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Chips in the freezer or no chips in the freezer house?

Daddy or chips?

  • Chips always available in the freezer

    Votes: 26 25.0%
  • Chips usually available

    Votes: 22 21.2%
  • Chips sometimes available

    Votes: 25 24.0%
  • No-chips zone in our freezer

    Votes: 30 28.8%
  • Only sweet potato skin-on fries, daaaahling

    Votes: 1 1.0%

  • Total voters


Approved by toads
I grew up in a house where we never had chips in the freezer, and I still never do now; I guess I just have the feeling that if you have chips in the house, it's too easy to just eat chips all the time. They do feel like they're a household staple (maybe less than 20-30 years ago) but has never been in my house. I'm quite glad of it because I remember knowing boys (and it was always boys) who seemed to subsist entirely off chips between the ages of about 9 and, I dunno, about 23, which seemed short of ideal nutritionally. If we kept chips around I can imagine both of mine living off them. We do have them when eating out and get in fish and chips every now and then and we make home made oven chips now and then but that's suprisingly time consuming so it only happens a few times a year.

So - chips or no chips in your household freezer?
Have never had chips in the freezer because we generally eat curries, pasta etc that I wouldn't eat with chips. Oven chips are a bit crap, chip pans are a cardiac/fire hazard but when we do want chips (about once a month) we'll get them from the chippy.
We always had chips in the freezer growing up.

I was until the last year or two a chips in the freezer household, but now I'm not allowed to eat them. So no chips for me.
I do like chips, and frozen chips done in the air fryer are quick and convenient as well as being nice and not particularly unhealthy (certainly not compared with buttery mash!)
Don't always have room for them in the freezer though, so it's a "sometimes" thing.

Never when I was a kid though - no freezer for most of my childhood! We ate chips of course, just made from scratch from potatoes rather than bought frozen - egg and chips on occasion when my dad fancied making it. He does excellent shallow-fried chips.
we make home made oven chips now and then but that's suprisingly time consuming
We never had chips when I was a child. The carbs were rice or boiled potatoes. No frozen foods then that I recall.
Now there are usually oven chips in the freezer, and they take less than 15 minutes in the air fryer.
My current favourites are McCain's beer battered fries, usually available from Iceland, but not at the moment.
I only have chips/fries one a week.
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Always used to have them in the freezer when the kids lived at home but now only occasionally have a bag if I can’t get to a place that sells potatoes . Don’t eat a lot of chips anyway , and most times there is only me , but would rather cook them in the air fryer or in a pan .
Growing up = no chips in the freezer. They were only ever made from potatoes dipped in hot fat.

Now = always chips in the freezer. I'm scared of deep frying.

Boyfriend has a proper deep fryer, mum and dad used a pan and basket. Mum had a proper chip pan inferno when I was about 6. Delicious but so scary.
We use rice mainly. Same when I was a kid.

Chips are a treat and if we're having them, one of us will do proper hand-cut jobs.

Having said that, I think there is a half used pack of oven chips in there from when I was home alone once and couldn't be arsed to make some.
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Think we probably had chips in the freezer often (but didn't eat them that frequently) but not all the time when I was growing up, but my dad would sometimes do proper ones with deep fried raw potato too.

No chips in the freezer now (not that I have one here, just one of those useless ice boxes in the top of the fridge). The chip van that comes here on Saturday evenings does a big portion of really fucking good chips for £1.70 so I don't tend to bother making my own.
We never had chips in the freezer growing up, Mum Q always made her own chips and even today several years after she made her last pan, Mum Q's chips are the gold standard against which all other chips are judged, especially for Mrs Q who loved them.
Mrs Q on the other hand never makes her own chips, there is always a bag of frozen chips in the house, in fact there is usually a bag in the kitchen freezer that's currently in use and one or two reserve bags in the garage freezer so we don't run out.
I never used to bother as chips done in the oven are shit and I'm not a fan of pans/deep fryers. I always remember been a bit wary of the boiling pan of lard that always seemed to be on at my gran's :eek:

After the air fryer revolution I usually have a bag in the freezer though. Lidl's skin on fries are the current favourite.
Chips in the freezer, but I can't remember when we last ate them.

When I was working with the fire service I was told that oven chips were one of the main reasons (along with less smoking) for the massive reduction in house fires over the last 30 or so years. Far less deep fat frying pans around and far far less people coming home pissed and trying to cook proper chips.
Chip pan with lard as a kid, deep fried everything ahead of the oven and handcut chips from actual spuds, no frozen.

Tend to make my own wedges of varying quality when i want chips now although i get the odd bag of frozen ones if i have a hectic week in work/as a treat.
Speaking as the descendant of those who survived on potatoes
We usually have chips in the freezer and cook them in the airfryer which does make them a healthier option than deep fried.
As a child we ate chips from the local Italian chipper. They were delicious and many a cold night was warmed up with a belly full of hot chips cooked in lard. I should say we were all skinny kids. There was no central heating so chips were very welcome in winter.
We didnt have a freezer. Just a little compartment in the fridge. It only ever had ice cubes and a block of ice cream. Mam cooked chips from scratch in a big pot of oil. Or shallow fried in a pan but this was not often. Maybe once a month
Chips are one of the few things a very faddy-food / fussy-eater friend of mine will eat on a regular basis.

I don't mind "proper" chips as a rare treat, but part of the friend's dieting has been to go to oven chips [as supposedly low fat].
I don't like them, there seems to be a very narrow band between undercooked and burnt corners.
I would much rather eat a baked spud or boiled new spuds - which I think are probably lower calorie but much more fuss to cook.

This situation has reminded me of the problems trying to get a young relative to eat something approaching a decent diet.
No chips in freezer or chips in the deep fryer here. Dont really like potatoes. Think we had them in the freezer as a kid though.
We always had them in as a child. Cardboard chip shaped things from KwikSave. Nowadays I don't run a freezer at all. Chips are wedges of actual potato done in the oven and they're so good. Or go round the chippy. The only frozen thing I miss is peas. The rest can do one.
Freezer chips as a child after my parents divorced as one of the few things my dad could cook. These days I mostly make chips in the air fryer from real potatoes, but at least once a month I have a meltdown day when I can't bear the thought of chopping a vegetable, so I like to have a bag in the freezer for such eventualities. My favourite is Tesco Salt 'n Pepper Ridge Chips. Or anything crinkle cut which feels decadent.
Anyone remember Micro Chips?

Don't have to remember very far back, they were the source of a row at ours last year when OH was on the wrong medication and thought it would be a good idea to fill up the freezer with the things because "they were on special offer" (which still means really expensive compared to a bag of own brand part-cooked oven chips, or a bag of spuds and a bit of effort).
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