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Columbia truth and reconciliation


You can't park here sir
BBC News - Colombia conflict: Soldiers passed off killed civilians as rebels

This is really fucking depressing extra judicial killings not happening as fucked up, Strategy or even racism/hatred of the locals

But simply at to look good on the monthly report and not get extra dutys🤬.

Banility of evil😥 now I wouldn't claim to be any sort of paragon but plan and commit murder to avoid extras or for a weekend pass I don't think so.

Co encouraged the practice so they looked like they were winning the war they planted guns on the vicitms🤬
The false positives began 20 years ago. This was last month:

Army operation in Putumayo could be described as "false positive" confirmed humanitarian commission that visited the area​

After the operation carried out by the National Army on March 28, in Puerto Leguízamo, Putumayo, a Verification Mission went to the area of interference to investigate the incident. After collecting the data obtained, they concluded that said intervention was an extrajudicial execution, in this case, both operational and its posterity, left open doubts in relation to this case, although the main justification of the Ministry of Defense is that sought to strike a heavy blow at the armed structures of the so-called Second Marquetalia, the evidence found by the Mission shows the contrary.

Although this delegation recognizes the possible presence of illegal actors in the area, they emphasize that this does not justify the armed incursion that left the population in the middle of fire, in addition to the human rights violation that it may have suffered, in the statement, the Mission assured: “This extrajudicial execution against the population of El Remanso and the neighboring communities that participated in the bazaar, was also directed against human groups highly protected by international humanitarian law, such as indigenous peoples, social leaders and minors, who were murdered. In fact, it should be noted that these practices are of great concern to the Mission, taking into account that they are systematic and that they correspond to the same patterns of behavior already investigated in other times in the territory” .


"The Army is trying to turn it around and create a legal manipulation of IHL-International Humanitarian Law, to justify what happened, to say that the entire population that was there was a narco-coca grower, all guerrillas and had to be killed" .

Operación del Ejército en Putumayo podría calificarse como “falso positivo” confirmó comisión humanitaria que visitó la zona (In Spanish)

(Also, any Colombian reading the thread title might get slightly annoyed with the spelling!)
One of the first things President Duque did when he began his term at the start of 2019 was appoint Gen. Nicacio Martínez as commander of the army. He immediately shut down an internal army anti-corruption investigation which had began to show good results in weeding out corrupt generals (this investigation was pretty much leaked in its entirety to the press throughout the summer of 2019).

But what caused the most concern was a new order to increase kill counts, harking back to the days of the false positives of the Uribe administration. This was the basis of an NYT investigation which resulted in the journalist Nick Casey having to flee the country as it was deemed unsafe for him to stay:

Colombia Army’s New Kill Orders Send Chills Down Ranks​

BOGOTÁ, Colombia — The head of Colombia’s army, frustrated by the nation’s faltering efforts to secure peace, has ordered his troops to double the number of criminals and militants they kill, capture or force to surrender in battle — and possibly accept higher civilian casualties in the process, according to written orders and interviews with senior officers.

A court in the United States has found multinational fruit company Chiquita Brands International liable for financing a Colombian paramilitary group.

The group, the United Self-Defence Forces of Colombia (AUC) engaged in widespread human rights abuses in Colombia, including murdering people it suspected of links with left-wing rebels.

The victims ranged from trade unionists to banana workers.

Lawyers for Chiquita argued that the company had no choice but to pay the AUC to protect its Colombian employees from violence.

But the plaintiffs argued that the company formed "an unholy alliance with the AUC" at a time when Chiquita was expanding its presence in regions controlled by the AUC.

$38 million paid to the families of victims

Chiquita were once the United Fruit Company and something of a CIA front. They tried to overthrow the Guatemalan government in 1954.
Chiquita were once the United Fruit Company and something of a CIA front. They tried to overthrow the Guatemalan government in 1954.
i'd be interested to see anything you have suggesting the ufc was something of a cia front, nothing i can see suggests that. just that they were close to top people in the usg who they lobbied, successfully, to do something about arbenz's expropriation of ufc land. which is bad enough tbh
i'd be interested to see anything you have suggesting the ufc was something of a cia front, nothing i can see suggests that. just that they were close to top people in the usg who they lobbied, successfully, to do something about arbenz's expropriation of ufc land. which is bad enough tbh

Just good friends then eh.

It was UFC who started throwing around the word 'communist' to describe the Guatemalan government, a telling word in the early 50s. Which led to the CIA hiring militias for overthrow.

However, this did not satisfy United Fruit. They wished to make an example of Guatamala, so their other host nations wouldn’t dare oppose them. They had the CIA pay off the Guatemalan military so they would let the Honduras militia win [16]. After the victory, the leader of the Honduran militia, Castillo Armas, was appointed as president of Guatemala and Armas was a puppet of United Fruit Company for the rest of his term

Puppets eh?
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