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Carlton Mansions co-op, Coldharbour Lane, Brixton - history and news


What does this mean? How does this work in practise?

presume they mean
'there's no specific budget obviously as is it all departments aim and wish to transition to cooperative working' bleurgh
as some kind of attempt to hide the massive cost and job cuts if they get where their going and no one dept chief can be blamed then either

and i'm guessing the way it works is coming out of already stretched budgets of all depts rather than top slicing or funding it properly
it's massive horse-shit. we should elect an urban75 councillor. at least then we'd participate in the discussion even if we couldn't do anything about the outcome.
I put in a written submission to the Commission. Never found out what happened to it or whether it was read.

Can you put in an FOI regarding the process for acknowledging the receipt of and responding to written submissions made in this way?
and i'm guessing the way it works is coming out of already stretched budgets of all depts rather than top slicing or funding it properly

Yes it does. I remember telling Cllrs that to do the Coop Council properly they would need to resource it.

Its not , initially at least, a cheap option.

That has met with no response.
We will be in court on September 4th and September 5th at Lambeth County Court, Cleaver street, Kennington. Time is 10.30am

Had two recent articles in SLP and also some support from MP Tessa Jowell. Who wrote on our behalf supporting our request for mediation. Which the Council/ Devonshires have refused.

Anthony Gold the solicitors appointed a experienced surveyor/ fire risk assessor to produce a report with costed works. This was because the Council/ Devonshires refused to look at the possibility of costed works to address fire risk issues.

Devonshires managed last Friday to stop the surveyor being an expert witness in court. Despite his being an experienced professional who the Council know full well would make a good expert for court.

Coop has done some works. Including re instating two extra exits, replacing some fire doors, plastering.

The preliminary report is costing works at around £16 800 plus vat. The biggest cost is an alarm system. Flats have smoke alarms but looks like an alarm system is advised.

So much cheaper to let us stay on site than trying to vacate and leave building empty.

The Ward Cllrs have been kept up to date on all this. But so far had little concrete support from them.

Personally I am disappointed in the lack of support from Labour Cllrs. We have been getting help and advice from a couple of former Labour Cllrs. All these years when I have gone to meetings etc engaging the Council in a constructive manner. Makes no difference.

Devonshires ,under direction of officers, have been pursuing the case aggressively.

Its not something I like. My stress levels are hard to cope with. Been feeling like giving up a few times as its to much to handle.

You cannot negotiate with these people. Cllrs should be questioning officers.

Darren Johnson (Green party) of the Chair of Housing committee on the GLA replied to Coop saying he is taking the issue up and supporting us.
How is this possible?

Since last court appearance there has been a protracted argument between both sides about a third inspection as directed by the last court.

In short Devonshires/ Council did not want a Fire Risk Assessor who is also a surveyor. A person who can assess fire risk and costs of works given the life of the building before the development of Somerleyton road project.

The last court directions say that both parties jointly instruct an expert. But the Council refused to budge on this.

Before last court appearance the defence solicitor offered two experts to do another FRA plus look at cost of works. Devonshires / Lambeth refused this offer. All along they have refused to countenance anything that might offer an alternative to eviction. .

Last time in court Devonshires/ Lambeth when they had the draconian injunction refused yet again demanded from the Judge a further FRA.The Judge agreed this. Giving Devonshires/ Council to provide a list of FRAs. With both sides to jointly instruct.

Even though Devonshires/ Council had turned down the offer put forward by the defence previous to this court appearance.

The solicitor for the defence , due to impasse , asked an expert known to the Council , to do another FRA with costed works. This is an independent person. Devonshires/ Council were even given opportunity to have one of there FRA to go along. They turned this down. On the day that the surveyor / FRA turned up without warning they sent there FRA. Devonshires/ Lambeth did not tell Coop or defence solicitor about this.

That is how Devonshires/ Lambeth have been behaving. Its needlessly unpleasant. Its also psychological. You never know what trick they will do next. This kind of thing really unnerves people. I am sure that’s why they do it.

To cut a long story short the Council FRA was let in and accompanied the one appointed by the defence solicitors around.

The defence solicitor applied to court for further directions on the third FRA. Devonshires argued against the Surveyor / FRA being an expert witness. The Judge agreed with this on a technicality.

The defence solicitor did not oppose that Devonshire/ Lambeth could have there own expert. He wanted the court to agree that the surveyor/ FRA should also be an expert witness.

Devonshires are directed by Lambeth officers. They did not have to argue/ insist on our side having no expert witness. That was there choice.

The law is not always what commonsense might dictate.

This is long post but its complicated issue. Lambeth have been telling journalists that the "occupiers" have been obstructing the court by not choosing an FRA that the Council put forward. I have also been named by one officer in a letter to our MP. Which we have replied to our MP about. Lambeth have been putting out mis information.

I think this is why Devonshire/ Lambeth sent there own FRA guy along without warning. They were trying to make out its the "occupiers" that are being "intransigent" ( as one officer recently said of Coop as we will not go quietly) not the Council.

