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Carlton Mansions co-op, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton - history and news

If people are going to discuss 'strategies' on here it might be worth doing a private conversation with relevant posters.

Rushy it sounds like you have useful experience and knowledge. ;)
I don't really, I'm afraid. Degree was a long time ago and I have never practised. A friend gave me access to his firm's research library but he is now in-house with an ents company so not much use! The guys need proper advice.
Disgusting behaviour from Lambeth. I think this incident needs to go back to Chukka and Heywood asking for a justification of the waste of Lambeth's residents' money. What a vile way to conduct themselves.

I'd support a fund. And I definitely think Public Eye would go for this, be good to shame Lambeth more publicly.
Can I just say at this point that I'm pretty sure Chuka ain't the relevant MP in this case so he won't respond. People should address their concerns to Tessa Jowell who I think is the relevant constituency MP. She's definitely mine and I think I'm in the same constituency as Carlton Mandions.
Disgusting behaviour from Lambeth. I think this incident needs to go back to Chukka and Heywood asking for a justification of the waste of Lambeth's residents' money. What a vile way to conduct themselves.

I'd support a fund. And I definitely think Public Eye would go for this, be good to shame Lambeth more publicly.

Although I don't dislike Lambeth as much as some, this is eye-openingly incompetent.
How would Rachel Heywood like to receive a notice seeking possesion? This is so upsetting. Where will people put all their things and furniture - the disruption of it could cause vulnerable people to commit suicide. Do the authorities think people in social housing or "short-life" housing live out of a suitcase? They want a home, a proper home, the same as anyone wants. Also that lovely, atmospheric building, please don't tell me some idiot thinks that's not worth preserving. Looking at it from inside Granville Arcade across the road is beautiful. This story is just sickening. Lambeth don't give a shit for 30 years then get all paternal and concerned. What about the choice of "I'd rather stay and take the risk" - the uprooting is more drastic than the chance of fire.
How would Rachel Heywood like to receive a notice seeking possesion? This is so upsetting. Where will people put all their things and furniture - the disruption of it could cause vulnerable people to commit suicide. Do the authorities think people in social housing or "short-life" housing live out of a suitcase? They want a home, a proper home, the same as anyone wants. Also that lovely, atmospheric building, please don't tell me some idiot thinks that's not worth preserving. Looking at it from inside Granville Arcade across the road is beautiful. This story is just sickening. Lambeth don't give a shit for 30 years then get all paternal and concerned. What about the choice of "I'd rather stay and take the risk" - the uprooting is more drastic than the chance of fire.

What, if any, is the plan for the building when the tenants leave in two years' time. Presumably it will no longer be residential?
He's too busy representing the people of Brixton and policing their political expressions (as last witnessed at Maggie's croak-fest).

Yep, still haven't had a reply from him w/r/t my letter asking him why he's making out he represents the people of Brixton, when he only represents a fraction of 'em (among other things).
He should be a bit more circumspect. Ambition is all well and good, but fuck your constituents over and you may just end up without a seat.
How would Rachel Heywood like to receive a notice seeking possesion? This is so upsetting. Where will people put all their things and furniture - the disruption of it could cause vulnerable people to commit suicide. Do the authorities think people in social housing or "short-life" housing live out of a suitcase? They want a home, a proper home, the same as anyone wants. Also that lovely, atmospheric building, please don't tell me some idiot thinks that's not worth preserving. Looking at it from inside Granville Arcade across the road is beautiful. This story is just sickening. Lambeth don't give a shit for 30 years then get all paternal and concerned. What about the choice of "I'd rather stay and take the risk" - the uprooting is more drastic than the chance of fire.

To be fair, only if "paternal and concerned" means "realised they can make money out of it".

Bear in mind what is at stake for our Labour councillors under the Localism Act. These jokers will now do their very best to milk all their social assets, particularly housing, in order to keep the Council Tax down. Why would they be so intent on keeping the Council Tax down? Because it's something the middle-class incomers that Lambeth's Labour rulers wish to appeal to (remember that many of them believe that "Lambeth has too much social housing") are thought to care about.

