I hope you get trapped in a house fire
Nice. Classy
I hope you get trapped in a house fire
MaxKolbe - i take it you are a 'pro-lifer'? Are you protesting outside the Marie Stopes clinic?
Keithy (or anyone else who's had to get through protestors to get to the clinic) would it be more or less stressful to you to have counter protestors outside the clinic? genuine questionWhat does my head in about these fucking dickheads is that they didn't make me think or feel any differently about my abortion long term, they just made my actual appointments really stressful and frightening. They put women through hell short-term for no fucking point. I just wanted to smack em but the clinic tells you not to engage or interact with them at all. perhaps I should have gone back and just thrown it all at them, literally.
Keithy (or anyone else who's had to get through protestors to get to the clinic) would it be more or less stressful to you to have counter protestors outside the clinic? genuine question
the one time I've come across protest and I did engage there was a lone protestor and no women entering the clinic
and it does vasectomies, plus it gives contraceptive advice. But I am guessing the 40 days brigade would like to ban all of the above. they'd like us all barefoot and pregnant.Also a lot of women who go to that clinic aren't going for abortions. That clinic does loads of keyhole fallopian tube clipping for women who don't want any more babies because you can get it much quicker there than via the NHS.
Your opinion: if you disagree with someone hurt them. So you are pro-war and violence. Kind of adds up really as you condone abortion. You love Dubya
Keithy (or anyone else who's had to get through protestors to get to the clinic) would it be more or less stressful to you to have counter protestors outside the clinic? genuine question
the one time I've come across protest and I did engage there was a lone protestor and no women entering the clinic
You do realise your anger, violence & hatred will never ever stop the peaceful and loving message of 40 days for life? I am off to Brixton now. Your violence will be met by love and penance.
wordYou are not welcome here.
Have you left for/touched down in Brixton yet, Max? Or, is it as I suspect, you're at home miles away sitting at your computer lame trolling?
Coz either way its pretty shit.
40 Days for Life launches its largest campaign to date this Wednesday, September 28. The focused pro-life initiative will continue non-stop through Sunday, November 6. The 301 locations are listed at:http://40daysforlife.com/location.cfm
I would like to see the sentiment attached to the so called pro-life movement re-directed to enahancing the life chances of children born into poverty in this country and round the world - then I might have more belief in your being pro-life
I didn't see them when I walked into BrixtonI see MaxKolbe hasn't been back yet to proclaim the Glorious Victories they no doubt achieved at the weekend....
Good.I didn't see them when I walked into Brixton