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Crusader Kings 3

I read about your sadism and internecine warfare and thought, yes, he's got the hang of this now :D Though I do tend to be a bit of a goody-goody myself in my play throughs.
Still not stumped for 3 but play CKII regularly still. I will get with the times next time I have some spare cash, pleased to see it's been a successful update.

I generally play safe but occasionally you need to rule with a bit of brute force. :D

Also not to be scared to revoke titles occasionally and disinherit people. I am a bit concerned at the moment as the Vassell in The Isles is getting quite strong.

I was far to late to CK2 and found it overwhelming. Glad I've stuck with the new one and taken the plunge. I watched someone playing a Swedish playthrough which helped me with learning some good tips.
Sorry if the image below is to big!

My latest King Harald III has had quite the journey. I accidently converted his Dad to a Jewish faith which resulted in a lot of trouble. Harald was raised Jewish and I quickly realised my mistake as I couldn't marry him off anywhere and then England started taking land under holy wars. They took Galloway and Lothian. Whilst this was going my Vassals rose up and disposed of me putting the King of the Isles on the throne and my Character died in the process. Luckily my son being educated by a Catholic converted to at least halt the holy wars.

When I first started playing I would probably quit, but I have learned that things can change quickly, or over 50 years in Harald's case.

Harald was an Obese 16 year old boy when he took the Duchy of Moray, but he had learnt the art of Diplomacy. He quickly retook the throne from Queen Aliband and then seduced her and befriended his whole court using his strong diplomacy skills. His marriage to a French Princess secured a valuable partnership and he then added allies in the Holy Roman Empire and Aquitaine resulting in around 40k troops being available at select times.

With Alba secure he set out on a 40 year journey to create the Kingdom of Ireland. Firstly completing his Dad's task of forcing the Munster king to become subservient to the Albian throne. He then led a Albian - French coalition against a Norwegian - Holy Roman Empire defence of Ulster. Some huge 40k battles and me finally learning how to supply armies led to a Albian win and the creation of Ireland under an Albian and Galeic banner.

His sleeping around and lack of commitment to the Crusades has resulted in him being excommunicated and taking to the bottle as his many mistresses passed away, but his crowning moment has surely been the discord he has sown in England as seen below.

He had been waiting for weakness in the England throne and France has had foothold there for around 100 years with the Duchy of Hwicee. England had a child King and the heir was a distant relative of Harald's house and also the queen of Yurakid-Vaxjo. Harald was reluctant to take the steps needed to murder this child king, but his wife pushed home the plan and the English king was disposed of. This has resulted in England being in turmoil under a foreign Gaelic Queen and various duchy's declared independence. As you can see below this has causesd chaos and allowed Alba to pick off their old Duchy's and slowly convert them back to their true lands after 150 years of being lost.

Now as a 65 year old drunk Harald has taken up knights training and has led the line in some impressive victories. His son and heir has a lot to live up too and can he reconcile the rest of Scotland and then push into England and bring it under one Gaelic banner? Or will they get the plague and lose everything to a currently disposed but rising Wales?

I love this Game. :D

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Just had a cracking start as the Duke of East Anglia in 1066. Married a brilliant genius who, despite being homosexual, was only able to resist my charms for a couple of years (our genius son is now betrothed to another genius child); fought with my mother against my brother, lost that war, then allied with my brother to take out all the land between our two duchies. Then, just as I finally got settled the Norwegian invasion of Britain succeeded, the entire country turned into Norway, I became the new head of the Anglo-Saxon culture and was immediately invited to be the Marshal of Norway. :cool:
I finished it. England was split. Above Birmingham everything was Scottish and below was French. England got wiped out.

Decided to have a go at properly Roleplaying. Started in 800's as Chiefdom of Prussia. The family are devout Catholics and we will push the true faith across the East. Everyone around me are various other faiths so should be a challenge and fun. After ten years so far I've managed to secure my own kingdom and now looking abroad.
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My plan for a virtuous and devout Catholic family has not gone to plan. My grandson the King of Italy has just had a baby with my daughter the Duchess of East Franks despite being married to others. :hmm:

Kingdom of Prussia is coming along nicely though. We cannot deny any holy war either.
New patch is out and there is a new DLC too. I've played this a lot over the last few months so I'll probably get the DLC.

Had great fun in this run. Alongside Prussia I created the Kingdoms of Lithuania and Poland which I lost under succession, but overall it was positive for my house to have 3 kings and made for a good dynamic. I have carved a home for Catholics in Northern Europe.

One of my rules for this run through has been to attend every Crusade as we are virtuous and to encourage learning at all cost then completing the religious tree. During a crusade that went wrong I came home and my whole country exploded with me losing pretty much all of Prussia. It took 30 years but King Christopher managed to claw it back and eventually has retaken Lithuania and Poland too from his cousins.

Sadly the next Heir isn't looking great as a lazy craven. I'd like to form the South Baltic empire and take cologne to gain a holy site but we shall see.
Been playing this a bit recently. Bohemia is great fun to play and starts with seniority succession but I cheat anyway and get primogeniture from the off. I wouldn’t mind the game extension mod also as I’m often dissatisfied when it all abruptly ends.
There’s an opportunity quite early on where you get a claim to Hungary, which I conquered in one play through only to be suddenly made Emperor of the Roman Empire almost immediately which fucked me right up and I lost everything. You definitely need to vote in those elections if you don’t want to end up on that throne.
The DLC coming later in the year looks interesting. You get a throne room where you can display artefacts which give bonuses and the such. I like RPG touches like that.
I'm on hold now since making the empire of Prussia. Going to wait for the new DLC as I have a few other things to play.
I'm on hold now since making the empire of Prussia. Going to wait for the new DLC as I have a few other things to play.
Yeah it’s a game you’ll walk away from and return to. Victoria 3 has been announced and Vic 2 was a pretty good game. My best play through I ended up with the People’s Republic of America lol. But you can’t paint the map in your colours. It’s called Victoria for a reason. One nation dominated in that period. Strangely I never played it as England.
Yeah I am going to give Victoria 3 a spin for sure.

There is a lot that could be done to improve CK3. I would love a more in depth economy and options to trade and build alliances beyond marriage.
Yeah I am going to give Victoria 3 a spin for sure.

There is a lot that could be done to improve CK3. I would love a more in depth economy and options to trade and build alliances beyond marriage.
Yeah it does need more depth and it’ll come. I think the Paradox strategy now is to release watered down games to pull in the punters and add depth over time. Some of their earlier games lost people at launch due to how difficult they were to learn.
Building alliances beyond marriage though, you can do that on one of the diplomatic trees if you raise an heir as such. A bit simplistic compared with a fully functioning diplomatic system but it’s there.
Someone has apparently created a mod for CK3 that runs the battles in Bannerlord, so you can fight in them yourself:

Someone has apparently created a mod for CK3 that runs the battles in Bannerlord, so you can fight in them yourself:

That’s pretty spectacular although I’m not sure I’d want to keep changing environments plus it’s usually fairly predictable whether you’re going to win or lose a battle in CK3. If you play with decent gold reserves you can call up mercs to swing it your way, if there’s no hope you’re probably better just giving them what is wanted rather than wasting resources on a sure loss. Then take it back at a later juncture when the landscape has changed.
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