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Characters of Brixton....

You can see him @ 36-37 seconds in on this 1982 Thames News clip posted in the Brixton General History thread by cuppa tea

The arches and railway station staircase look in much better nick don't they? This clip is clear video evidence of 30 years+ neglect by British Rail/Railtrack/Network Rail.

That was fascinating. The bits of it that look derelict were due to the Council still pursuing some of its plans to demolish central Brixton. Many boarded up properties were CPOd by the Council then squatted.Why central Brixton ended up with so much "short life".

Yes that’s him in the clip. Wonder what became of him.

Agree about the arches. In fact what surprises me is that the stretch of Atlantic road from CHL to Brixton road looks much more of a shopping centre than now. A wide range of shops.

Also noticed that the shops were not encroaching on the pavement.
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That was fascinating. The bits of it that look derelict were due to the Council still pursuing some of its plans to demolish central Brixton. Many boarded up properties were CPOd by the Council then squatted.Why central Brixton ended up with so much "short life".

Yes that’s him in the clip. Wonder what became of him.

Agree about the arches. In fact what surprises me is that the stretch of Atlantic road from CHL to Brixton road looks much more of a shopping centre than now. A wide range of shops.

Also noticed that the shops were not encroaching on the pavement.

Great video though they seemed scared to get out of the car and got a robsut response when they pass the rec on the way back. That's where I bought a packet of oregano once and as a sucker on another occassion bought a tenner's worth of road tar- when a tenner was a lot of money then.
I bought a five quid deal from a man in a superman t-shirt on Atlantic Road. It was a few seeds and stalks with mixed herbs. Not "herbes de provence"; gentrification hadn't started back then.
After that I got wise and insisted on smelling it and inspecting it - even then on one occasion had a palming worthy of David Nixon - that was years before I discovered the delights of Greenleaf Cafe on Landor Road - must have had SUCKER tattooed on my head or something. Selling fake 'illegal' drugs is a criminal offence in the US.
There was another interesting resident of Brixton, about 15 years ago called Jack Adams. An oldish guy (late 50s/early 60s), he was a well-known associate of the Krays: a real old-school gangster, not just a squitty little thug. He ran a studio under the arches in Barrington Road and it was he who brought all the old-time London gangsters to do an album for Tricky. People like Great Train robber Tom Wisby and Tony Lambrianou and Mad Frankie Fraser. Jack was on the album too

He was in the Prontaprint on Coldharbour Lane one morning in the mid 90s when it was steamed by a gang of Peckham yoot. Jack decked about two of them and bit off the cheek of another before he was knifed and had to be taken to hospital in an air ambulance.

He built up a chain of petrol stations with money from Charlie Kray and, when he retired (gangsters retire?), for tax reasons he made them all over to his wife. She promptly divorced him.

I am from california i remember Jack ,,,wonder what happened to him...he recorded all kinds of reggae bands and the slo ponies (aka the sea lords) a surf band from california..Jack told us he got the money to buy the studio and his house in brixton(and a villa in Spain also)when he robbed an armored car and hid the money at his "mums" house..when he got out of brixton prison the money was still there..he said it was worth it...he was very cool recorded our stuff for free
See: Street Preachers of Brixton: Carlton Warren, ex-boxer (click for more)


Source: The person who runs the website
Carlton used to be one of the bouncers in the Hobgoblin - the 'old' Hob, in about 2003-2005 - genuinely nice guy. And usually totally quiet and peaceful (unlike when he's preaching :D )
Thought it would be interesting to find out other peoples knowledge of certain characters I always see around Brixton, I find it really fascinating knowing that these big characters are notcied by so many people but never known...does anybody have any more information on these people or have any stories to input??

Thin and slightly ill-looking white rasta guy who hands out university of dub flyers at the station.

"Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love. Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love. Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love. Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love. Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love. Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love. Abba shanti. Reggae. Dub. Drum And Bass. One Love."


Same shit all the time innit. He must get bored, although I'd imagine he does it for the love :D

White Rasta Guy was at many of the Rec meetings last year to discuss the closure. He put forward a very eloquent case about how the Rec should be the hub of the community and used for Uni of Dub events.

I see him around Stockwell a fair bit. He always said hello and seems a decent sort.

He goes to SOAS. I used to see him there all the time last year.

His name is Steve. He has some very extreme views I don't have much time for.

He moved down from leicester with the rest of the crew, didn't he?


(Source: Youtube)

Steve The Dub Promoter
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