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Championship play off games.


You can't say lavatory without saying tory.
Anyone got a working link for today's Leeds v Norwich game?
Come on you Saints!

/would be fine with anyone except Leeds going up but who am I kidding, they will
'Twas ever thus. At least we won't have to play you next season. You still have the final to go though.
'Twas ever thus. At least we won't have to play you next season. You still have the final to go though.
Leeds have never won promotion in the playoffs and they've been in them 5 times.
Hopefully it's sixth time lucky.
Anyone but Southampton :thumbs:

Plus if Southampton stay down we'll get some good old Pompey vs Scum grudge matches again (as if there's any other kind lol) and that only happens every few years.
Is the weird Pompey fan still banned from Fratton Park for pissing on seats?

I have to admit, I'm intrigued by the prospect of a Hampshire derby, there hasn't been one in a while.
Is the weird Pompey fan still banned from Fratton Park for pissing on seats?

I have to admit, I'm intrigued by the prospect of a Hampshire derby, there hasn't been one in a while.

I'm sure he'll be allowed back if So'ton stay down, free tickets to those matches and a bottomless supply of coffee :D
The last Wednesday match I went to was Pompey, back when Moore was our manager and we lost the playoffs to Sunderland (I've not been for ages because of health stuff, last time I went knackered me). Sadly I did not see John Westwood in the wild.

Bazunu's handlers at Pompey will no doubt be keeping an eye on him.
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