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COP27 Climate Conference in Egypt

Is Coffey going? She's now the environmental secretary, and we are, as we're constantly told, "world leaders" in climate policy.
Lets face it, we've fucked it,
Even if we met our so called goals it wouldnt be enough, its an accelerating process now and with all the major world governments either being subservient to or infested with the operatives of large corporations only interested in profit now, our direction wont change
Lets face it, we've fucked it,
Even if we met our so called goals it wouldnt be enough, its an accelerating process now and with all the major world governments either being subservient to or infested with the operatives of large corporations only interested in profit now, our direction wont change
Pessimist ..
Pessimist ..
Realist I wish I could be otherwise, but if you think despite all the evidence to the contrary society is going to change and there are enough folk who care enough to risk years in Prison or death to bring down the whole rotten system that has been built...well I'd love to share that dream but see above
I think Charles should go.
He should go. I don't like that we have a monarch, a view shared by everyone on here, but I will concede they get attention on the world stage. And this isn't a subjective topic, where regal fence-sitting can be used to prevent him.
Fuck's sake:

Attendees at the Cop27 climate meeting have found that the conference internet connection blocks access to the global rights organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) as well as other key news websites needed for information during the talks.

HRW is due to lead a panel discussion at Cop27 along with Amnesty International, whose website is accessible on the conference wifi. The list of blocked sites also includes the blogging platform Medium, Egypt’s lone independent news outlet, Mada Masr, and the Qatari news outlet Al Jazeera.

Alexandria Villaseñor, an activist who leads the youth climate organisation Earth Uprising, tweeted: “There are so many blocked websites in Egypt at #Cop27, that it is noticeable and hard for us to work. We can’t use our @Earth_Uprising Medium site, because Medium is blocked. News agencies we refer to are blocked.” She added: “There is no climate action without truth and information.”

Observers and conference attendees fear the blockages at Cop27 are part of the Egyptian authorities’ efforts to separate vital climate negotiations from human rights issues, controlling what participants in the remote resort of Sharm el-Sheikh can see about Egypt’s decades-long record of cracking down on human rights and limiting their understanding of the country where the talks are taking place.

Egyptian telecoms providers temporarily lifted a ban on voice over internet protocol (VoIP) calls at Cop27, such as WhatsApp calling. Yet the authorities left in place a sophisticated and broad system for blocking websites deemed critical of the Egyptian authorities, including independent media and human rights organisations. Internet freedom groups including Qurium and Citizen Lab have documented how deep packet inspection technology provided by the Canadian company Sandvine permits the Egyptian authorities to block websites at will.

Do we have any idea whether Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May and Truss were also invited to give some widely-reported speech?
Guttieres gave a pretty good speech ..

heading for climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.
Can someone please explain what the bundle of sticks represents here? On the face of it, it's not a good look. :(


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It seems as usual that the conference is going to overun time wise because no agreement can yet be found to the issue of compensation for climate damage to states that didn't contribute to GW.

Disappointing levels of coverage that I have seen about the COP27. Perhaps there has been lots and I just didn't see it.
Disappointing levels of coverage that I have seen about the COP27. Perhaps there has been lots and I just didn't see it.
Me too. I think the A-listers who went departed after a few days, and I've heard very little subsequently. I don't think the BBC have put it on the news front page since, nor C4 News covered it.
Loss and Damage still not agreed, in fact they are going back to start talking about it almost from scratch again now.
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