This is not what happened. The court directions were between to the two legal teams. It was not for "occupiers" to choose. They legal team on the defence is representing one individual on legal aid. It was that legal team that were given the directions not the "occupiers".

Hope that makes it a bit clearer.
Interesting piece in the Brixton Bugle about it today, with some promising news - the surveyor appointed by the residents judged the fire risk to be "substantial", one level lower than "intolerable". So if the court accepts that at the next hearing on Sept 4, the council's argument for eviction would be substantially weakened. Have I got that right Gramsci? Would it strengthen your position to start work on some improvements before the hearing? If you appealed here and at freecycle for materials and tools I bet you'd get plenty of help.
if you read their post from a couple of days ago they have already done some work

from post 429
Devonshires managed last Friday to stop the surveyor being an expert witness in court. Despite his being an experienced professional who the Council know full well would make a good expert for court.

Coop has done some works. Including re instating two extra exits, replacing some fire doors, plastering.

The preliminary report is costing works at around £16 800 plus vat. The biggest cost is an alarm system. Flats have smoke alarms but looks like an alarm system is advised.

So much cheaper to let us stay on site than trying to vacate and leave building empty.
Interesting piece in the Brixton Bugle about it today, with some promising news - the surveyor appointed by the residents judged the fire risk to be "substantial", one level lower than "intolerable". So if the court accepts that at the next hearing on Sept 4, the council's argument for eviction would be substantially weakened. Have I got that right Gramsci? Would it strengthen your position to start work on some improvements before the hearing? If you appealed here and at freecycle for materials and tools I bet you'd get plenty of help.

Have not seen the Bugle yet. Thought it was out on Friday. Will need to have a look. Had chat to Zoe on weekend about it.

Yes ur right and also the Council argument is also weakened as the surveyor/ FRA has done preliminary costings of works to make building safer. That was why someone who is both a surveyor and Fire Risk Assessor was chosen.

The cost of doing this is substantially less than evicting Coop and leaving the building empty. Cost of security would be substantial. Also the Council will not get Council Tax if building left empty.

The surveyor/FRA was appointed by Anthony Gold the soliciters. Coop provided access for the surveyor.

Coop have being doing some improvements. Put in extra exits, new fire doors and plastering. Extra exits make a big difference. Also Coop got 20 new fire extinguishers. Extra exits it makes leaving the building quickly more feasible in case of fire. Coop has rough costing for other works.

The Council/ Devonshires have been given the preliminary report. There has been no response as of now. The argument is that the decision to go for proceedings for eviction is not appropriate now that they have been given this report. I have also sent it to Ward Cllrs, Council leader and Cllr Robbins ( Cabinet member for housing and regen). Just to make sure that the Cllrs know what is going on. They cannot say officers did not tell them.

The surveyor that Anthony Gold appointed is one that is known as reputable experienced professional by the Council.
Sounds like things are going pretty well. :) Fingers crossed, and let us know if you need any help from the Brixton proletariat. Got any mates in the Fire Brigades Union?
The Coop has agreed that it will fund the estimated cost of the works to make the building safer. See post #429

This has now be told to Devonshires who are acting for the Council.

Have to see what they say. So far the Council/ Devonshires have refused anything that might mean residents can stay.

As a point of information the Council gave Camelot money to do works on Clifton Mansions. As well as paying them to secure the place with "guardians".
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The latest from Council/ Devonshires is that is appropriate and standard practise to start to get vacant possession on premises in a regeneration area 18 - 24 months before works start.

Getting residents out now is "appropriate".

So its not about alleged fire risk in the end. Its about getting rid of Carlton Mansions residents.
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The latest from Council/ Devonshires is that is appropriate and standard practise to start to get vacant possession on premises in a regeneration are 18 - 24 months before development starts.

So getting residents out now is "appropriate".

So its not about alleged fire risk in the end.
The whole fire risk thing was clearly slippery and horribly blunt. It made Lambeth look incompetent, untrustworthy and aggressive.

I think you said some way back, Gramsci, that you were all prepared to leave before the regen was due, anticipating that you may still have a couple of years left there. I can understand why the council might not take the co-ops "word" that everyone would definitely vacate when the time came, but I'm sure they could have cooperated with you whilst ensuring they have done the requisite legal stuff in the background "just in case". Pretending they give a shit about the fire safety all of a sudden is wasting everyone's time and resources.
People reading this who are involved on the council side ought to question their behaviour and morality. These are people at Carlton Mansions, not figures on a spreadsheet. People with feelings and frailties. All that work by residents in response to fire safety concerns - all that worry - and now because Carlton Mansions residents have done a good job and the council have started to fear they may lose the case, the council say "oh by the way, it is about something else now, just so you know". Appalling.
People reading this who are involved on the council side ought to question their behaviour and morality. These are people at Carlton Mansions, not figures on a spreadsheet. People with feelings and frailties. All that work by residents in response to fire safety concerns - all that worry - and now because Carlton Mansions residents have done a good job and the council have started to fear they may lose the case, the council say "oh by the way, it is about something else now, just so you know". Appalling.
THIS^^^^ x 1000

I hope you're reading, Councillor Pete Robbins.
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