As I said on the other thread, this inquiry should not be judged on the questions being asked now (though I should point out that "tepid questions" or not, they have managed to make Blair and his arguments appear even more absurd than he does normally), it should be judged on what conclusions they come to.
The above quote makes the point clear.
But lets take a more general look as well, its not just Blair, but all of those who voted to invade Iraq, and not just those in Parliament, B.N.L.P. and Conservative M.P.s, but also the Party branches.
The Members of the British New Labour party [B.N.L.P.], who were members prior to 1997 when the 'New entity' was announced, are also the ones responsible for the finishing of the old party.
There was little rebellion in the 'new party', against the decision for invasion of another country, lets not pretend that they did not know that large numbers of the population would be killed, especially the children, women and the old, all civilians.
In fact almost all who died in the first year were civilians, as the Iraq army had disbanded.
A demonstration is taking place at the moment outside the building, but where can we ask are the representatives of the 'B.N.L.P.s branches, where are their banners ?
Why are they all hiding in the darkness ?
The demonstrators say Blair has blood on his hands, but don't the branch members also bear a responsibility, are not their hands also covered in blood ?
The B.N.L.P. councillors in town and city councils all over the country ?
And the same for the Conservatives.
We now again have elections coming, local and national, and again we have a crop of the 'loonie left', [it was the last generation of loonie lefts that helped found the new labour party.] this time they are proposing standing candidates for the General election, and in constituencies where they don't have a candidate, they propose calling for a 'labour vote'.
So why in any constituency where they do stand a candidate should any vote for them, why not just vote B.N.L.P. ?
To call for a 'labour' vote in such constituencies is to 'endorse' the party as if its a genuine working class party, they may as well endorse the Conservative and Lib Dems as well.
A question of concern for all electors, '' is the candidate capable of being an M.P. ? ''
It costs money to register a candidate for a general election, but not for local elections, so why not stand even more people in the local elections and by pass the general election, except for any outstanding candidate ?
And when working in the wards, call upon the local 'New Labour Party branches to break free and constitute themselves as separate and autonomous entities.
With a longer term view of becoming founding elements of a new working class party.
It may not happen during the election process, but if the B.N.L.P. lose, then the party is mainly finished, it will have enormous debts, the less people campaign for them, the more it will cost.
But the election period will provide a sound basis for intervention, for time to call for the branches to change their position, if 'new labour' lose, many branches will fold anyway.
So really, its up to the more rational based groups, those who want to stand candidates in a serious manner, to use the election for training new councilors, if elected, in opposition to the loonies, who are just again attempting to lead the working class in the wrong direction.
They may just as well lead the workers down the garden path to play with the fairies.