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Coming to Brixton: anti-abortion protests

Your opinion: if you disagree with someone hurt them. So you are pro-war and violence. Kind of adds up really as you condone abortion. You love Dubya :)
Dear Badgers,

That was rude. No come on now. You have disgraced yourself and your family (sorry don't mention the family word). Anyway let me guess you are capital punishment now. Daily Mail reader?
MaxKolbe - i take it you are a 'pro-lifer'? Are you protesting outside the Marie Stopes clinic?
Have you left for/touched down in Brixton yet, Max? Or, is it as I suspect, you're at home miles away sitting at your computer lame trolling?

Coz either way its pretty shit.
MaxKolbe - i take it you are a 'pro-lifer'? Are you protesting outside the Marie Stopes clinic?

Am I pro-life? Yes. Very much so. Anti-Capital punishment. Against abortion. Against war. Against anodyne bland pigeonholes which people create. Am I going to Brixton? Yes. I am. Be warned I am gentle and will offer the other cheek
:D You said that an hour and a half ago. You're obviously not really very keen to get to Brixton.
maybe it was on this thread, maybe it was somewhere else that I read that the anti abortion movement is not pro-life it is pro-birth and that they're not the same thing

I think it was said by a nun
What does my head in about these fucking dickheads is that they didn't make me think or feel any differently about my abortion long term, they just made my actual appointments really stressful and frightening. They put women through hell short-term for no fucking point. I just wanted to smack em but the clinic tells you not to engage or interact with them at all. perhaps I should have gone back and just thrown it all at them, literally.
Keithy (or anyone else who's had to get through protestors to get to the clinic) would it be more or less stressful to you to have counter protestors outside the clinic? genuine question
the one time I've come across protest and I did engage there was a lone protestor and no women entering the clinic
Also a lot of women who go to that clinic aren't going for abortions. That clinic does loads of keyhole fallopian tube clipping for women who don't want any more babies because you can get it much quicker there than via the NHS.
Keithy (or anyone else who's had to get through protestors to get to the clinic) would it be more or less stressful to you to have counter protestors outside the clinic? genuine question
the one time I've come across protest and I did engage there was a lone protestor and no women entering the clinic

I personally would have found it less stressful to have counter-protestors there but that's because I already was very sure about my views on abortion and what I perceive as a right over my own body. So, in that sense, I would have felt more confident not feeling so 'alone' in that situation.
Also a lot of women who go to that clinic aren't going for abortions. That clinic does loads of keyhole fallopian tube clipping for women who don't want any more babies because you can get it much quicker there than via the NHS.
and it does vasectomies, plus it gives contraceptive advice. But I am guessing the 40 days brigade would like to ban all of the above. they'd like us all barefoot and pregnant.
Keithy (or anyone else who's had to get through protestors to get to the clinic) would it be more or less stressful to you to have counter protestors outside the clinic? genuine question
the one time I've come across protest and I did engage there was a lone protestor and no women entering the clinic

At the moment the "40 Days for Life" are doing a full on demo targetting several clinics in London. The one outside Marie Stopes in Whitfield street has large banner and model of a foetus. At least one person directly outside the door to the clinic to harass people ( peace and Love of course:rolleyes:) going in. They are there all day. Numbers vary depending on time of day. Same thing at Bedford sq. I have not seen the Brixton one.

I will see if I can get some photos.

You do realise your anger, violence & hatred will never ever stop the peaceful and loving message of 40 days for life? I am off to Brixton now. Your violence will be met by love and penance.
Laters :)

MaxKolbe-- you are part of an organisation that is linked to a US anti abortion campaign. In US you are the "peaceful" end of a spectrum that includes intimidation of those who help women to get abortions. 40 Days For Life are now trying to get a foothold into this country

Give the peace and love nonsense a rest.

Your presence is intimidatory. So do not be surprised if you people make comments at you. Im not against people demonstrating nor am I against people verbally opposing you at your demo.

Ive given them a piece of my mind. Peacefully of course.:)

Unlike US this is a secular country. The vigils I see in Whitfield st and Bedford sq are run by Catholics. Making a big deal of it with the rosary beads.

You are not welcome here.
You are not welcome here.

I would like to see the sentiment attached to the so called pro-life movement re-directed to enahancing the life chances of children born into poverty in this country and round the world - then I might have more belief in your being pro-life
Have you left for/touched down in Brixton yet, Max? Or, is it as I suspect, you're at home miles away sitting at your computer lame trolling?

Coz either way its pretty shit.

The anti abortion movement do troll on sites where there are supporters of abortion.

I would like to see the sentiment attached to the so called pro-life movement re-directed to enahancing the life chances of children born into poverty in this country and round the world - then I might have more belief in your being pro-life

Sorry? Im pro abortion on demand. I think you have misread my post?

Just edited it to make it more clear.
I am pro abortion on demand as well. I've probably just worded my post badly Gramsci, when I wrote 'your' I meant it towards the anti-abortion movement not you! Sorry:oops:

I don't like the term pro-life being championed by the anti abortion movement as I think they are pro-conception and birth and then abdicate responsibility for the life bit
Dear friends, thought I would update you. I did not go to Brixton on Saturday in the end but managed to get to Bedford Square for an hour. DKN there are 3 london locations?! Deo Gratias. I Just prayed the Rosary and a Divine Mercy chaplet. It's amazing how many people say they regret their abortion at these events and wish they knew there was support out there. The Good Counsel network do sterling work. Anyway I hope you find it in your hearts not to hurl venomous invective. I come in Peace :)
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