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Cat injured. Hiding under shed :( (update: sadly not a good ending)


running from law and the press and the parents
Just heard a wailing cat outside, looked over the fence to see it was Bob. Jumped over as there is no one living there at the mo and found his back legs had gone. Picked him up and then realised I can't get back over the fence with him, so put him down. Climbed back over, ran to get a cat box and went back. He's now managed to drag himself under next doors shed out of reach. No amount of food, whistling, calling or tapping of his food cup is bringing him out. Vet have said to bring him straight down when I can get him out.

But how? I've come back to mine in the hope that will make him come out for food and I can get back over the fence before he makes it to safety again.

Any ideas? Tips?

poor bob :(

just have to be patient until he crawls out for food

or take more drastic cat catching action like bang on the shed with people ready not catch him , which will sadly freak him out more
does he have a favourite human aside from yourself may be able to coax him out

my mother cat leon has been hurt a few time s and take me coming a kind for him to appear
does he have a favourite human aside from yourself may be able to coax him out

my mother cat leon has been hurt a few time s and take me coming a kind for him to appear
Probably not, it's probably me. If we can't find him my whistle usually brings him back
Have you tried something really smelly like a Lickystix? That's the thing mine will come back for if they've been freaked out by loud noises or similar. Really hope he comes out soon as you must be worried sick :(
Poor Bob. That's awful 🥺
Has he lost power to his back legs or has he actually got no back legs?
Sorry if that's a thick question...but it would make a difference as to how to proceed...unfortunately
Have you tried something really smelly like a Lickystix? That's the thing mine will come back for if they've been freaked out by loud noises or similar. Really hope he comes out soon as you must be worried sick :(
Got some ham there. That's like crack to them. No movement wayward bob ... In process of trying to get hold of the land lord before I break into shed and answer questions later
If it was one of my mob I'd dig out the Dreamies, get their toy fishing rod thing out and the laser pointer and see if I can use them to persuade them to move closer to the edge of the shed by laying on my belly and having a gentle chat with them for a while. Lots of soft vocals and reassurances.

Would also try getting a fleecy blanket under there with familiar smells. Might help to soothe and also if he claws it you might have a chance to use it to very carefully pull Bob closer to you. Best of luck Mumbles. I hope Bob is okay x
One Bob safely in his box. Waiting outside the vets now for him to be seen.

I went for a homemade lasso using string, fishing rod and some masking tape so the string didn't cut into him. He let me get it round his neck and I just pulled until I could get his scruff

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