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Cardiff City news and chat

Yeah I'm going with my nephew. I've no idea where they'll be drinking yet but I'll have to go along with him and his chums as they're providing the ticket and transport!
I got a seat in Canton in front row, seats around me are always empty. Knowing your likeness for taking photos if you wanna pop down and sit by me there’ll be a space for you close to the action. Just by corner flag.
I got a seat in Canton in front row, seats around me are always empty. Knowing your likeness for taking photos if you wanna pop down and sit by me there’ll be a space for you close to the action. Just by corner flag.
Can you just swap seats? Let's message on the day and see if we can hook up for a pint.
So, I'm back at City. Football has been astonishingly average so far. And the officially sanctioned drummer positioned in his own separate space is well cringey.
Have to say I was massively underwhelmed by my City experience. The team were awful, the stadium lifeless and the once legendary Ninian noise seems to be a distant memory.

Judging by the comments from fans after the game, it seems that no one is particularly impressed.

Next time I'm back in Cardiff, I'm going to watch Cardiff Mets or Barry Town
Cardiff City fans have been accused over 'racist and homophobic chanting' at Reading. If it's true then it's an absolute disgrace but a lot of people on Twitter are claiming that the 'racist' chanting was just the standard anti-English stuff. Not particularly pleasant (like the sheep shagging stuff that comes in the opposite direction) but it's really not racist.

Midway through the first half, as play continued, an announcement was made over the public address system urging “away fans” to desist from the alleged chants which the announcement called “not acceptable”. Reading later issued a statement online reporting that “two isolated but wholly unacceptable incidents of discriminatory abuse were reported by a matchday steward in the South Stand … these incidents will be fully investigated.”

Cardiff City fans have been accused over 'racist and homophobic chanting' at Reading. If it's true then it's an absolute disgrace but a lot of people on Twitter are claiming that the 'racist' chanting was just the standard anti-English stuff. Not particularly pleasant (like the sheep shagging stuff that comes in the opposite direction) but it's really not racist.

editor . I knew this would be particularly hard for you to take so as someone who was at the game i will tell you exactly what happened, rather than the media twist on it. I was in the second block of Cardiff fans so probably within 20 rows of Reading fans and certainly within the "lads" section, so you can understand that i was in the heart of the chanting section.
Only chants sung were the usual, England is full of shit, SHit on the English side of the bridge, The hymns and arias Jack bastard version, and a few others related purely to players or cardiff city.
There was NEVER and chanting of a racist nature-unless you include the above as racist, and certainly not of a homophobic nature, i cant even think of a homophobic chant that i've ver heard at Cardiff.
When the announcement was made I, and everyone around me was completely perplexed at what had been sung, and fans were incensed.

At half time we were talking to Cardiff stewards, liaison officers and police and asked them what had been sung, even they were in the dark. One told us that no one had authorised the stadium announcement and it was a surprise to them too. One said that he had heard that when we were singing "jack bastards" one steward thought we wee singing "black bastards", but as for the homophobic chanting I am completely at a loss to begin to think what that may have been.

Meanwhile, the Reading fans sang chants that included references to shagging sheep, calling us Welsh C@nts and there were fans doing aeroplane gestures as we sang about Sala. Make your own mind up which actions were the most distasteful.

Theres no story here, I'm certain, and I think Cardiff should be pushing for a n apology as we have been dragged through the mud over night for no reason.
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Seems that Reading FC are backtracking already.


"Two isolated but wholly unacceptable incidents of discriminatory abuse were reported by a matchday steward in the South Stand during the first half of our FA Cup Fourth Round match against Cardiff City this afternoon."

2 isolated incidents are NOT chanting by a group of fans, and notice the words racist and homophobia have ben dropped in favour of discriminatory!! Evidently it was decided last evening that no further investigation was needed after interviewing the stewards and fans concerned. But that wont be reported. We have been tarnished for no reason and no one will ever have to account for their actions. disgraceful.
The father of the Cardiff City fan arrested, and released without charge at 1am, has made a statement.
His son was arrested for,,,,,,wait for it,,,,,singing “England’s a shit hole, I want to go home”.
There you have it!
Seems that Reading FC are backtracking already.


"Two isolated but wholly unacceptable incidents of discriminatory abuse were reported by a matchday steward in the South Stand during the first half of our FA Cup Fourth Round match against Cardiff City this afternoon."

2 isolated incidents are NOT chanting by a group of fans, and notice the words racist and homophobia have ben dropped in favour of discriminatory!! Evidently it was decided last evening that no further investigation was needed after interviewing the stewards and fans concerned. But that wont be reported. We have been tarnished for no reason and no one will ever have to account for their actions. disgraceful.
And only one steward complained? Yeah, this seems well fucking whiffy.
And only one steward complained? Yeah, this seems well fucking whiffy.
To their credit the Cardiff message boards and social media are full of messages from Cardiff fans stating that if there had been abuse of the type that was alleged then they would have taken action themselves rather than bedding them actions of stewards or police. As a season ticket holder I can tell you that is the truth. I myself have witnessed fans telling other fans they were out of order, not necessarily for chants of this nature but generally.
editor dint suppose you got any copies of Bluebird Jones floating around that you’d part with for cash?
What a game!

“Elleray must blow up any second. We’re in the third minute of injury time … And it’s all over and Cardiff City celebrate as they draw 0-0 with eight men. A remarkable performance. Cambridge United nil, Cardiff City nil. And we celebrate! We celebrate as if we’ve won the European Champions League! A great day in the history of Cardiff City. And this is emotional … this is emotional here in Cambridge. This is what it’s all about. Cardiff City! The greatest team in the world. Richie Humphries come here my son. And he goes into the City crowd. The man’s a hero. They are all heroes … We are surely the greatest team in the history of football. This is what it’s all about. Man United? No. Chelsea? No. Tottenham? No. Barcelona? No. Real Madrid? No. Cardiff City. That’s what it’s all about!”
Well what a great transfer deadline day for the Bluebirds. Never saw that happening.
I see they've settled into mid table mediocrity already...
6 games in? They got a point against a very good Bournemouth side in the week. I think we’ll be where we want to be by Xmas. Don’t want to hit top 6 too soon.
6 games in? They got a point against a very good Bournemouth side in the week. I think we’ll be where we want to be by Xmas. Don’t want to hit top 6 too soon.
I like your optimistic spin about not hitting the top 6 "too soon" :D

One from deep in the archives as Cardiff City travelled to Enfield in the FA cup in - I think - Nov 1994 where we lost 0-1. Or it might have been the year before when it was a 0-0 draw. Anyone remember?
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