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Curly hair styling

Still trying to figure out my hair. At the mo i just tie it up or plait it every day.

The biggest problem I have found is that I have never been able to blow dry my hair and make it look normal. It frizzes up loads and still takes ages because the ends hold in the water. It can look OK with the right stuff on if it dries naturally, but that can take all day, and there's no guarantee on what it will look like as/when it dries. But I think if I could find a way to get it looking nice after blow drying it I would feel much more confident wearing it down once in a while.
For drying curly hair, the stuff I've watched / read suggests putting it on the cold setting and using a diffuser. Gently pile the hair into the diffuser and do it in sections.
First time I've noticed this thread :confused:

I've got curly hair that I never use any kind of heat on.

Wash every 5 days or so using cheapo shampoo, iirc we're currently on Aldi's tea tree & mint.
Current conditioner is Aussie Miracle anti-frizz, seems to do the trick and smells lovely, I stick on loads of this and then brush it all the way through my hair - this is the only time it ever sees a brush/comb
Then I liberally apply Avon's argan oil leave in conditioner, or Aussie miracle Duel Personality serum & curl stuff.
I usually twirl a few strategic strands round my fingers to create a few ringlets round my face and then leave it to dry naturally.

For those occasions when I want the curls to be a bit more pronounced then I'll use a bit of Trevor Sorbie dream curl or spiral curl before I do the twirly thing.
Do you use a diffuser on your hairdryer? (assuming you want it to look curly?)

Well I don't really want it to look that curly but I'm not sure I've got much choice :D no I've never used a diffuser, I don't have one.

When it's wet just after getting out the shower it's a nice wavy pattern. I wish I could get it so it dries and stays exactly the same shape!
Well I don't really want it to look that curly but I'm not sure I've got much choice :D no I've never used a diffuser, I don't have one.

When it's wet just after getting out the shower it's a nice wavy pattern. I wish I could get it so it dries and stays exactly the same shape!
Curly hair products and diffuser would do that. A wide diffuser you can rest your hair in (usually involves hanging off the side of the bed whilst you're drying) means the curl /wave pattern doesn't get disturbed during drying, as it would with a normal hairdryer. You need to finish it with a cool blast from the dryer, or remain dangling upside down till the hair is cool after drying.
Well I don't really want it to look that curly but I'm not sure I've got much choice :D no I've never used a diffuser, I don't have one.

When it's wet just after getting out the shower it's a nice wavy pattern. I wish I could get it so it dries and stays exactly the same shape!

you might be able to get it to do that with just curly hair products and leaving it to dry naturally as well.

i would highly recommend curl friends serum from umberto gianinni (can only get it in Boots i think). i rub a bit on my hands and run them through my hair then tip head upside down and do a couple of half-hearted scrunches. it looks better if dried with a diffuser after. to pep it up in the day i just scrunch it with damp hands to take the fluffiness off.

my hair is a wierd texture though, if your hair is proper curly and/or thick rather than wavy and oddly fine, then you might need a more heavy duty product. the rest still applies though, probably.
I have very curly/kinky afro hair and I only comb my hair with a wide toothed comb while it's wet and covered in conditioner. The rest of the time it's strictly finger combing.
Same for me, except I comb it through using a tangle tease or afro comb and conditioner even two weeks or so.
Bumping cos I have discovered the CG (curly girl method)

It has been a revelation to me that something as simple as gel is the way to keep my curls in the best pattern without frizz.

I started using the CG method a few months ago and have it whittled down to what suits me now.
I wash hair once a month using a no sulphate shampoo and I wash my hair every 4 days using conditioner instead of shampoo. Brush / detangle hair upside down in the shower. Add leave in conditioner and curl booster. (Not a lot and I sometimes skip these)
Then add lots of gel. (Nevercskip this)
Plop the hair and make sure its wet enough to squelch when squeezed. Then either diffuse on cold or let it dry naturally.
The gel forms a sort of hard cast which was what I used hate about gel ... before I found out that you have to break the cast once dry... by rubbing it gently. Result is controlled non frizzy curls.
Refresh next day is easy...just spray on a mix of conditioner and water and then add gel again.

It's so easy that I get lazy on days off and don't bother with it....cos I know it'll only take 5 mins to refresh it if I have to go someplace.

At the moment I'm using a giant bottle of DevaCurl gel. It will last the rest of the year. I got it last year and it still has over half left in it.

I have read that lube* works even better than gel... but they dont sell lube in 2 litre bottles :eek:

* yes...that kind of lube...:D
I figured out my hair since I last posted on this thread.

I use mainly Aussie stuff, shampoo, conditioner, 3 minute conditioner, and the 'curl define & shine' mousse, which had been increasingly difficult to find but seems to have been rebranded as 'turn up the curl' and superdrug stock it yayy.

I do all that once a week and blow dry with a diffuser after, it's the best my hair looks all week!

Between washes I spray with conditioner + water (I use tresemme as it comes in a huge bottle and I only need to buy one about every 6 months) and wella medium strength curl mousse (pretty cheap).

The main thing I learned is I don't want max strength mousses, medium strength work best at keeping frizz under control and not making your hair hard.

The woman who did my hair at my wedding actually straightened it, so I know it's possible and I might try it again, but it took about an hour for a professional lol :D
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