Social engineering by the back door. Get rid of the people that make Brixton a place worth living, and replace them with identikit plastic people in an identikit plastic town, and do it by whatever means necessary.
Can't the localism act be used against them? Pickles hates Lambeth Council, and this is an example of them using his localism act against its original purpose...
I think the plan is for business units rather than residential. At the moment.

We were talking to Council and Ovalhouse about the Mansions. After pressure from us they were looking at keeping the top residential.

Thing is if we are got off site we will no longer be able to keep an eye and comment on the Somerleyton road project as it is developed.

I was realistic that in the end its a Council project. But with us not there it gives the three main partners a free reign in how the project develops.

The three main parties being the Council (final say on what happens) , Ovalhouse ( on the north end of site) and Brixton Green.
To be fair, only if "paternal and concerned" means "realised they can make money out of it".

Bear in mind what is at stake for our Labour councillors under the Localism Act. These jokers will now do their very best to milk all their social assets, particularly housing, in order to keep the Council Tax down. Why would they be so intent on keeping the Council Tax down? Because it's something the middle-class incomers that Lambeth's Labour rulers wish to appeal to (remember that many of them believe that "Lambeth has too much social housing") are thought to care about.

Social engineering by the back door. Get rid of the people that make Brixton a place worth living, and replace them with identikit plastic people in an identikit plastic town, and do it by whatever means necessary.

I'd quite like lower council tax!
How would Rachel Heywood like to receive a notice seeking possesion? This is so upsetting. Where will people put all their things and furniture - the disruption of it could cause vulnerable people to commit suicide. Do the authorities think people in social housing or "short-life" housing live out of a suitcase? They want a home, a proper home, the same as anyone wants. Also that lovely, atmospheric building, please don't tell me some idiot thinks that's not worth preserving. Looking at it from inside Granville Arcade across the road is beautiful. This story is just sickening. Lambeth don't give a shit for 30 years then get all paternal and concerned. What about the choice of "I'd rather stay and take the risk" - the uprooting is more drastic than the chance of fire.

Could not agree more. :)

I spent morning in court. Was getting more and more angry at the upset it was causing to Coop members.

Some people were so worried about the injunction that they moved some of the things last night. As no one knew how it would turn out.

An injunction is used to stop someone doing something. Normally a behaviour that is anti social.

So if granted it could take force immediately. The injunction being that to enter our homes would break the injunction.

The majority of the people in the Coop are fairly law abiding lot so this caused a lot of fear.

What also had me fuming was the slur by the "Short Life Housing Projects Manager" said that

"The residents in terms of their social environmental and conditions are likely to carry out practises where fires could develop in the home."

This is just abuse.

Also reading the papers that the Council had submitted to court made me realise that my Cllrs probably knew more than they told me.

Also The Coop had been meeting the Council. In papers to the court the "residents" ( the court papers never say its a Coop) are accused of not talking to the Council. So this is the reason the court action is being taken.

Wrong. The Coop had been meeting the Council over this issue. Its clear to me that this legal action was already being planned whilst the Coop was meeting the Council.
You should definitely write to Private Eye. Use the email address strobes@private-eye.co.uk. They have been reporting for several weeks on Southwark Council and what looks like its cosy deals with Lend Lease who are developing the Heygate Estate at Elephant. They are good at investigating and reporting councils in their Rotten Boroughs section, and they have a wide readership. Everyone should know about Lambeth.
""The residents in terms of their social environmental and conditions are likely to carry out practises where fires could develop in the home."" wtf?!?
I'd 'quite like' lower council tax but I'm actually pretty pissed off that they sent me my bill proudly announcing they'd frozen it at a time when they are cutting services. Better to take a bit more from me than make people on benefits start paying/pay more.

Quite, and hoping the post you quoted was made firmly tongue-in-cheek.
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