In the guardian story about grieve and greening (firm of solicitors specialising in wills and environmental greenwash), the 3 who have left claim a third of the Tory Party would join them in the event of no deal. While that's clearly ridiculous, dishonest even, I do wonder whether the timing of the Tigger thing will hit the Tories just as much as Labour? Certainly Labour will be relieved it has happened amid Brexit and has become about both parties. If this had happened in normal times it would have been purely a 'Labour split cos of Corbyn' story.
I certainly don't discount the snap poll yesterday with this hitting Labour more in the polls. My guess is more substantial polls will show Labour has been hit more by the defections. If opinion polls have the Brexit process welded onto them, Labour have the least clarity at the moment. Tories are just about the party of Brexit, whilst the Tiggers and other centrist filth shape up as anti-Brexit. Labour, sort of... if... However I'm not suggesting there is a 'realignment' going on. Back to normal times and the impact of Tig will just be at the level of individual constituencies. Overall though, and I'm a broken record on this, underneath is the failure of Corbyn to be a bit bolder. Bolder in terms of changing the structures of the party. Bolder too in terms of getting some kind of fightback against austerity, particularly in local government. But also getting out of the mindset that Labour engages with the working class by simply getting people to join Labour (or a union).