That's not necessarily true at all.I think it's the protest itself by this Yuppies Out group that bugs me - nowt against the idea of getting rid of yuppies in the area (though how we define this might be an issue) or protesting but I don't know who they are or what their agenda is. Their facebook page is heavily stylised - creating a kind of 'Yuppies Out' Brand - there is no conversation/dialogue about supporting other campaigns. I think the only thing to come out of it is publicity for the champagne place, publicity for Yuppies Out and for Brixton Buzz who have written lots about it.
Real impact for people - not alot.
Not all protests should be judged on whether they act as a catalyst for any immediate real world changes or not - what some can do is to raise awareness around an issue and spark a debate. And this has most certainly done that.