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Cornwall Recommendations

Polperro :thumbs:

Loads of my ancestors in the churchyard there :)

Or should that be :(


Beautiful place, anyway

Polperro's fucking lovely. Also really friendly, we spent a couple of great nights in a pub there with live music. Special time.

Also Bedruthan Steps. Big climb down there and back up again but worth it, lovely beach.

If you find a quiet beach, it can be a lot like that small island, wild Hebridean feeling.

I also fancy Lewis/Harris, but I've been to Scotland for the last three years so I think a change is in order!

camping in the rain
Again, sounds like my trip to Mull/Iona a couple of years ago :D

Plenty to think about so far. I suppose I'd better see when I can get some time off work first :hmm:
Some places down there exceed dose rates that you'll find in the Chernobyl exclusion zone or at various nuclear test sites.

One of the many reasons I love visiting.

I think as long as neonwilderness holds his breath for the duration of his stay he'll be safe from radon poisoning.

I've got several lumps of granite at home but they didn't utter a peep when I tested then with a gieger counter. :(
The Zennor walk you're talking about is probably St Ives to Zennor. Absolutely beautiful. Top twenty on that Britain's Favourite Walks thing that ITV did recently out.

Good chance of seeing seals and even a dolphin if you're lucky. About 6 miles but very up and down so good exercise.

I've got several lumps of granite at home but they didn't utter a peep when I tested then with a gieger counter. :(
Try the wacky coloured lumps instead. You definitely don't want to wander in amongst some of the old mine workings down there. There are exposure rates that far exceed anything I've measured in accident exclusion zones and nuclear test sites.
My house is full of radon :( They've drilled holes to let it out :hmm:
So far we have arsenic, radon, traffic, rain, fog and possible broken ankles. Come on down :cool:
You forgot the polonium.
Try the wacky coloured lumps instead. You definitely don't want to wander in amongst some of the old mine workings down there. There are exposure rates that far exceed anything I've measured in accident exclusion zones and nuclear test sites.

You forgot the polonium.
And you've been to Chernobyl and some Kazakh test sites, right? :hmm::eek:
Try the wacky coloured lumps instead. You definitely don't want to wander in amongst some of the old mine workings down there. There are exposure rates that far exceed anything I've measured in accident exclusion zones and nuclear test sites.

You forgot the polonium.

:rolleyes: pah that's rubbish

Cornwall School of Mines students often do measurements in the valley at the back of mine. One of them said they'd recorded 20,000 ppm (as I recall 20 ppm is maximum for school sites, 30 ppm domestic) - I presume from the chambers where they condensed the arsenic out. And there's an arsenic flue a couple of miles away that's got fair amount of pure arsenic deposits in still since the 1930s?

Mine owners in the 1800s used to boast how good arsenic was for people, gives nice shiny hair :cool:
Has anyone mentioned collapsing mine shafts yet?

Yes don't step on any dips in the ground :)

A mate helped me dig out some rocks/bits of concrete at the bottom of the garden that had been piled up by previous residents. Afterwards he said as he was digging them out he was thinking 'snakes ... snakes' while when I was digging them out I was thinking 'mineshaft ... mineshaft'.
I was thinking 'mineshaft ... mineshaft'.
Back in my crusty hippy incarnation, I spent a couple of weeks parked up near where your misty picture was taken two sheds. One night, as it was getting dark, I went for a walk with shovel and loo roll. Suddenly it was pitch black. I took a step forward, put my foot down and started sliding down what felt like a vertical drop :eek: I was also thinking 'mineshaft...mineshaft' :D In the morning I went back and discovered I'd stumbled down a foot high bank and then fought my way through fifteen foot of dense gorse to get out :facepalm:

I used to lay awake in my bender listening to the ominous underground rumbles :hmm:
:rolleyes: pah that's rubbish
No. No it's not. The mine tailings are rubbish. Seriously, there are old mine workings that no one without adequate protection and monitoring should be spending anymore than the briefest of visits to, if that. There are near-sub-surface locations in the SW where one could easily exceed annual limits for occupational radiation workers well before lunchtime. Some of the radium for the Curies original experiments was obtained from one or two of the places.
Cornwall School of Mines students often do measurements in the valley at the back of mine. One of them said they'd recorded 20,000 ppm (as I recall 20 ppm is maximum for school sites, 30 ppm domestic)
ppm isn't a dose measurement, just a concentration, presumably of radon gas here. It's actually the polonium daughter decay product of radon that is the health hazard.
Jesus, why isn't the whole place cordoned off? :hmm:
I don't think they get many visitors other than the odd research group and a handful of atomic tourists.

It's not too difficult to find pieces and seams of pitchblende (mainly UO2 uranium ore) around a car park and down on the beach of a certain well known SW seaside resort (the car park was built over the old uranium mine).
Try the wacky coloured lumps instead. You definitely don't want to wander in amongst some of the old mine workings down there. There are exposure rates that far exceed anything I've measured in accident exclusion zones and nuclear test sites.

You forgot the polonium.

Fortunately Asda still sell it:
Voley you're not helping here. :mad:

Take it from me, the place is a fucking death trap and then there's the local populace to contend with, that and the language problem.

I'd give it a wide birth if you value your safety and your sanity.
The Roseland is lovely but madly crowded in the summer, especially the coast path and most of the beaches; if you like creeks and woodland an OS map could offer some promising ideas. I haven't been here long enough to be able to recommend secret places.
Yep if you want to avoid people go for the moorlands and mining areas - height of summer pretty well all I get going down the road is cyclists and horses. :shakesfist:
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