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Champions League Final 2024 - Borussia Dortmund vs Real Madrid

No free option it seems... no bother!

Pretty sure it is free?

Usually, all matches in European club competitions require a subscription to be able to tune in. For the showpiece finale, which will be taking place at Wembley on Saturday night at 8pm, fans will be able to access live streams of the game on the Discovery+ app by registering for a free account to tune in to the stream.
I'm not a huge fan of Madrid, by any means, but hard not to be impressed with their record, but also Ancelotti's. Quite remarkable.
So many Dortmund fans in London this weekend I've only seen a handful of Madrid fans but tons of yellow shirted Dortmund fans. I think they've practically taken over Hyde Park too.
Christ :facepalm:

Wonder if that's what the pitch invaders were about? As upthread, could easily be something else, but I think German footy fans tend to be quite active on club issues?
radio commentary suggested it was just about getting selfies with star players. said they'd expected it to be political, but it was just ppl who'd had too much to drink.
radio commentary suggested it was just about getting selfies with star players. said they'd expected it to be political, but it was just ppl who'd had too much to drink.
Ha! Tbh, that was also fairly high on the list of possibilities :D

Still, plenty of time for everyone else to take a turn...
Oof, that's rough.

Easy to play psychologist from the living room, but favouring one foot and the heavy touch suggests the moment got to him a bit.

Although, not like that sorta thing doesn't happen all the time anyway, in far less important matches.
I know I'm in the minority here, but I've never been convinced by that whole "used his body" thing.

Yeah, used his body to shove the other player over, with no intent of doing anything with the ball whatsoever.
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