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Carlton Mansions co-op, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton - history and news

Please can people write to their Councillors about this. We have received the request this afternoon to attend court tomorrow morning. We have had no time to prepare and they have had a limited communication with us.
If you want to prep a template letter, I could stick it on BrixtonBuzz pronto.
Please can people write to their Councillors about this. We have received the request this afternoon to attend court tomorrow morning. We have had no time to prepare and they have had a limited communication with us.

Good luck tomorrow - if you need anything, just ask :)
I'd be happy to send an email to councillors too if someone could make a boilerplate for us.
If anyone wants to write a letter, just say evicting people is unfair, you don't agree, the fire thing is bollocks, you won't vote for them etc etc....use your loaf :)
Please can people write to their Councillors about this. We have received the request this afternoon to attend court tomorrow morning. We have had no time to prepare and they have had a limited communication with us.

Do you think you can get a postponement due to the lack of notice from them?
boohoo How about this as a template?

Dear [councillor]

It has come to my attention that the council intends to evict residents from the Carlton Mansions co-op on Coldharbour Lane, SW9 over a fire assessment which I understand they are disputing.

Lambeth Council has publicly pledged to help sustain "resilient communities," so it deeply concerns me that this eviction appears to be in the process of being rushed through.

The Carlton Mansions co-op is one of the longest serving communities in the area, and Brixton would the worse off for their removal.

Lambeth Council has proclaimed itself as a co-operative council so I'm a little confused why they should appear so keen to evict the kind of co-operative housing that embodies the very values they’re trying to embrace.

I've just emailed them, here's what i wrote:

Dear councillors,

I'm writing to express my grave concerns about the ongoing situation with regard to the residents of the Carlton Mansions co-operative.

As a local resident, I'm apalled to see Lambeth Council seemingly acting in an underhand way, while attempting to speed up the eviction of these tenants, who have already accepted that they will be moved on nearer the time of the development. The fire assessment certainly seems to have come at a convenient time for LC - are you prepared for the premises to be independently assessed?

Increasingly it appears that LC are not taking the needs of long-term residents seriously enough - and resorting to bullying tactics where deemed necessary.

By scheduling snap-meetings you are not allowing the tenants adequate time to prepare their case - which further reinforces my belief that you do not have their best interests at heart.

I and many other local residents I know are increasingly disillusioned with the way LC conducts its affairs - it would appear it's business first, residents second - and that is no way for a council to conduct itself.

Yours sincerely
Carlton Mansions housing co-operative is a vibrant community, which has had no opportunity to get independent advice or to prepare a case. It does indeed seem strange that a housing co-operative with an excellent safety record, that has played an active role in and with the local community for decades housing local people, is facing this summary guillotine.

In the days of the 1980s when Brixton was not seen as such a salubrious vicinity, and during the uprisings, it is telling that the building was never once touched; not being seen as an 'enemy' to the people of Brixton.

There is an irony to this. The building used to have an extra door at one side, and at the other an emergency exit wide enough to allow a truck to pass through. Why is access to this now denied?
Its like being in a Kafka nightmare.

The Council is causing more distress by doing this than leaving us here until the building is needed for the Somerleyton project.

We have already told Council that we would leave when it was needed for the redevelopment of Somerleyton road.

The court papers do not acknowledge that we are a Coop. Nor do they acknowledge that Coop have history of participating in Council consultations over the years. ie Brixton Masterplan, Brixton SPD and recent consultation on the Somerleyton road project. Which the Council have been saying is being done in consultation with the community. As one of my Ward Cllrs said the Council is doing things differently in involving the local community in this project.
From the papers it seems that this is being done with the political support. Coop assumed that it was all being done by officers. (See my previous post). I was mistaken:

The decision of the political leadership within LBL to proceed with this action was based upon the Cabinet member for Housing, Cllr Pete Robbins.
I've just emailed them, here's what i wrote:

Dear councillors,

I'm writing to express my grave concerns about the ongoing situation with regard to the residents of the Carlton Mansions co-operative.

As a local resident, I'm apalled to see Lambeth Council seemingly acting in an underhand way, while attempting to speed up the eviction of these tenants, who have already accepted that they will be moved on nearer the time of the development. The fire assessment certainly seems to have come at a convenient time for LC - are you prepared for the premises to be independently assessed?

Increasingly it appears that LC are not taking the needs of long-term residents seriously enough - and resorting to bullying tactics where deemed necessary.

By scheduling snap-meetings you are not allowing the tenants adequate time to prepare their case - which further reinforces my belief that you do not have their best interests at heart.

I and many other local residents I know are increasingly disillusioned with the way LC conducts its affairs - it would appear it's business first, residents second - and that is no way for a council to conduct itself.

Yours sincerely
excellent - I find it hard to be so articulate when I'm angry
From the papers it seems that this is being done with the political support. Coop assumed that it was all being done by officers. (See my previous post). I was mistaken:

The decision of the political leadership within LBL to proceed with this action was based upon the Cabinet member for Housing, Cllr Pete Robbins.
I suspected as much. Absolutely appalling action on behalf of the Labour group.
this looks to be a good guide to fire safety in HMOs including compartmentalisation rules


looks like it really boils down to whether the building is interpreted as being a low risk household, larger property etc. which would be pretty subjective.

A long history of operation without any fire incidents ought to help to demonstrate that it should be classified as a relatively low risk property.

at a minimum I'd think you should have interlinked smoke and heat detecting fire alarm throughout the main risk areas of the building, and stair way, emergency lighting in the stairway, fire extinguishuers and blankets in stairwell etc. As long as the ceilings, walls etc are solidly plastered, and the doors to the main corridors are solid that should probably be ok for a low risk building.

If you've got an external fire escape out the back, then there should be no need for compartmentalisation IMO, asssuming each floor has fire exists onto the escape route, as you don't need a 30 minute fire rated corridor for people to escape through - they can get straight out to the fire escape.

that's my quick thoughts, not that I'm personally an expert, but have had to deal with fire safety law for using buildings for public events, so learnt about 30 minute fire corridors etc for that.

As I've said,I do have an expert on hand in the form of my dad, who's taught a good proportion of the fire safety officers and consultants in the country.
The Council in the court papers kind:rolleyes: offer is that:

The occupants will be permitted:facepalm: to remain involved with the Somerleyton Regeneration programme after their move from Carlton Mansions.

They will not acknowledge that its a Coop.
The Council in the court papers kind:rolleyes: offer is that:

The occupants will be permitted:facepalm: to remain involved with the Somerleyton Regeneration programme after their move from Carlton Mansions.

They will not acknowledge that its a Coop.
"After we have evicted you from your home, we will kindly let you express your views (which we will probably ignore) on how we will redevelop your home in the future. In the meantime, we will leave your former home empty for two years, whilst you are charged nearly £300 a week for temporary accomodation."
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