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Change a movie title by one letter to create an entirely different film

The God Lather - a born again Christian product development executive working for a multinational purveyor of personal grooming products receives divine inspiration for a groundbreaking liquid soap formulation.
We Net - a team of animal collectors for private menageries aim to win a TV talent show by bringing in a record catch of hippos in just 24 hours.
Fatman Returns. A US bomber crew has a crisis of conscience and decides not to drop the second atomic bomb.
Avengers: Infinity Pool. An alliance of superheroes battles evil local authority bureaucrats who refuse planning permission for the installation of a new swimming pool in the back garden of their terraced council house in Milton Keynes.
Die, Daniel Blake. A vicious inhumane government minister implements legislation that deprives ill people of their social security benefits. (Come to think of it, that was what happened both in reality and in I, Daniel Blake).
Avengers: Infinity Pool. An alliance of superheroes battles evil local authority bureaucrats who refuse planning permission for the installation of a new swimming pool in the back garden of their terraced council house in Milton Keynes.
It's one letter different not one word.
Planet of the Aps. A group of astronauts crash-lands onto an Earth-like planet, with a humanoid population in thrall a strange portable technology.
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Supermax. Superman is detained in a maximum security Federal prison in the USA for being an illegal alien.
Watch Me If You Can. Leonardo DiCaprio takes part in an international gurning contest.

Match Me If You Can. In 1950s small town America Leonardo DiCaprio receives hideous facial injuries in an accident, then signs up with a dating agency.

Patch Me If You Can. One Monday morning in 1960s rural America Leonardo DiCaprio’s favourite pair of jeans suffers horrendous damage in an accident involving a piece of agricultural machinery. He hopes to wear them to the high school hop at the end of the week, and the race is on to find someone with the requisite tailoring skills.
{Variations on Gone Girl}

Bone Girl. A biopic about the childhood of a palaeontologist.

Cone Girl. A biopic about the childhood of a member of a road maintenance crew.

Tone Girl. A heart-warming story about one girl’s struggle to be accepted in a church choir.

Lone Girl. The story of the childhood of someone who will grow up to assassinate a president, on her own initiative, and definitely not as part of a conspiracy.
A Few Wood Men

A tale of a team of jobbing carpenters who roam a post-Apocalyptic land fixing damaged houses. “You can’t handle the roof!” cries one at the climax of the film. In a moving confession, the object of the accusation admits that he never finished his apprenticeship, because he was forced to drop out to care for his sick mother. He is in fact not a skilled carpenter, but a bodger.

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