit :)

Love the idea to avoid explosions (spray of dragon fire? acid? etc) - i think DM said that if someone was inside the hole, then they could reach outside and close it - maybe even draw it inside itself? - that would be good way to seal it and also prevent it from being damaged or blown away .
Yeeeeah... Just remember there's no air in there. That's a generous interpretation that he's letting you have to close it.

As a trap for monsters... Anything powerful, you'd probably want to destroy the hole. And anything that powerful, either doesn't fit or is intelligent/magic sensitive enough to avoid it.
I did have my party try to hide one under a carpet for a lich. Made me laugh, and I did let the next few decisions sway their way for the amusement it gave me. But no. :p
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